I think of Cheaper by the dozen and i wonder how the mother survived all those pregancies
Whoa! That's a lot.
I think... Wow they have a great sex life!
I think, "wow think about how much money they would have if they had 8 less children" or "i bet she has a really saggy vagina" either one would cross my mind
It honestly makes me sad... because it's never the attractive, intellectual, and physically able pairs of mates that produce so abundantly. It always seems to be the bottom (or at least lower) rung... Almost like an... infection in the gene pool, as opposed to a contribution.
Honestly, I would think that they were breeding because that's what they were taught to do, and probably can't afford them. Then I would stop myself and wonder if they were fostering or adopting.
LDSer. But hey, after living in SLC Utah for a year, what else am I supposed to think?? Prior to that I thought something different.
Living in Utah, i see them all the time. I usually wonder how on earth they are able to afford it and I always feel sorry for the children...I just cant imagine that in such a large family they are getting the attention they need.
I think their parents were very BUSY if you catch my drift. lol
On my mother's side, there was 13 children (one died at birth), and my dad's side there was 11. Now I know that's in the past, over 50 years ago and not today, but it's amazing when you compare it to today sometimes. Those families had that many children, and they did alright. No, they weren't rolling in riches, but they had a good family life and were raised with solid values. It's ironic how some families today with 2-3 children are in debt up to their eyeballs. And what I mean by that is some people don't realize how much stuff they have/buy that they don't actually need.
Population growth.
More love than sense?
selfish and irresponsible in todays world ...with over crowding ...should be told no more kids!
My first thought would be "Wow! They don't have to pay any taxes"
Poor ba***rds.
Get another hobby already! probably on welfare
I have 4 boys, when I had my baby I had my tubes tied. I tend to be crazy be the end of the day, I dont know how anyone can handle having that many children running around. My first thought would be what the heck are they thinking!!!!
I'd think...Wow! it must be my family reunion. I am the youngest of 16.
I can't believe I'm related to these people!
I think "MAN I'm glad it's not me."
Glad it's them, not me and hope they are happy. :D
i think dicipline, our neighbors have 11. All who have graduated from HS already were at least in the top 10% and 2 were Validictorian. They learn to help take care of eachother and become very diciplined. As for the parents, I think they are tired, but happy.
buy them a condom...
I came from a family of 12 kids and use to get in alot of fights defending my family because of people overthinking things. I suppose some of you look down at a family because of the size... I know some do because I read the answers. Unless you know each individule family's reasons for it, I think it is immature of you to judge them at all!
1. I hope they are all well behaved at home. 2. I sure hope they are paying for lots of life insurance because if the breadwinner dies, they are up the creek. 3. How are they going to put all those kids through college? 4. What if all those kids each have over 10 children, and so on for generation after generaton? There would be so many grandchildren, you wouldn't be able to get to know your grandparents. 5. Can the earth support this rate of growth? Aren't we all supposed to be reducing the impact we have on the environment for the sake of these future generations?
Wow, I wonder if they've figured out what's causing the pregnancies yet?
I wonder how on Earth the parents were able to find the <ahem> "alone time" to make the last 6 or 7. We've got two kids and when we get in bed at night, our primary thought is SLEEP!
probably on welfare
*dang* Is that mom pregnant all the time... that would suck take a break. But hey as long as they are happy w/e
I think there must be a whole lot of love happening there.
' Here's the story, Of a lovely lady, Who was bringing up Five very lovely girls. All of them had hair of gold, Like their mother, The youngest one in curls. Here's the story, Of a man named Brady, Who was busy with Five boys of his own. They were four men, Living all together, but they were all alone-.' Click on the link for the accompanying theme music.
With Six You Get Eggroll. With 12 You Get the Entire Combination Dinner.
Wow, she must really like being pregnant!
They must not have cable or satellite ;-)
A Family with a lot of love.
gee, 3 away from us! now, someone has to be doing some serious loads of washing!
vaginal reconstruction
I had a friend that had 11 siblings, 12 if you count him. We practically grew up together, and spent most of our childhood around his or my house. I would think that they probably have a nice family life and would feel sorry for the older siblings =/.
That they have much more patience than I do.
