George W. Bush .
I would give Hitler the nod!
Charlie Manson---just as evil but on a smaller scale.
There have been many candidates, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin. None of them have had the organizational genius that enabled Hitler to kill so efficiently. So while they may have had the intent, they didn't have the follow through. It wasn't for lack of trying though.
Many people and political leaders throughout history have promoted a message of hate and are responsible for the deaths of millions, Hitler is one example but let us not forget Stalin, Mao Tse Tung among others.
Hitler perhaps had the most misdirected mind our times. But Pol Pot was more evil in that he had the hobby of collecting skulls of his victims.
Stalin was equally evil and more effective at killing people he made them starve , cost even less than shooting them or using concentration camps. Although then there is also Robert Mugabe,pol pot,idi amin,Napoleon,The dude in charge of Japan in WW2.
I don't know. It's difficult to give a superlative title for something as subjective as "evil." I'm sure Hitler would be a candidate though.
It's not just Hitler, but everyone else who could of done something but didn't. There are many who carry that burden and it's not just Hitler's fault. Yes, he committed some horrible crimes, but so did those who stood by and did nothing. Their hands have blood on them to.
After watching a two hour biography/documentary on Stalin...I have reached to the conclusion that he must have been the most evil, criminal dictator anyone could imagine.
Yes, No one was worse.Maybe as bad but not worse than Hitler.
Obama. You'll see. Okay, okay, he won't turn out to be as bad as Hitler, but he and his liberal looney lefties are going to ruin the country. He's naive, he's an empty suit. His ideas may be well-intended but their consequences will be devastating.
they started already..
Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot were all more evil than Hitler, in my opinion.
After the fall of the Soviet Union and the truth about Stalin start coming out we learned he was much more of a murderer that was estimated. Stalin was responsible for the deaths of at least 30 million people and this isn't counting those killed during WWII. Mao Tse Tung will probably end up being the worst in the history of the world. Due that China is still communist we don't know how many Mao ordered killed during his reign. Estimates are that just during the cultural revolution of the 50's and early 60's Mao ordered the deaths of over 60 million chinese. If you want to go by the number of people kiilled it may be Mao (60 million +), Stalin (30 Million +), Hitler (6 million +) Pol Pot (3 million +). Now, the number for Hitler is not all there is. You should consider that due to the German/Japan alliance in WWII the two countries can be held responsible for the 50+ million people killed during the war.
I'm not recycling anything. Our soldiers are being sent to fight a war Bush had no intention of winning, he just wanted to secure the oil fields that's it. I know all about the trade center and yes that was wrong but let me ask you what did our suppossed leaders do about it? They didn't go after the one responsible did they no they went after his brothers while he probably hid pretty deep within a cave. Thanks to bush and congress our country became the main target for any and all terrorists. My point is EVIL is EVIL and our government along with George W. Bush the murderer has not only cost this country money he is mostly responsible for our soldiers coming back in coffins. They never should have been sent there if they weren't going to go after bin laden.
I'm not sure if there's any kind of scale for measuring, but I think that someone like pedophile serial killer Wayne Williams would be more evil. Hitler at least thought that he was doing something to benefit the whole nation of Germany, but the only benefit from serial murders is the momentary gratification of the killer.
You can add Idi Amin to your list of evil people.But has any one noticed that there arnt any women on any list of evil people.
stalin, amin, pol pot, mao... every continent and every culture has it's monsters. hitler was just the european one
George WFT Bush is right up there and the worst part is that the guy is a dumb as a box of rocks in the desert...go figure!
I'll bet there have been many people worse than Hitler. I'll bet there are people on AB worse than Hitler. The difference between the evil of Hitler and say... Caligula, was their ability to systematically murder people. Hitler could not have killed as many as he did without modern technologies such as railroads.
Here's the current list yo... Kim Jong Il, North Korea. King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah, Saudi Arabia. Saddam Hussein (gone thank God), Iraq. Charles Taylor, Liberia. Than Shwe, Burma.Teodoro Obiang Nguema, Equatorial Guinea.Saparmurad Niyazov, Turkmenistan. Muammar Al-Qaddafi, Libya. Fidel Castro,(???) Cuba. Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus.
Edie Amin and Rev. Jim Jones.
Bin Laden
Edit: TOTALLY changing my answer: Vlad Tepes II "Vlad the Impaler" or "Vlad Dracul(a)" Invited people over for dinner in the hall below his bedroom, then set the room on fire so the screams of the people burning to death could lull him to sleep.
curiousKristy, Because Hitler lost the war and the worlds media filmed the camps and the people when the camps were liberated. Later, many films made by the Nazi's were found and made public. You don't see films of what Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and other despots have done.
Probably not. I predict that Al Gore or Obama may win the title if they implement their plans to "eliminate global warming"
A woman with pms?
