• I would imagine that it's not that unusual. Some women are just more comfortable using pads. I think some were concerned with that Toxic Shock scare several years back too.
  • a bit, I must admit.
  • no, i have friends that still won't use tampons, and we're like 20/ 21 years old. it's a little weird but i can see where they're coming from... i guess it could kind of be a weird concept if you've never tried a tampon before
  • Yeah that's a little bit odd. It's her own body, for Pete's sake.
  • I don't think it's odd. Evidently there are enough women who don't like the insertion to support the sanitary pad industry. Sadly, many women have been taught by society and in some cases by their own families , that their bodies are dirty. It's even built into some religions that menstruation itself is so dirty that it taints the woman. The Law of Niddah requires women to be isolated during her period so as not to taint others. How could a woman possibly feel anything but dirty in such an environment?
  • Not at all. Many women use only pads.
  • it's her body -
  • I don't find a dislike of tampons to be odd, but the fear of touching herself "down there" is a bit strange in this context. Since most tampons come with applicators, there is little, if any need, to actually touch yourself. I'm not a big fan of touching myself "there" when I'm menstruating, either.
  • not odd. lots and lots of women know nothing about their lower forty. she could ask her boyfriend to do it for her.
  • It may be because she has found out about Toxic Shock Syndrome! Toxic shock is most associated with menstruating women using tampons, but anyone of any age can get toxic shock syndrome; women, men and children. Symptoms The symptoms of toxic shock can include: * Vomiting * A sudden, red rash, usually on the face, or the vulva on females * Dizziness, feeling faint or fainting * Sudden fever * Confusion * Muscle aches * Diarrhoea * Shock * Low blood pressure * Peeling skin * Sore throat If you, or someone you know, experience these symptoms, it is important to seek medical help immediately. Left untreated, TSS is fatal. Treatments The first course of action for doctors presented with a case of toxic shock syndrome is to remove any foreign materials, such as a tampon, that could be the cause of the infection. Any infected abscesses will be drained, and a course of antibiotics will usually be prescribed. Occasionally, dialysis may be needed if the TSS impaired kidney functions. The patient will need to be monitored for a period of time, to make sure that they do not go into shock and that they are improving. Prevention Even though only half of all toxic shock syndrome cases are caused by tampon use, it is still important to maintain good tampon usage practices. It is believed that tampons can cause toxic shock because they provide a warm, moist environment where bacteria can thrive. In order to reduce the chances of TSS, it is important to wash your hands before and after inserting a tampon, change tampons frequently (every four to six hours), alternate between pads and tampons if possible and use the lowest absorbency possible for your flow.
  • Give her a few years and she'll hit like no tomorrow! LOL
  • Yes very. It is her body and she need to know how it works to stay healthy. There are things far more intrusive you need to touch yourself for just to be clean and healthy. So if inserting a tampon is an issues for her, she has issues.
  • No! Some women don't like to do it. Fair enough!
  • Not really... But I would really hate to be her boyfriend.
  • Yes I think it is odd. If she doesn't want to touch it what makes her think anyone else will? Seriously though, she could wear latex gloves while doing it. You can buy them at any Walmart or pharmacy.
  • It's not odd. Everyone has their own personal preferences.
  • Preferring not to use tampons is one thing. I knew lots of girls that would only use pads. But, of course, that was back in Junior High and High School - so it was all still kinda new then. These days, almost everyone I know uses tampons. That aside - touching your own body is not disgusting. Everyone should be knowledgeable about their own body. We're the only one who's gonna know if there's something wrong with us - and to know when something's wrong, we need to know what it's like when it's "normal". She needs to get over touching herself. "Down there", or anywhere. It's her body, and she should never feel weird about touching it. Anywhere. Period.
  • It sounds like she does not have a very healthy view of her own body. She might have a big difficulty experiencing any kind of physical sexual pleasure.
  • It does seem a little odd. I use a menstrual cup and cut the stem off, and you have to feel around inside you to get it out so I'm definitely not squeamish about touching 'down there'. Some men, and a few women, are freaked out by menstrual blood. My boyfriend can't even bear me to mention the word 'period'. I do find it a little strange, maybe, to be so divorced from your own body.
  • No, i know how she feels. I have never used tampons in my life, just couldn't bring myself to insert anything up there. As for the other, well, each to their own. I don't think any of what you said, makes her odd, particularly. It is just her personal preference.
  • I felt like that at first. Even the thought of inserting a tampon made me feel sick. Years, later I'm over it now and prefer tampons over pads any day. Less mess.

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