• It sure as hell ain't by making enemies of long time allies, and sucking up to dictators ! If he cares so much about all the "poor" people and veterans sleeping on the street, in his own country, why is it he won't even disclose his own tax returns ? He is going to kill so many US businesses and jobs with his tariffs , that 6 million off welfare is never going to happen. It's only going to get worse.
    • Ice man
      Actually I did answer your question in an indirect way. You encourage world trade which in turn enhances business and that creates jobs. I've always admired American patriotism, but you're wrong about those of us who see Trump for what he really is, it might sting but the facts are there, you just need to look deep enough before he flushes you down the toilet. You can't believe the numbers Trump comes out with because he makes them up as he goes along and he lies constantly. He isn't doing what's best for Americans, he's doing what's best for himself & his rich buddies. His attitude is "all for me, and none for you" and that doesn't include welfare and low income Americia . It doesn't work that way in the real world.. In the real world, one hand scratches the other, you need trade partners to fill each others shortfalls and enhance business by opening new markets. Trump has wrongly isolated the US from your allies and the rest of the world, while thinking he can have his cake and eat it too. Try doing some real fact checking on your own. Nobody wins a trade war but trump has started one with the world, and Trump/USA certainly won't win one either. American business can't afford to swallow billions of dollar losses. You're right about one thing - let's wait a month or two and revisit the question. Deny it all you want right now, but mark my words .. at that time you will be taken back when you see how many farmers, and businesses have been hurt by Trumps tariffs, it's already started. It won't be long before you see a massive increase in unemployment as businesses fold up because you won't be able to pay skyrocketing prices. The increase in crime will soon follow when people can't afford to eat. Does that sound like "winning bigly" to you ?
    • Linda Joy
      The numbers didn't come from Trump. They come from the same organizations that have always published them. And now that you mention it our unemployment rate can hardly go down from 3.9%! I have no doubt Trump is looking out for himself and other rich people. They pay taxes, start businesses, hire people, and make purchases that stimulate the economy etc. But it also gives people hope that if they work hard they can reap benefits from that instead of paying an unfair proportion in taxes.
    • Ice man
      No, the numbers Trump quotes are not from fact, they come from whatever he makes up. As I said .. let's give tariffs a couple of months, and as much as you don't want to believe it ... you will see your unemployment rates increase as your businesses go to their knees. The rich don't give a shit about the little guy. They will protect themselves first and hide their money off shore, leaving you holding the bag.
    • Linda Joy
      I already clearly stated it WAS NOT TRUMP I QUOTED. And he doesn't make them up. He's quoting the Department of Labor Statistics u3 figure. Are you more inclined to believe the U6? Or does Canada make up its own statistics? What source do you deem correct for our unemployment statistics?
    • Archie Bunker
      What do Trump's tax returns have to do with welfare reform?
    • Linda Joy
      It doesn't. And here are the "couple of months" later statistics: "The unemployment rate remained at 3.9 percent in August, and the number of unemployed persons, at 6.2 million, changed little.Sep 7, 2018" The Employment Situation - Bureau of Labor Statistics
    • Linda Joy
      I was wrong. The unemployment rate has GONE DOWN to 3.7%!
    • Linda Joy
      "SEPTEMBER 2019 The unemployment rate declined to 3.5 percent in September, and total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 136,000, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment in health care and in professional and business services continued to trend up. "
    • Army Veteran
      @Ice man - why did Obama never provide his birth certificate? At least Trump was able to PROVE he was a US citizen and qualified to run for President. Obama never did - he hid his credentials. Why do you suppose he would want to do that? Because he didn't want the American voters knowing he was a Communist, perhaps?
    • Chicagoan
      "why did Obama never provide his birth certificate? Obama never did - he hid his credentials." He hid nothing, you lying lowlife POS. And as it turn out, he didn't need to. The Governor of Hawaii released Obama's Birth Certificate, and called Trump a moron when he did it. This is just more continued nonsense from World Net Daily, the most ridiculous, Christian-based rag on the planet. All you can expect from Christians is dishonesty. And, from you as well.
    • Linda Joy's new account 2024
      Like Archie said, what does any of this have to do with welfare reform?