Joseph a MILE!
Sorry - I did it again. :( Answer in wrong place.
Maybe not, just the most infamous. Pretty much everyone has heard of him, even if their knowledge is sketchy on the details they know enough to know that he was an evil man, but some of the other contenders and their crimes are relatively unknown to the average man in the street.
Again, history is written only by the victorious. Hitler's memories are fresh and have a propaganda machine behind it, you know who I am talking about. That is why we also add Stalin, Mao, and the like. It is a very SAD list, and I would add some other names you fellow Americans may not like: Harry Truman, George W Bush, ALL the perpetrators of massacres on Native American Indians, the Spanish Conquistadors (Hitler is a clown compared with those guys), Queen Isabella the Catholic, the Pope's and Saints who started and profited from the Inquisition, and the shameful list may go on and on.
Joseph Stalin
Mao Tse Tung Check under Synopsis
Hitler is one of the most... I would also have to go with Herod ( he killed every male child under a year) there could be others but he ranks up there
I think Charles Manson would rate among the worst in modern history.
Here in Canada, Dr. Morgentaler, who pushed for the rights of abortionists. Consequences: Many people have died. Yes, babies are people.
its always hitler this hitler that... hitler hitler hitler... and you want to know why? quite simple. hitler was a media whore. photos and films of him abound. not so with mao, stalin, pol pot, etc and the many others who did their dirty work before the age of photography and film. this worked out great for the US government when it came time for them to propagandize the american people into a war that they swore we wouldn't get involved in. the effect of that propaganda is still seen today (witness Tom Cruise in ads for 'Valkyrie' stating that hitler was the 'greatest evil' in history). Funny how I never heard a single word about mao during the recent olympics. but, mao only killed 'gentiles', so... go figure. compared to stalin, hitler was a half-assed wannabe. but, he did his thing behind the 'iron curtain', not on the 'world stage'. "Oh, most people don't know about mao or stalin or pol pot, but they do know hitler and we do have lots of archival footage...and we just don't get the same kind of ratings and controversy by saying 'pol pot' as we do with 'hitler'..." it really is as simple as that. in my book, hitler doesn't even rate in the top ten.
Army Veteran
You bring up excellent points. Let's add something to your list: 1900-1939 - Media stories about "6,000,000 Jews being threatened with extermination". And if that isn't exciting enough try this one out: January 8, 1945, New York Times: "6,000,000 Jews have died". On January 27, 1945, the Soviet Union liberated Auschwitz. How does the New York Times article know that 6,000,000 Jews died 19 days (((before))) the supposed "millions" of Jews were found in Auschwitz by the Soviets? ¶ How did Hitler become associated with the extermination of 6,000,000 Jews, which was foretold about decades before anyone knew who he was? ¶ And if there were gas chambers in Poland but not Germany, how was it that an invisible line (border) defined the moral compass of one political group that hated Jews so severely that a specific plan was devised to murder them all (but not in Germany)?
Kevin Schieffer from South Dakota.
Jesus of Nazareth.
Josef Stalin killed more people than Hitler, and the people he killed were Russian.
I'm sure there have been worse. Look at the Mayans. If you don't know do a bit of research.
There will always be someone new to replace the last most evil man, unfortunately.
what is with everyone hating on hitler today? besides all the bad things he did he was a great leader. what other man could unite Germany so closely after a horrible economic depression. all the power went to his head. the terrorists who flew into the trade centers only killed innocent people and nothing good therefore i believe there are people more "evil" than hitler.
Olmert the prime mister of Israel....and what he is doing to Gaza is more than "holocaust" more than 600 kills and more than 3000 injures.... Hitler is just as innocent as a baby compared to him.. although i hate Hitler and what he did......
if we are going to base the answer to this question on statistics, then mao tse tung would be correct. i'll explain this briefly at the end. if anyone is interested, read 'a psychopathic god: adolf hitler', author is waite. it's a relatively recent publication and the only, to my knowledge, in-depth, objective psychological profile of hitler. one of the best books i've read, on any subject. to know the mind of a man, how it grew from childhood on, is to have a more informed and honest understanding of his actions and behaviors. that's true for even me and you. hitlers' thoughts and, subsequently, words were for the most part manipulative. the man had an agenda and would probably have shot his own father if it would further an end for him. in as much as he could 'love' he did so his mother. if you read this book how you read all others having to do with hitler or the second world war (in the european and african theaters)or reread in the future will be with more objectivity since all he said and did will be seen in the light of his mentality. 'contempt prior to investigation' - don't let that happen. one last thing to clear up, mao tse tung was directly responsible for the systematic murder of approximately 70,000,000 of his own people. you can find this number in the beginning of the most recent biography printed about the man. one of the authors is Chinese, and was able to access documents previously anavailable. and, like stalin, many of these lives were lost during peacetime, which in my book, makes the crime more atrocious. approximately 30,000,000 of the 70 were intentionally, if not indifferently, starved to death. if you crunch the numbers mao's black mark on history winds up beating out hitler and stalin combined. keep on learnin'.
