• Apparently transporting an intoxicating beverage in a 1923.
  • Paul was arrested for murder but Victor Newman and Carl Williams helped him to fake his suicide and uncover the real story... wow that explains alot
  • I'm proud to say I have a clean record. I am, on the other hand, apparently married to a mass murderer.
  • Jenni was arrested for being drunk in public. and if I google 'Jenny' was arrested for, I get: You may remember Jenny was arrested for killing her sister. Icky!
  • lysa was arrested for motor violations....but i dont drive honest.
  • Evidently, I'm an embezzler. But a very successful one.
  • congratulations.. hey wheres the money in my bank account?
  • L was arrested for inciting a riot. Damn straight.
  • Richard Arrested For Indecent Exposure.
  • Richard Arrested For Indecent Exposure.
  • "Rebekah was arrested for assault of her husband"
  • Drug possession. Figures.
  • On June 13, 2006, Hannah was arrested – along with Joan Baez and Julia Butterfly Hill – for her involvement with over 350 illegal squatters and their supporters, confronting authorities trying to bulldoze the nation's largest urban farm in South Central Los Angeles. She chained herself to a walnut tree at the South Central Farm in south-central Los Angeles for three weeks in order to protest the farmers' eviction by the property's new owner. The farm had been established in the wake of the 1992 LA riots to allow people in the city to grow food for themselves. However, the land's new owner sought to evict the farmers and develop the land. She was interviewed via cell phone shortly before she was arrested, along with forty four other protesters, and said that she and the others are doing the "morally right thing". [1] She spent some time in jail. [2]
  • At age twelve, Louise was arrested for firing a gun as part of a New Year's celebration. It's an article about Louis Armstron though, so I think it's supposed to say Louis, not Louise
  • Holley possession of a stolen vehicle and was issued one ticket for improper turning and another for not having a driver’s license. ... and arrested and charged with hindering, resisting arrest, assault 2nd degree, possession of paraphernalia, possession of a non controlled substance, and possession of cocaine. Holley was arrested and charged with third-degree burglary, conspiracy to commit burglary in the third degree, criminal trespass and criminal mischief. Wow I've been arrested a lot....LOL
  • on passions today i poisoned ethan and then just some minor assult chaged after that lol
  • C was arrested for spending all day at work on OOOOOphs, LOL
  • Arrested for driving under the influence of drugs.
  • Spousal Battery. And apparently I'm married to Diane Lane.
  • Apparently I'm a political prisoner in Venezuela :P Give me liberty or give me Death! :)
  • Susan was arrested in an anti-prostitution operation.
  • ryan was arrested for accessory to murder at a nail salon.
  • Tiffany was arrested for indecent exposure in May while swimming nude with two boys, ages 13 and 15, and a 19-year-old man in the abandoned Hanson Quarry in East Rockhill. ...Lmao. Guess we all know what I've been up to so far during this month.
  • I'm innocent. Whew.
  • Miriam was arrested for practicing medicine without a license. i'm hardly a hard ass!!!!
  • LOL! this is so funny-I was arrested for clipping my toenails at work and attempting to stab several co-workers with my clippings! LOLOLOLO LMAO!!!!!
  • "and hanged the Salem Witches." Wow, that was something to ponder.
  • Well... i had to use my last name because my first name was clear. I was i guy apparently and i was arrested for posting child porn at my work place.
  • arrested for adding potassium cyanide to liquor and murdering husband (who was a wife beater)
  • M was arrested for selling marijuana seeds over the internet into the US
  • apparently I was charged with one count of domestic assault and intent to commit a felony. Sorta surprised they didn't include any acts of piracy!
  • Jennifer was arrested for aggrevated robbery, followed by 2 police chases.
  • Dylan was arrested for 2nd degree murder. ... Uh-oh! The bitch asked for it, I swear!
  • "Masha was arrested in 1944 for helping Jews to escape Nazi persecution--" Proud of it!
  • "Amanda was arrested for a bar fight and her misdemeanors of drinking during prohibition and for stealing pearls out of the bank safe box."
  • Possesion of cocaine LOL!
  • Tried my full name and got zip. Tried just one name and got all sorts of things. Arrested for murders of both grandparents. Arrested for assaulting two police officers. Arrested for assault for punching a man. Wow! I've been busy. I didn't even know I had living grandparents but I guess I now know why.
  • I was done for drink driving in America !! I've never been there and I can't drive officer !! I do drink tho' but you 'll have to come to England to see me doing anything wrong ! EXCELLENT question.
  • "Jackie was arrested and was severely beaten by the police before being ordered out of town." Hmmm...I sense a riot coming on...
  • Jen was arrested in that case after "running away from security personnel and resisting arrest."