Holy Mother and all that's sacred! that poor woman! then I think that's just showing off!!
How in the world could you afford it!
They must live in a place with alot of POWER OUTAGES.
I think wow, that poor womans vagina. Or I'd think "hard-core, old school Catholics"
i think "i wish i could bear that many children" but then i get to remembering how big my family already is, im the middle out of 14
"Wow, the parents must really like sex." No no no, that was a joke. I think how I would like to give the parents a vacation, just to relax a bit from the chaos.
I think about one day starting my own renagade army. =)
I always think how terrific that they love and wanted so many children and what a wonderful family they are. I've known many families that had 13 kids, that seems to be the most common number, at least that I've seen. And they've all been great families, with wonderful family traditions and great closeness.
How many boxes of cereal are in the cubbard.........
They MUST be Catholic.
I think I need to call my cousin DeeDee. She has 12. She is soon to turn 40 and looks fantastic!
provising they dont look neglected i say good on them! youre a long time dead and what nicer way to live a life with the love and support of a big family
It's pretty much always disparaging. Did they not figure out what causes that?/Vagina, not a clown car/ hot dog down a hallway/etc. I also usually notice that those kids all look freakishly alike, so I assume it must be, you know, small community. All (whatever exclusive religious group).
Is there anymore on the way?
I've hit the sock jackpot..........I would like to go swimming in their socks.
Vagina clown car
Exactly how many shopping carts that are needed for their groceries......
buisy buisy
I have seen it where I worked. In this economy, something is always missing, some kids fall through the parenting cracks, that's even if they (parents) have any energy to parent....My husband came from 11. Even back then, someone always got the short end of the stick. I think it's sad.
Greed for state benefits (unless they have the means to support themselves)
"well it never gets boring in that household"
God bless them. I can barely handle one!
dang they were busy....
Good luck...That's twice the trouble the 5 of us caused our parents :) ((HUGS)) to Mum and Dad :)
Stab Wounds. Don't ask me why.
Someone's been making a whole lot of lovin'. NICE!
In this country (Britain). Just after the benfits.
If they can support them, fine. I saw two families with 10 each on TV the other night. Neither has ever taken benefits. Both households ran fine. However, there are certain groups who are taking advantage of the Aussie welfare system to have several households with one father, all living off government money as "single mothers".
I hope their parents know what they're doing. And I hope the parents can support their children. And I also wonder if they've ever heard of condoms... And how much money they're saving on taxes....
They are insane cult leaders who have taken the whole child-rearing thing to an unhealthy level. Yucky.
I wonder how in the world they can afford to have so many???
They should take away their tax deductions and exemptions! Have they ever heard of zero population growth?
i think too many children. its difficult to devote quality time to each child when there are that many. there arent enough hours in the day. someones bound to fall through the cracks. also, in this day and age, when planetary resources are limited and the environmental footprint of each person is potentially enormous, i think its selfish and irresponsible. i also think catholics, mormons, polygamists, cults, poor people with no access or who havent been educated about birth control, fertility treatments gone awry, and some welfare moms (kids are expensive!). i saved the best for last, the big-hearted people who adopted children who have been abandoned by parents who either dont want them or can take care of them.
Thats a great achievement provided the family economy is still well maintained.
Kidstoned Vallium!
I am one of I know how crazy they all must be.
How can the woman even continue to have sex to produce more children after giving birth so many times?
wow...that must be alot of work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sure hope they don't eat here and that they go to Chucky Cheese instead.
Human Xerox machine.
wow..the mom still looks good
I'd tell them " pulling out doesn't always work maybe you should use another method of contraceptive"
I think that maybe it'd be fun to live in such a big family, but it must be very hectic. Besides that, why would a woman want to go through pregnancy ten times? (Unless there were twins, triplets, etc.)
I live in Amish country, so I see this often. Good luck to them, but 3 is enough for me.
Better them, than me.
A modern family? I would start to think all kinds of negative things about how can they afford them and does the woman really want that and how she is wasting her life and her body. But then, I realize that it's really none of my business and not everyone thinks the way I do (I don't want children) and I tell that voice to shut up.
rich ob-gyn
They are probably related to me! :P
well im the youngest of seven..only 3 away!! im far from mormon
They must really love kids?
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