They have icky fingers like I do.. -_-
I think they have a habit that could make them sick and also makes their fingernails look not so good. They can cure it using hypnosis or other methods if they want to do so.
Right or wrong, I think they're somewhat unstable or something. Not to be mean or anything, but it's a huge turn-off.
That there hungry and if no food is inserted soon they'll eat there fingers too
Nervous habit They are too lazy to clip them They have an oral fixation
It is a sign of INSECURITY.
I cant stand to see bitten nails and even worse is when they cant bit anymore nail and bite the skin off around the nail...very yucky.
I cant stand to see bitten nails and even worse is when they cant bit anymore nail and bite the skin off around the nail...very yucky.
ive been biting my nails since i was a little kid, im currently 18 years old. when people say that its gross, you guys just have NO idea why. and i obviously do. i have parents who seperated and many other issues going on within my teenage life. when people say "ohhhh icky fingers" its just like, it isnt gross to us. we, espececially i cannot stop, "unstable"? sure, "insecure"? why not. but it eases my anxiety and stress, and makes ME feel better.
Nail biting is a mainstream habit. I am a life-long nail biter.
a nail deficient diet?
Nail biting is in the poor impulse control disorder category, same as trichotillomania(that's pulling out one's own hair, one hair at a time). Very hard to stop people from doing those behaviours. They don't know what causes it, one theory is that people who do these things have a larger than usual pleasure center of the brain, and smaller than usual area of the brain that deals with sensory perception. So I think they may need help... but they're not causing any problems for anyone but themselves, so leave them be. :) Unless they're chewing their fingers off, then for sure help them out. ;)
They have inner turmoil. I bit mine as a child and into my 30s.
Not very hygiene conscious. Any dirt under the nails could get into their mouth. Very nervous. Nail bitting indicates nervousness. Short of words. They are thinking up what to say. Lack of self-confidence. They are punishing their fingertips. Overall a detestable habit. An ugly sight for those who must endure watching the person biting nails.
I don't mind bitten nails because I bite mine myself. I get to a stage where I feel it necessary to bite them short. There is nothing worse than long nails with dirt underneath....... eewww, cringe :S
i think there could be much worse habits and coping skills
poor nails!The teeth would be feeling like a Shark to them!
I don't think of them but they think of me, why do I do it?I really don't know!
I think itβs an oral fixation / addiction. Chewing on straws, gum, the inside of your jaw, pens and pencils. The cigarette companies have picked up on this nasty habit as well. Biting your lips, over eating, sucking thumbs or other things could also fall in the category. I am an extreme nail biting fiend. I think it has to do with deep seeded insecurity and addictive muscle memory, but I donβt just bite my nails when im insecure, I bite them all the time. I got lemur fingers.
That they have something on their mind. Or they like doing things the old fashion way like cavemen did. Right, they bit their nails cause the didn't have clippers... haha
Nail biting is a bad habit for a couple of reasons. 1. If you do it long enough it can actually change the the nailbed shape and the way the nail grows. 2. Nails harbor a lot of bacteria. However, that being said, 7 out of 10 of my clients admit that at one time or another in their life they have bitten their nails. The most common reason is "stress". Of course there are the few that do it habitually and have no clue as to why they do it. So, does biting ones nails mean that they are neurotic? Absolutely not.
I think ewwwwwwwwwwwww do you know what is on your nails! YUCK!
I think they are anxious.
I have no problem with ' long as it's not just after picking the nose. [Sorry if y'all just started hurlin' on that!]
I bite my nails a lot, but I found a way to stop myself from doing that. I paint them. Now that they look all painted and pretty, I think I'll ruin them if I bite them. They are getting pretty long now!
It can actually be a nerve thing.. Like when Liverpool fc where playing in the champions league final 05 I bit all mine off so it can be down to nerves in a certain situation...
Years of biting hard caused problems with my 2 top front teeth and I had to get crowns. The crowns make it difficult to bite my nails. It should be a lesson. Don't bite your nails!
just a habit, something to do, kinda like how some people suck their thumb to calm them down, nail biting can be put in that same category i think.
I always wonder if they wash their hands after using the restroom...
I bite my nails but lately I've really put an effort in trying to stop. But I did watched The Dark Knight a couple days ago, so biting was a must :/
They share my bad habit.
Wow after reading everyone's response now i know i'm not alone in biting my nails as much as i do. I have always bite my nails and it is a really bad habit but for some weird reason i just can't stop. I don't even notice it anymore until i get to that point where it starts to hurt(you know where there is no more nail left.)i use to go and get my nails done, but that was just a waste of money, because they were gone after a week i would bite them off. I try to stop but it's hard. BAD HABIT!!
They need a free toothpick! I can't count the times a chewed nail has saved me from a chunk of White castle beef at 2 AM!
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