E. All or none of the above. Marriage shouldn't be anything specifically. It is what it is to each individual couple. For someone to say what it should be, is kind of overstepping their bounds.
C, unless B comes first. Definitely not A.
I think it should be for ten year increments, with the option to have more if wanted.
i think it is a one time commitment and should be for life, at least that's how i would like it to be
A) :)
I would want my marriage to be for life.. I would only marry someone i love.. and i would never want to get divorced. and nobody could make me happier than the one i love.... and how can someone i love get on my nerves?
the idea of marriage is that it "should" be for life...hence, the phrase "'til death do us part"...but all to often it's just until ya get on each other's nerves or until the kids leave home.
if they wouldnt (c) everytime they (B), then they could (A) until long after (D)
'A' - good luck.
each individual should shoot for A... the problem is that partners get bored and have unrealistic expectations. if partner B commits infidelities, or abuse partner A can end it without any hint of guilt. if both partners are having problems they need to work them out. both partners are responsible for their own commitment.
F. Nonexistent.
Should be for life. Unfortunately, life ain't perfect.
I think it should be for whatever you guys said in the marriage vows... And too bad it doesn't hold up in court where you can sue for breech of contract or I'd be banking right now... I don't care for marriage, it's an old tradition that's not really traditional anymore... Some states like the one I live in, if you live with someone for a short while, they can claim you like you are married... So why bother with all the hooplah if you can get auto married anyway...
I take a) my ex. took c).
A, For Life b. never. c. No one could make me happier. D. No kids enhance a marriage if we all get through it together. Then woohoo - your marriage is very strong, like mine.
Marriage 'should' be the business of the two people involved.
for life
Marriage is for life. There is no other way around it. Why would you marry someone unless you wanted to live with them forever. There is a reason it says "till death do you part". If this is not for you, do not enter into a marriage. Sure theres a reason divorces are so horrible and drawn out. I'm sorry, But marriage is supposed to be between those who's love exceeds all others and they wish to live together forever. Does no one share my opinion? If you cannot commit, then just go out....theres no laws or vows broken.
Ideally it should be for life, but things don't always work out the way they should, and it doesn't really make sense to pretend to be married if the only thing remaining of the marriage is the certificate.
Depends on your religious belief more than anything. Ideally it should be for ever. I don't believe in going into a marriage with any inkling that if it doesn't last for life then it doesn't matter. I don't believe in staying togeether when you are both miserable with each other, when one is abusive, for the kids, one somebody breaks a big marriage vow - in instances like this, you shouldn't have to stay in a painful relationship. I also don't think it is a case of staying until you find somebody who makes you happier. In that instance you ahve a duty to your partner to stay and try your hardest to make your marriage work, if you can. My thoughts =)
I would say as long as the two people remain committed to each other and making a life together. I have been married to my husband for nearly 35 years and still going strong. Our children have left home, and came back, and left again, and now the grandchildren come around as well. I have married "for life" three times, but life didn't turn out to be very long the first two times.
It *should* be for life... <said the divorcee>
e) until one partner wants out of the relationship
well you can shoot for A but its more likely to be a mix of B and C!
I don't know, but ummmm I'm 19 and I don't want my parents getting divorced when I leave, haha.
For life for deif.Good luck with your marriage!
Marriage should be for two people who want to spend the rest of their lives together because they love the other for who they are. Not for the fact that they are rich, good-looking, famous, etc. But because they love each other.
For life, with the possibility of time off for good behavior.
For life!
A) For life.
E) Whatever works best foe you, even if what works for you is divorce.
i say A) cause that is why people get married to start with is so they can stay together for life.
In a perfect world, it should be A.
I believe in for life. I wouldn't tell anyone else how to live their life, but I would strongly suggest thinking it through more before just jumping in.
choice c. =P
Marrage is what you make it... It can be heaven or it can be hell....
it should until all those things happend and then until death do you part......
