I respect her greatly as she is rare in a political system that is adversely influenced by large donors and lobbyists. not only that many of them would not be re elected unless they tow the line for their big donors. Some like aipac are coercive and shaming anyone who dares to call out this undue influence. Why not ask the question: Why is the establishment parties and mainstream media smearing ilhan Omar. Why do many of them ignore white supremacy hate speech and killings inspired by that speech?
Archie Bunker
Do you mean speech like, "Death to America?" -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"Do you mean speech like, "Death to America?"" [citation needed] -
Linda Joy
Are you seriously trying to say Muslim money and lobbyists don't back her on the hill??!!! Don't be ridiculous! They have far more money and lobbying power than Christians do worldwide! And don't ever doubt the whole world is trying to influence American politics because America is the most influential country in the world! -
Archie Bunker
Her anti-antisemitism is blatant and the complete disregard of the Democratic party is pathetic. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Linda Joy, I never said anything like that; I'm asking for specific information. Do you have any examples, or are you saying that because it could happen, it is? If we want to play "follow the money," I'd be game. You know who, in the Muslim world, had tons of money and where it came from? Archie Bunker, can you quote any blatant anti-semitic remark she's made? I've looked high and low, and the only reported anti-semitic remarks from her that I've ever found have been subject to quite a bit of creative interpretation; none were any worse than things Trump said about Jewish people on the campaign trail. All I see is a bunch of bandwagoning against her. -
Linda Joy
My comment was to Roaring's answer not your comment. As you can see in my answer I'm looking for answers too. -
I I find bootsjan64 questions valuable. Dialogue needs specifics. Assertions are valid discussion points if you can back up those assertions. -
Archie Bunker
64, her continued comments/tweets about Israel are anti-semantic. Many of her fellow democrats feel the same way and she has even apologized for some. If you want to know which comments, you're gonna have to google that. There are too many to list in my opinion. And I hope you're not playing the race/woman card when you talk about bandwagons. That's a lazy argument. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
You're too damned lazy to even say which supposed quote proves that she's blatantly anti-semitic! (Hint: there isn't one...yet) -
I'll give you an example of hate speech in the form of a poster that was on display at WVGOP Day held in the West Virginia Capitol building Mar 1st. Top part of poster was the burning WTC buildings and the words " 'Never Forget' - You Said..." Then a picture of Ilhan Omar. And below the Congresswoman's photo were the words, ?"I am the proof you have forgotten." Then you have the presidents tweet making the same association with Ilhan and an act of terrorism. So what examples of her tweets about Isreal are antisemitic?
Frankly, I'm jealous. I don't think my representative fights half as hard as she fights for her constituents. Has she said something specific that upset you, or are you just triggered by the fact that she wears a scarf and calls god a different name when she prays?
Archie Bunker
I could care less what she wears and could care less who she prays to. Pulling the race/religion/woman card this early in the discussion? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
That wasn't supposed to be a rhetorical question. What, specifically, has she done to upset you? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I guess that question was too difficult to answer... -
Archie Bunker
Read her tweets and her comments, hommie. I don't like what she says or what she stands for.
This seems very one sided in my Google Search. All I've found out so far is that she said "Some people did something on 9-11 and then some people started losing their civil liberties" or something like that. The way I see it some Muslim Terrorists attacked America and since then they have been scrutinized more closely. I don't see them being rounded up and forced to walk a trail of tears or be kept in concentration camps or internment camps because of the terrorist activities that group of people perpetrated USING THEIR RELIGION AS AN IDENTIFIER! It stands to reason some Americans would take offence and begin to hate those who killed our children, brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers (civilians, not soldiers) and vow to never forget. I know I won't. But I also know many good Muslims who wish no harm to anyone. And I don't think this lady was in on it. But I would like to learn what she has said and done that was Anti-American, if this is true. But Muslims begged to be hated when they chose to bomb the trade center. It was a despicable thing for anyone to do much less someone claiming to be doing the work of God! I, for one, would have to take a long hard look at my religion if that is what they promote. Then again every religion has their crazies and radical groups.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"But Muslims begged to be hated when they chose to bomb the trade center." !? -
Linda Joy
Just as Germans did when they executed the Holocaust! But it wasn't just terrorists that bombed the trade center. It was MUSLIM TERRORISTS! THEY are the ones who identified THEMSELVES as Muslim. So yes! Quite literally they begged for all Muslims to be hated for what they did when they claimed the moniker and did the deed in the name of Muslim brotherhood and allah! And thank you for pointing that out to me and helping to solidify that in my mind. If they had just been political terrorists they wouldn't have brought this shame to their religion and caused extra suspicion for their brothers and sisters. But as we know evil comes in all forms shapes and sizes. But it is an individual thing in humans and should be treated as such. Not cast like a net or blanket. People are individuals. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I'm not quite sure I follow the entire rationale, but it sounds like you are saying that the hijackers brought shame to Islam for their deeds. Maybe saying "But Muslims (all Muslims?) begged to be hated when they (all Muslims?) chose to bomb the trade center" seems to be painting in much broader strokes than you intended. Perhaps instead, saying "The 9/11 hijackers and masterminds begged for Muslims to be hated when they chose to bomb the trade center" could be clearer, if that's what you meant. What makes America so strong is our diversity. One culture sees things one way, and another culture sees the same thing differently. By coming to a compromise between the different approaches to solving problems, we can effectively do a better job solving more problems. The moment we start selectively excluding people based on ethnicity, race, or other arbitrary reasons, we weaken our own melting pot culture. -