I'd be willing to bet a whole lot of people before the flood came were. Next it'll be by FIRE. Peter 3:10
history is on the move. every second that ticks could bring to birth the next "Hitler". and although he was one bad guy, who knows what we're up for next!!! You should read a biography of Hitler, and find out why he was the way he was. Nutjob + Societal Anarchy + global Depression
Ghengis Khan....more victims than Hitler or Stalin I'll bet.
If you look in history books you will find that there was quite a bit of genocide or "ethnic cleansing" happening all over the world, the Holocaust just happened to fuel WWII. The Rwandan Genocide in 1994 killed between 800,000 and 1,000,000 but most people probably couldn't tell you the name of the people in charge of that massacre. I'm not saying Hitler wasn't a bad person, I'm just saying that the history we learn focuses on things that are relevant to American History while there are plenty of horrible people past, present and future who have capabilities far worse than what Hitler did. They just need to be set off. It also depends on the scale you are going on, I consider people who go onto school campuses killing people to be up there with Hitler, along with other historical figures such as Stalin. Any person who can sit and plan the ending of other people's lives is a horrible person to me.
Mao Zendong was history's worst. He killed millions of chinese and from other nations just because he wanted to!!!
Hitler was just one of the most efficient. I don't think you can measure evil by numbers. Many have just as much evil and malice but don't have the technology to carry it out. There are many members of that hall of infamy. I don't think they deserve to be rated, only to burn in hell.
What I've seen so far is that we can measure evil by intent (desire to kill), effectiveness (number killed), the 'personalness' of the killing (specific groups versus people in general) and motive (hatred versus cold calculation). . I cannot answer the question, there is no solid ground to put my scales on. . But leaving George Bush out of the equation, they're all plenty evil enough for me.
yes, stalin he killed millions of his own people
suddam husain is pretty close but hitlers crime is unforgivable.
It would be lovely if Osama bin Laden was captured as soon as possible and if it happens on President Obama's watch he should get 'credit'. But it would be nothing less than delusional to believe that he was not caught during Bush's terms because Bush didn't care or was inept. . Virtually all of the responsibility for bin Laden not getting caught should rest squarely on the shoulders of...bin Laden. He is a wily mofo (assuming he's still alive). . Now that I think of it, since President Obama never decided to go into either Afghanistan or Iraq but rather 'inherited' them, you could make a case that any successes there really belong to the President who chose to go in in the first place. I don't really feel like making that case and I intend to cheer bin Laden's eventual downfall in a non-partisan way.
I think Stalin is actually responsible for more deaths. Some estimate as many as 70 million of his OWN countrymen.
Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, a.k.a. Emperor Claigula, was someone I would probably not choose as a friend.
Apparently yes. Wrong man at the wrong place at the wrong period of history. Nonetheless, all the Europe society experienced a painful transitions during the first half of the 20th century. Neither Lenin nor Stalin were principaly better. Dark times shall be well remembered. Never again.
he difinitely was the most evil man i've even known..if we look at it today, who would like being blown up in big concentration camps? he slaughtered more than half the people in his country just because of their racial difference. illtreated women because they didnt rear german nordic aryans...i do believe he was one disgusting person..
Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Lenin - they've killed millions
Have a look at this. Hitler does have equals.
King Leopold is up there!
Give history a chance... Obama will be on that list. Granted, he's not murdering people like some other maniacs cited in response to this question but he'll be responsible for destroying the greatest nation on earth. He's well on his way. Oh, by the way, for those who may respond that Bush spent a lot of money, too, and ran up debt, too. When Bush was in office and debt was $400 billion, the liberal news went crazy and wrote thousands of articles on how Bush was leaving all this debt for grandchildren to pay, etc. Now the debt Obama is amassing is $11-14 trillion and they don't say anything. They don't even ask a single question about it in a press conference!!!! Plus Obama is destroying more than the economy, he's ruining the social fabric, and so much more. Just wait and see. Someday, you'll understand.
Several have been responsible for more deaths. I do believe Mao Tze Tung was rated as the greatest killer of all time. Let's also note that Genghis Khan was responsible for mass slaughter of men women and children in a quest for pure power, yet time has made him a hero in the eyes of many.
Stalin, Castro, Pinochet to name a few As entities/government, we can name The Inquisition (bar none the most brutal regime in the history of man-kind), the Apartheid Regime in South Africa, Israel
i would say vlad the impaler on whom dracula is based
Try to remember that "knowing good and evil" was the snake's lie to Eve. The catch is that both are opinions, not facts.
Jewels Vern
Here are some actual numbers:
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