Well, this is something I have thought about a long long time. Many of the books I read, mostly sci-fi and fantasy, deal with this in many different ways. Some of the ideas put forward are short term co-habitation contracts, kind of like living together, but with a formal contract of who pays for what, how and when. Contracts for the specific reason of producing heirs. Specific time durations, say 3, 5 and 10 year contracts. Social marriage contracts. Life bond contracts. Notice that all of these refer to the state of marriage as a contract with formal obligations, rights and duties. Just like any other business contract or a prenuptial. Perhaps that is what is wrong with marriage today, none of the parties involved no longer understand what role/part they are to play or what their rights, duties and obligations may be. It is all very well to say you marry for love and I congratulate many who do, but for others the love can fade after a time and there should be something in place to deal with that. Rather than a messy divorce. (Note: the divorce lawyers won't like this because they will be out of a job!) However, the common theme of all these ideas mentioned was that all the parties knew what they were letting themselves in for and were happy with that. There was no recriminations, messy endings, or whatever each knew before hand what was in front of them. Perhaps the idea of a formal contract can seem bloodless and coldhearted but then I think you can relax and acutally enjoy yourself if you know the rules BOTH people are playing to. You can allow yourself to be in love and carefree, or have children knowing they will be loved and wanted and supported. So, perhaps the people involved can define what they want from a marriage and create a contract to cover it and just get on with it.
If your marriage is in trouble all the above are applicable- while you are doing it you may at each state get a chance to come to some solutions and abandon the rest of the plans, but those are normal..AND very practical. Then again things can change from time to time.
If you look at marriage that way, then that person should have stayed single and should not have taken the sacrate vows. When you marry, that person is evolving their life around you, whether male or female. Including bringing children into this world giving their entire love trust and devotion to you. It would be a travesty to dishonor those vows. Now we all know it don't happen that way all the time. But the mindset at the beginning should be honorable by both and if faith leads them in different directions later, then so be it
If I was a lawmaker I would make it compulsory for those getting married to sign a declaration. It would state that the marriage was binding for two years. A large deposit put down, half from each, which, if they lasted for the two years they would get back. This way the couple should have some sort of clue as to how they are getting on with each other. The cash back could pay for a belated honeymoon.
It would be great if it lasted until the kids leave home. Who knows, by that time the couple may have got to know each better and decide to stay on for the long haul.
I wish they could all be for life. Growing up having to visit your father in front of a police man is no fun.
until death you do part. I think people enter into marraige to easily. To me, it's one of the biggest decisions you'll ever make and you should give it a lot of thought. My wife and I both agree on that, marraige is for life.
For life. It is a commitment for life.
Or (e) something unnecessary and to be avoided at all cost
I'm getting married this summer and I plan on being with my man for life. We are going to build our lives,home,family and future with each other. I wouldn't want to be with anybody else. Though we're young, I dont feel like I would be missing out, we're getting older. So with that being said, he's the man I want to spend my life with. :)
marriage should be for life with person you love .
A "SHOULD BE" but today no, just like in all time, people run around on ea other and all the other problems that come with marriage. Now people give up too easy.... sad.
Marriage is whatever the couple decides it to be. There should never be a standard.
Definitely for life. People have lost what a marriage is methinks.
C. Or like Taco said; avoid marriage.
Until death due you part
I think it should be for life
Life...but there are exceptions to every rule Abuse cheating etc.....
If you've got B, C, and D covered, call your lawyer.
Ideally it should be for life, but as so many people on here have stated that is a very rare thing to happen in this day and age. people think its ok to cheat. and alot of people that are still together have been cheated on and just dont know about it. so yeh it SHOULD be for life but i woudnt bet on it
For life
a. ideally for life. i hope that when i get married, it will be for life, and my spouse will take marriage as seriously as i do. "till death do us part" is there for a reason. b. until you get on each other's nerves - seems shallow and makes me wonder why the couple got married in the first place and how invested they are in their relationship. also says the relationship is dysfunctional becuase there isn't enough communication or dedication to stay together. c. until you find someone that makes you happier - is this a justification for cheating? it's not married and looking. it's married: off the market. you find a way to make your marriage the best it can possibly be. d. until the kids leave home - is marriage just a sham? something to endure while raising children? how terrible. for both the man and woman and the children, to witness the tearing apart of their family.
If your marrying me, you better be in it for life.
It should be for life.
Absolutely for life. There is nothing more satisfying than a well-worn marriage. You've grown into each other until you are almost one. If you do marriage right, you shouldn't get on each other's nerves. If you do marriage right, there shouldn't be anyone who makes you happier. Those are both signs that you let your crotch lead you into marriage instead of your head and your heart. Those are also signs that one or the other or both of you has no manners and shows no respect, kindness or responsibility. If you grow up and treat each other right, you won't be able to imagine doing without each other when the kids leave home.
Marriage should be forever. Tough it out and make it work. Except for physical violence.
Any of the above.
This might help answer your question Regards -Larry
I choose E) until you get tired of the person.
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