  • Education, though for many it's too late: few employers hire older people with no work history, or older people in general.
    • Ice man
      I agree, it's too late. If an older intelligent, and experienced worker has taken 5 years off to look after an ailing parent and wants to return to the work force ... they are deemed as not having enough time left to make any significant contribution first of all, and also deemed as their past experience is irrelevant. Which is also a crock of shit !
    • Linda Joy
      The older generation is not the only one! I agree education and training helps, but is that the responsibility of our government, the employers, or the individual?
    • Linda Joy
      As for the older generations I think if they want a job they need to learn computer basics. I think that is one way to make yourself more employable. Also I think there are some employers who are savvy enough to see their value! Especially if they do have plenty of life and work experience.
    • Ice man
      Put yourself up for the challenge, and see how far you get. Be prepared for another disappointment. Wishing it to be ... will not make it happen. But I sincerely wish you good luck.
    • Linda Joy
      Put myself up for what challenge? I'm not currently able to work. When I could I did. I was underemployed and sometimes worked 2 and 3 jobs at a time. Even while I was in the Navy I had two home businesses.
  • He can do it quite easy as there are over 2000 concentration camps already built and waiting to be filled. these camps will make what Hitler did during WWII look like child's play. UN Agenda 21 of which Bush approved and Clinton made law by executive order will be the reason to open the doors of those camps. Trump could open these camps and take 6 million off the welfare rolls in a matter of a few weeks paving his deadly way to making America great again. Don't be fooled by this saying.
    • Linda Joy
      So you're saying he's going to put these people to work in the concentration camps? You're getting more unbelievable every day.
    • Thinker
      No, those placed there will never come out but will be put to death. Maybe to you I am unbelievable but I have researched this since before the year 2000. here is but one site:
    • Thinker
      You might want to watch this if you can.
    • TBO
      I know agenda 21 is real.Why you think Trump is denying climate change,defying the EU .etc? He knows the steps they need to take.if he stays in agenda 2030 will not be complete on time.
    • Thinker
      Know this Linda Joy, anything I post has research behind it from much reading and research not only from the internet but from published books.. If you question what I have said just look it up or google it.
    • Linda Joy
      Apparently you forgot to read the question because nothing you've said has anything to do with putting people on welfare back to work. AND YOU KNOW THIS!!
    • Linda Joy's new account 2024
      So were you saying Trump's going to take people that are on welfare and kill them?
  • Apparently we need people to work in the fields.
    • Linda Joy
      We're going to need people to work all kinds of jobs that the illegal immigrants were filling before Trump slowed the flow. Unfortunately most Americans are too picky for most of those!
    • Chicagoan
      Which is why so many right-wing farmers keep bringing illegals here for low-paying jobs.
  • Creating effective job training and other work programs. In the mean time keeping the safety net. Until people on welfare are working they need the safety net of SNAP, Medicaid, welfare. IOW what are they going to do while training for work? They need to eat, get health care while training.
    • Linda Joy
      Thank you for giving a thoughtful answer!
    • mugwort
      Your most welcome Linda. Certainly beat's putting people in work camps. OTOH that's not saying much.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Well said Muggie.
  • universal basic income
    • Linda Joy
      I think you missed the word independent! Where do you expect that magical money to come from? People need to work for wages!
    • Archie Bunker
      Everybody should sit at home and get a basic income! Right up until the point that no one works. Great plan!
  • probably to give us jobs, some of us get help from welfare cause of people refusing to give us a chance
    • Archie Bunker
      Why should the government give you a job? It's your responsibility to go get one yourself.
    • Linda Joy's new account 2024
      But if the government helps more people get jobs the base income tax will increase as well as sales taxes etc.
  • Drug testing and job requirements
  • Separate their children from their families.
    • Linda Joy
      Like Clinton made law and Obama upheld when it was brought to his attention? That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen you spew! You've shattered my image of you! Although separating children from parents who break the law is not just an "ILLEGAL immigration" concept it happens to all parents who break the law and go to jail or prison.
    • Archie Bunker
      I see where even the Washington Post just the other day finally admitted that all those separations and "caging" of people was started way before Trump got into office. They basically said, "yeah, it was Obama and not Trump, and we're not going to talk about it anymore."