Linda Joy
I'm saying the people who claimed to be doing this for their religion begged for all Muslims to be hated for what they did. If they didn't they wouldn't have mentioned their religion. If you had been reading all my posts clearly instead of looking for something to pick at you would have seen I clearly stated several times that not all muslims participated in this and I clearly stated I didn't think this woman was in on it. So stop cherry picking and assuming I'm piling on. I still don't see what she has done wrong other than minimize a horrific event, but then I get my news here and look it up online so I'm still learning. I don't watch tv or follow politics it disgusts me. -
Linda Joy
And here's my actual quote where I clearly explained what I meant: "So yes! Quite literally they begged for all Muslims to be hated for what they did when they claimed the moniker and did the deed in the name of Muslim brotherhood and allah! " -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
It should be fair to be shocked by the sentence I quoted, in and out of context. It's not cherry picking if you express shock at a quote or ask for clarification. If you reread what I said, I was careful about assuming what you meant. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Religion, terrorism, and September 11th are all touchy subjects. There are a lot of things to talk about. But here's the gist of how I feel: all major religions have violence depicted in their holy books, and they all have people who key in on those passages to justify murder in the name of God (or gods). Those people do not speak for the entire religion; they can't, because they are so misled and misinformed. Representative Omar has been a constant target of the conservative media since she took office, and the claims made against her have been the most logically vapid arguments I've seen. The latest attacks against her character have not only been trumped up by cherry picking a quote and placing presumptive negative connotation with it, which clearly isn't the intent when read in context, but has also become a sort of battle cry for certain groups. Anyway, some of the statements she has been most criticised over have turned out to be true statements. I think that really says something about the current state of politics in this nation. -
Linda Joy
Yeah, like I said there are crazies in every religion. I don't know Omar, but is it possible she's ONLY representing those of her religion? is she Anti-American, anti-semitic? Is it required to name your religion when you enter politics? Did she have to bring up 9-11 and 'certain people' or could she just have said civil liberties were being violated? I'm guessing here, but she probably made a big deal of the fact she's muslim and for muslims. Question is does she also represent the jews and other Americans in her district? Does she fight as hard for their civil liberties as she does the muslims? And just because its true doesn't mean she should have said it. Do you think what LBJ said about getting the blacks to vote Democrat for the next 200 years is true? Regardless, he should never have thought it much less said it! In conclusion, I have nothing against Omar. I've seen no proof of anything yet. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Make sure you find the actual quotes from reliable sources. She is very often misquoted in memes on facebook, and even Fox News has a habit of directly mischaracterizing what she says by posting something untrue and shocking in the headline, and not providing any actual quotes in the main story. She has said before, as a lesser quoted part of one of her quotes that really triggered people: "The people of the 5th elected me to serve their interest." And also: "I am much more interested in defending my ideas than defending my identities." What leads you to believe that she might be only representing those of her religion? Has she said or done something to suggest that? As far as that LBJ quote, Linda, it's all BS. He never said that! Try looking it up - never happened. Which is funny, because he said a lot of shocking things and routinely used the "n word," but never uttered that quote in public, nor to any identifiable source, so it's extremely likely that the quote was made up. -
Thank You bostjian64 for your informed response. I concur.
I believe her words are beneath her office.
Archie Bunker
Agreed. As I said above, her anti-antisemitism is fairly obvious. -
Linda Joy
Archie, If its so obvious why don't you give us examples? I've looked online and as I said it was all defending her. I know you have your reasons for saying this, I just wish we had a few examples. -
Linda Joy
Black Mystique, What did she say? If you can give a near quote I can probably find it. The only one I got was what I said in my answer. -
Archie Bunker
AIPAC is only about giving money to politicians. Some people did something. Pro-Israel people have an allegiance with Israel. The US was founded on genocide. America was built through neo-colonialism. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
LOL! Four statements you claim she made, with no citations nor direct quotes for any of them... Two of your four vague paraphrased quotes are proven true by very simple third grade knowledge: 2. Being pro-(a country) means, by definition, having an allegiance to that country. 4. The US was founded as a colony. That's exactly what colonialism is - forming colonies. As for claim 1, AIPAC is a lobbying group. It's the very first thing you see on their website: Lobbyists, in the USA, by definition, give money to elected officials. (learn more: 3. Read: This is what I found by googling Omar and "genocide," as you cited as your source for another answer. As you can see in the article, she has her facts straight and her rhetorical opponent looks like an idiot.
i would hope not
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