  • I was arrested for armed robbery in Maine yesterday . . .I dont even live in maine, I'm a California girl
  • Natalie was arrested for breach of the peace. Also paul was arrested for killing me. 'Natalie Solent, a columnist for the Telegraph has been arrested and held in a cell for saying that the rural minority should have "the same rights as blacks, Muslims and gays." ' Were as i myself have never been arrested :)
  • " police arrested Tamara on charges including eight counts of third-degree forgery, three counts of altered or forged license, and one count each of conspiracy to commit forgery, altered or forged registration, all fourth degree felonies, and attempted altered or forged license, a misdemeanor." Dude, I commit lame crimes! Check this one out lmao: "Tamara was arrested for hitting David with a binder." ROFL...seriously I need to rob a bank or something and improve my rep! Wait wait...even when I DO rob someplace it's lame and with a guy!! James and Tamara were arrested Wednesday by Carter County Sheriff's Department Sgt. Patrick Johnson on warrants charging each of them with three counts of burglary, three counts of theft under $500 and three counts of vandalism. Apparently I'm also guilty of trespassing, shoplifting (from TARGET. Seriously.) and collaboration with the UPA (?)... Sigh.
  • plain theft
  • Kyra was arrested for killing. Hmm.
  • i was arrested for an escape attemt and wounded
  • &lt;my name> was arrested for and charged with impersonation and abduction (of the woman she had married under the assumption that <she> was a man). Other than that, I did it with my full name and found an article in which I had been killed by my clergy husband in a love-murder pact in which he had killed me with arsenic and his lover had killed her husband. Then they both confessed and went to prison separately.
  • &quot;Jeffers was arrested Sunday afternoon as he rode his bike on the sidewalk near 166th Place and 137th Ave. in South Jamaica, Queens, authorities said...." Who knew riding your bike on the sidewalk was a arrestable offense...
  • Caroline was arrested at work for "lewd behaviour"
  • M was arrested for Possession of Methamphetamine for Sale and four counts of Child Endangerment.
  • i was arrested for selling untaxed cigarettes and one count of selling cigarettes without a license. oops.
  • I was arrested for a rape on a young school girl.
  • Donald robbed a Bank of the West last week leaving his driver's license behind....they caught him an hour later...
  • Swindling Norwegian citizens of money. I never knew I had it in for the Norwegians! Of course, they probably have money to burn from all the royalties from that great Norwegian invention -- the paper clip!
  • Staci arrested for using and elderly couples credit card for a shopping spree at the local mall... LOL sounds like me !!
  • Thomas Sims (born about 1834 β€” ?) was an enslaved African American who ... He was arrested there under the federal Fugitive Slave Law on April 4, 1851.
  • ... was arrested for Transporting an Illegal Alien in a Hidden Compartment
  • Lora was arrested for throwing keys near her mother... seriously thats the best Lora's can do!! shesh!
  • &#039;A man is driving home late one night and is feeling very horny. As he is passing a pumpkin patch, his mind starts to wander..." Taylor was arrested for having sex with a notorious pumpkin...WTF seriously
  • &quot;Kyle was arrested for disrupting a parade. There was no reason to manhandle that elderly gentlemen." He made me do it :D hahaha
  • STephen "A man attempting to walk the length of Britain naked has been arrested - just hours after being freed from prison in Inverness'
  • Haha I was arrested for selling flag stickers! YAY!
  • arrested for shooting a puppy with an arrow, :( SAD Lock me up and throw away the key
  • In 1996, Kerry was arrested for beating a homeless person to death with a picnic table. not guilty, i swear! i couldnt even lift a picnic table!!!!! im saying nothing until ive spoken to my solicitor!!!!!!
  • 37 year old pregant woman marries 15 yr old boy in georga LOL
  • P was arrested for taking a large amount of a white substance aboard a domestic flight in Australia. Upon lab testing police found the substance to be icing sugar and were forced to release the suspect.
  • Miranda was arrested on suspicion of armed robbery (but not convicted) and for some minor sex offenses. oh dear :x
  • I was wrongly accused of shooting Olivia, and the real shooter was her brother. My goodness!
  • I didn't match any documents. That's a felony isn't it?
  • &quot;Hayley was arrested for not revealing Ryan's whereabouts."
  • &quot;About a week before the Germans occupied Hungary, the Palestinian Jewish parachutist Hannah Szenes was dropped into Yugoslavia. She spent three months with Tito’s partisans, but resolved to reach Hungary with their assistance. She crossed the Hungarian border in early June 1944 and was immediately captured with a radio transmitter in her possession. She was taken to prison in Szombathely, where, despite severe torture and threats against her mother’s life, she did not reveal the code of her transmitter. In November 1944, after being incarcerated for five months, she was executed by gunfire at the age of 23. " Ye Gads!