    • Chicagoan
      So, they lie all the rest of the time, but today, when you think they're buttering a loaf of your Trump Bread, they're suddenly speaking the gospel? You are such a coward...
    • Linda Joy's new account 2024
      This is just sad there's nothing informative here.
  • Save billions and end Corporate Welfare, reverse the 1.5 trillion giveaway to the rich (you can't budget on trickle down economics which very rarely reaches the employees) publicly funded education. Develop a public works program that renews our infrastructure.. And lastly stop judging and blaming those that have so little for the borrow-and-spend government.
    • Linda Joy
      What giveaway? Are you talking about a reduction in the amount of taxes they have to pay? That's hardly giving someone something for nothing! (like welfare) And the richest 5% of our population are paying OVER 50% of our taxes!! How is that fair? Frankly I'm surprised they haven't all chosen to make their income elsewhere to avoid it being taken from them! And what would the poor people do then? Who would support them then? Even God set a fair percentage for all! Those who have less pay less, but you shouldn't gouge the rich either! Otherwise why should they agree to participate at all? And I blame government for government spending. And I blame individuals for laying down and expecting others to take care of them. Even God said Man shall eat by the sweat of his brow. And he also said in His top ten list 6 days shalt thou labor! He also never said it was the job of the government to take care of the poor. That's the job of family, friends, neighbors, and the church.
    • Linda Joy
      For those who care to know the truth:
  • By letting those who live in Section 8 tell HUD what is wrong and be given privacy and freedom.I know of not one person living in rat holes that trusts any agency.why work for 10 an hour when you'll lose everything that's free? All you give up is freedom and dignity if you have it.
    • Linda Joy
      I fail to see how that is going to put people on welfare to work. I live in subsidized housing and they encourage me to report more. I don't have rats or mice. And you kinda have to compromise your privacy to let maintenance in. I also fail to see how people who need welfare are giving up freedom and dignity. I've never been on welfare per se, but when I needed and asked for assistance, I never surrendered my dignity. Anyone who didn't recognize this has a problem with their perception!
    • Archie Bunker
      "Everything that's free." What exactly is free, TBO? Those working are paying for it, so it's not free. It's only free to the recipient. The recipient being the person who doesn't want to work cause they want free shit.
  • "I believe the best social program is a job." - The Gipper
    • Linda Joy
      Even my niece with an IQ of 40 and is barely verbal has been able to work. And for now there are programs in place that help her do that. Unfortunately she has to have an aide with her now because she was sexually assaulted at work! Should we celebrate that her work now puts another to work?
  • If you are on welfare and are able to work a job would be the best. Next you could have a choice: work or go to school and maintain a c average to stay on welfare. Get that AA and you should be able to take care of yourself with the right academic guidance from the educational system.
    • Linda Joy
      I agree education and training are essential. I'm not sure on what percentage of that cost should be invested by the government, the corporations that need workers, or the individuals that need the job. It seems to me the individual would have to wait till they are educated and employed to pay their portion. The government would eventually profit (hopefully) when the individual is taken off welfare and moved to a higher tax bracket. The company benefits by getting more viable candidates.
  • Not to worry, Agenda 2030 will take care of all those on welfare.
    • Linda Joy
      That still doesn't answer the question of how to put these people to work no matter how many times you post it.
