• Islam, Seven Day Advent, Most Baptists, some Lutherans, etc.
  • Any religion whose final authority is the Bible.
  • Muslims - Islam
  • allow drinking alcohol, or drunkeness?There is a BIG difference.
  • Whatever religion does allow that, is certainly not a religion of God. People say Jesus drank wine, but it was not fermented! Why would God make something (alcoholic drinks), that destroy the body and kill so many people? Alcohol is NOT a thing of God and therefore, if anyone is wanting to follow Christ, should not drink any.
  • Muslims are not a religion of God. They believe that Jesus was not in fact killed but, that someone else was chosen to take his place. That is a lie! As for the other Christian denominations, I wouldn't trust anything that they teach because there should only be one person and His teachings that you should follow: Christ!! The Christian denominations may take some things out of the Bible but they add their own things in it and you should not follow any religion that was started by a man or a woman, as it was started by someone other than Christ. God be with you!
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. a.k.a. The Mormon Church

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