  • I was convicted for being a part of 9 member gang and murdering some1!!!!! omg!!!
  • Apparently I stole a cell phone from a nine year old.
  • Brenda was arrested for crack
  • I was arrested for being drunk and disorderly!
  • Well...peachy keen! I put in my first and last name, (current and any I have ever had or used) and learned that I have never been arrested...which is a true and accurate situation! Good! I used only my first name and the answer is more like WHAT HAVE I NOT DONE to get arrested? The correct answer to this would be...NOT MUCH...I've evidently done it ALL. MURDER (accused and acquitted...they found the GUY who did it.) PEDOPHILE PROSTITUTION DRUNK (perhaps I started drinking because of the GUILT I deserved to feel over item number 2 on the list) DRUGS GRAND THEFT AUTO SHOPLIFTING Graft? Arson? Arms dealing, Fraud? Geez how could I have missed out on these delightful past times? This was a "good one!"
  • Travis was arrested and charged with two counts of kidnapping. Officials suspected him in the killings of six prostitutes and four unidentified women found in the St. Louis area between April 2001 and May 2002 and were reportedly planning additional charges for murder. However, Travis killed himself while jail. After his death, police said they believed he was possibly involved in as many as 18 slayings. I am DAMN good for still being able to type!
  • Assault and DUI Public Intoxication Beating up another girl in my apartment building Willful cruelty to a child and possession of drug paraphernalia Possession of Marijuana Driving with License Suspended
  • nothing. Not my whole name, but for my first name, theft, beating up someone living in my appartment, stealing family photos....
  • Long before her fine demise, In 1680, Bridget was arrested, but not convicted, on a charge of witchcraft. That's about it. I was a bishop and had that issue.
  • Wow, "Jeanne" was arrested and created quite a controversy in the court of Marie Antoinette.
  • &quot;robbery by sudden snatching"
  • Jillian was arrested for the murder of a Federal Agent?!?! :)
  • Shanice was arrested for stabbing and murdering someone. She was the youngest person to murder someone. Eery, huh?
  • Wow.. Smuggling nearly 50 pounds of weed with my apparent boyfriend.
  • Megan was arrested for playing her playstation for 6 months straight without a license. I'm SOORRRYYY!!!
  • In 1981, after a concert in Milwaukee ---- was arrested for simultaing sex on stage. (Apparently that sort of things was frowned upon.) As ---- later recounted in a famous appearance on the Tom Snyder show, she was sexually manhandled and abused by the police during the arrest. The Milwaukee police in turn accused ----- of battery of an officer. Since neither police officers or rock stars are beacons of truthfulness it's hard to know what really happened, but eventually all charges were dropped.
  • haha: Sara was arrested for being in possession of santa clause. Sara was arrested for her involvement with the SLA (Symbionese Liberation Army). Sara was arrested for stealing a U-Haul truck she rented.
  • Daniel was arrested for "taking indecent liberties with four of the Subordinate Officers of the Victor Emanuel".
  • &quot;Shelby was arrested for violating her probation by not complying with her treatment program conditions." followed by: "Shelby was arrested for being too cute" Those are the only two out there.
  • &#039;Katie was arrested for peeing in public at Times Square in New York on New Year's Eve' Nice job, Katie.
  • Steve was arrested for lewd behavior after he exposed himself in the dining room of the retirement home where the jazz ensemble he played drums in was performing. How does Google know these things?
  • It would appear that I was selling ammunition to the Indians. ...But I AM the Indians.
  • I was arrested in connection with failed car bombings in Glasgow.
  • This May, suffering from morning-after sickness, poor Troy Musil didn't quite make it to the bathroom. Embarrassed, he bagged his soiled pants and threw them into what turned out to be property of the Erie Water Works. He forgot some things in his pocket, though; and the next day, when someone spotted him climbing the fence to get it, the city assumed the worst. They shut down the reservoir. They called the FBI. They called the bomb squad. Troy was tracked down and arrested, suspected of being a terrorist.
  • Looks like I'm clean. ----------------------------------------------------- Tip: Try removing quotes from your search to get more results. Your search - "Todd Lyons was arrested for" - did not match any documents. -----------------------------------------------------
  • i'm a threat to homeland security. mehehehehe. my name shall not be known!mwahahahaha
  • Mac was arrested on an outstanding warrant :P i spill sometimes :PPPP
  • Mine doesn't work but my friend's was : Roger was declared dead and Holly was arrested for his murder. and : Holly was arrested for aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and not having a Firearms Owner Identification Card. and : Holly was arrested for shoplifting in Puerto Rico, while visiting an old pimp daddy, and was locked up in an old dilapidated jail.
  • Things that do not carry a statute of limitations. and making lousy yeast bread.

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