• Some "mistakes" in this regard are forgivable and some aren't. What was the tweet?
    • Linda Joy
      There were at least two incidents that I recall one was a football player, the other a politician.
    • mushroom
      It depends on context. Everyone has said something stupid. But if running for elected office, should they get an unlimited pass for repeated bad behavior?
  • i dont think so
  • Yes. If it can happen for crimes, then why not other walks of life? What you're ignorant of is the criminality/sentiment involved that affects their current/future position. We all say and do stupid things in our younger lives, but most choose to be ignorant of the biteon theass that it delivers in later life. This is especially true of Americans who get booked for smoking pot or afray when kids. Then cry at immigration at UK/EU airports when they are refused entry for thosr reasons..
    • Linda Joy
      Its a shame you never learned to do better! You're the one that's ignorant. The kid used the N word trying to be gansta, which is hardly a crime and the other had long since past the statute of limitations. In addition to your ignorance your American jealousy is showing! lol
    • jshm22
      You're Murican, Linda, you don't know better - let alone learn how to be. The "N word" is reason enough to dismiss a person from their job. it sure as hell wouldn't be welcomed to know a person has used it in the past. Have some tact, deary!
    • Chicagoan
      "Linda... Have some tact, deary!" Don't hold your breath!
  • I don't believe the rest of their life should be ruined. Such as a person goes to prison for a felony and paid for it and nobody ever lets them forget it. Such is the human factor and not God's will. Or someone brought up in the environment when it seems natural to be biased and say biased things to others and most likely back at them, then long after one forgets that early, young life someone brings them down by bringing it all up to them and in the process turns all of public against that person. Twitter is just one more tool to dig through for information to use against others that could be innocent or funny statements at that time.
    • Linda Joy
  • It depends on what they said. That's the problem with social media, once it's out there it'll never go away. Stay away from the crap.
  • No. No one is perfect. The people who shout the loudest criticizing others are usually the biggest hypocrites.
  • I understand completely, it should not happen. Look at the criminal life of the Clintons yet they are still accepted by fringe groups as worthy individuals. Really scary when you think about it.
    • Archie Bunker
      Not only accepted, by heartily defended. That's what's scary.
    • Linda Joy
      Good point.
  • Yes if it is directly related to the type of position they are applying for. Indeed it might be a deal breaker!
  • Only if the content is insulting to the chosen profession they are applying for..
  • Proverbs 14:16 β€œThe wise one is cautious and turns away from evil,But the stupid one is reckless and overconfident.” I agree that we should forgive one another, however, the things we choose to β€œshare” on social media reflect our ability to make wise decisions.
  • It depends on the "mistake" and the current career of the person who committed said "mistake". Sometimes people aren't held accountable for their actions until some months, years, etc later when things come to light. Depending on the wrongdoing, just because some time has passed doesn't always necessarily mean they should never ever be held accountable. I agree that certain "mobs"/groups may be out to ruin people, however it is also true that individuals tend to do a fine job of risking ruining themselves - some may just not ever be called out for it. And blaming the person or group of people for calling out the (alleged) wrongdoer instead of holding the wrongdoer accountable is just as childish as one kid calling another kid a tattletale for something that one kid did wrong.
  • I don't think so. I believe they should be forgiven. However, this is America. People can forgive you, but still choose not to vote for you. Choose not to buy your products. Choose not to subscribe to your channel. Unless it is for their personal safety, or other people's safety, considering anything provable can be settled in a court of law. Since I myself am not perfect, I like to think I would have mercy on such an individual. If there is doubt? After all, it is innocent until -if- they are proven guilty, is it not? You can still take any precautions you well please, but there are many cases the person turned out to be innocent, but paid the price. To Love your neighbor as yourself is a lot more then some people get to have. And I for one, think that matters.
    • Linda Joy
      You misspelled genius in your handle.
  • Tweeted under their own name as an adult & never deleted? Yes, that's fair.
    • Linda Joy
      No. It was a teen using the N word trying to be gansta. Now he's trying to be a football player and these people are acting like they were never young and did stupid stuff, too! The other was a politician and the statute of limitations had long since passed.
  • No, but....idiots that don't value their privacy today get to cry about it tomorrow. The same 'tards that brag "I have nothing to hide" now, get to lament their shortsightedness ten years later, when their lil faux pas come home to roost.
  • people have no freedom of speech any more ..but what a person says on line is mostly just a persons thoughts really typed onto a computer ,cause most people would not say many of these things out loud in the real world and experts should know that already
  • Obviously that depends on what it was and what has happened since. You haven't provided sufficient information. The question cannot be answered in a general sense. Morally indignant ranting is pointless without explicit details.
    • Linda Joy
      Are you calling this question a rant?!! If so, your perception is severely distorted! And obviously 16 people INCLUDING YOU decided it was not only possible, but worth wasting their precious time to answer. Your words don't match your actions.
    • Linda Joy
      I'll just plead guilty, because I've probably done everything I've ever realized I need to change, and then suggested others change. And relapsed. Many times. But at least I'm trying to do better and that's all that matters to me. Hopefully you'll (both) do the same and become better people in the process.
    • Linda Joy
      Also, Victorine, it was more than one incident to which I was referring so specifics weren't part of the question. If you need to insert parameters on which you think are or are not feel free, others did.
  • People can change a lot in 10 years. If they tweeted something shameful they believed 10 years ago doesn't mean they still feel that way today. Who has time to go back thru old tweets looking for dirt?
  • Not fair

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