  • Let's take two cases. Every individual is different, but these two cases make a thought experiment to showcase the most interesting types of behaviours in this discussion. Jack wants to work, and Jack has tons of training in construction work. But Jack was injured in a workplace accident and now is disabled. Jack was the breadwinner for his family prior to the accident, so he needs community assistance in order for his family, including himself, to survive. Whether the economy is strong or weak, either way, Jack needs to choose a new career and receive the appropriate training, before he can rejoin the workforce, if that's even possible. Now consider Jill. Jill is able-bodied, but simply doesn't want to work. Jill doesn't care what the economic situation of the nation is like; she only cares that she gets a welfare check. How do you get Jack off of welfare? First you would need to find something Jack has significant aptitude to do, that also has economic demand for workers. Maybe Jack has a serious brain injury and all Jack can do is be hooked up to a machine. It looks like Jack is likely going to be on welfare until he dies, in that case. Maybe Jack's brain injury gets better little by little, though, and someday he can manage to pick berries or greet people at the front door of a superstore. But, at any rate, I'm not sure how Trump could help Jack off welfare. In Jill's case, if she stops receiving welfare checks, she would be faced with a choice - work or die. If Jill can work, but didn't want to do so, she now has the motivation necessary to actually get things into gear. But now, the meta-issue of who decides who needs welfare and who doesn't, on a case-by-case basis. Who pays that person's salary? What if that person makes the wrong call? What kind of person wants to do that job? Et cetera. Maybe the job pays for itself in savings, and a person like Jill gets the responsibility, but then, how likely would Jill be to make the right judgement calls for cases like her own? The overall problem of welfare abuse is not solved, or even really improved, by bolstering the economy. In a bad economy, there are no jobs. In a good economy, there is plenty of money flowing everywhere. In neither case, will people go off of welfare. So, how to fix the problem? In any solution, there will be negative harsh consequences for some people, while others will take advantage. Even if you could start a government program to train unemployed people to fit some immediate job need within the workforce, they still have to be able to output something of value equal to or greater than what they will be compensated, and there is simply no job on Earth that can guarantee that anyone can do it and make money doing it indefinitely.
    • Linda Joy
      I can't believe I bothered to read this! There is no solution contained in this dribble AT ALL! I don't even get what the point of it was! Some people want to work and others don't? Oh well, maybe someone else will get something out of it.
    • bostjan the adequate πŸ₯‰
      There is no magic bullet solution.
  • Legalisation. Send the immigrants workers home and require corporate to employ certain percentage of American citizens. Require corporate to employ people on welfare or put them on apprenticeship to skill them.
    • Terrible Judge
      Sorry i make a mistake. I mean Legislation or lawmaking.
    • Linda Joy
      Good idea!! Getting corporate to apprentice them or intern them would definitely be a win /win! I think also letting them work in a co-op child care center would be a good idea, if child care is an issue for them. You can edit your posts with the orange button with the pencil in it. Then save it with the red save button. It may take a while for it to update the save. As for immigrants, I think they are valuable assets to our work force. Illegal immigrants should be treated like the criminals they are. I don't think we should legislate percentages. Especially not based on nationality. But I would support offering incentives or tax breaks for hiring those formerly on welfare.
  • Just give them a date when it ends. The time to do that is while the economy is good and there are so many low pay jobs available. I'm assuming, perhaps wrongly, that many on welfare would need to start in a bottom tier job for experience.
  • Offer good jobs paying a living wage and affordable childcare. Affordable housing is also needed in a lot of areas. Training should be supplied by the employers, because only they know exactly what need, but government subsidies may help defray the cost. By the way, you do know that people can't stay on Welfare forever? They have to go to work. That's a requirement imposed under the Clinton Administraiton in the 90s.
  • The best way is to get rid of Biden and bring back the jobs that he was responsible for killing. Then stop the "stimulus" checks - as long as people are being paid not to work, there is no incentive for them to go back to work no matter what jobs they're offered. The "stimulus" checks are nothing more than what they were calling "entitlements" a few years ago. Because they knocked out the jobs, "stimulus" sounds better than "entitlements". And as long as the government is paying them, the government also has the right to dictate over them. The $15/hr minimum wage is a joke and a disaster in the making - no one who supports it has the faintest idea of how economics work.
  • Slowly lower the amount of money they are getting so it forces them to get a job or starve. This is only for able body people who are lazy.
  • I suspect a year long Marine style bootcamp, to teach the work ethic their libtard parents should of taught them...instead of finding new and interesting ways to spoil them rotten...would go a long way. Of course, once the habitual apathy and laziness was broken, jobs would have to be available to be filled.
  • People will get off welfare when they have better jobs.
    • β˜…Stevo
      What job opperutinitys are there for young people?
  • Deport 6 million Illegals It shouldnt be hard, What pathetic goverment let them sneak in? is that a sign of dementia?
  • childcare with education and jobs
  • Put them in an airplane and fly them over Gaza.

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