I LOVE Jack Daniels. Can't stand Jagermeister. Not too big on Tequila either, or Schnapps. I either drink Jack straight from the bottle (only on special occasions because my wife and friends don't like me when I drink Jack,) or Jack n Cokes.
I like coconut rum now, cause it don't take much for me now. I used to drink vodka straight, and a lot of it, so now if I even smell it I gag. lol
Bacardi & Sprite is my usual drink. I can drink any clear liquor, except tequila, that has to be dark. Dark liquor makes me very angry and I will pick a fight. Clear tequila has the same effect, except I will pick a fight while taking off my clothes...
I love Malibu rum..there's a local place that makes a drink they call Neut's Nightmare it's malibu, banana liquor, midori and pineapple juice. I could drink pitchers of these!
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