G'day babybleep99, Thanks for your question. Australians use British spellings so I would use favourite, theatre and colour. Regards
Favourite, theatre, etc. I'm American, but my folks are Irish. It used to get me in trouble in grade school
favorite, theatre, and centre when my work is getting marked, other wise center :)im aussie :)
Favorite, theater, center color....yeah, I spell things the correct way....and I'm not British....
My car has a bonnet and boot, rather than a hood and trunk. I walk on the pavement, rather than the sidewalk , so I bet you can guess.
I'm British American so both ways are right to me
The first of all of them...and no, I'm not British.
Favorite, theatre, centre and color. No, I am not British.
This is an interesting question. I count myself as English. I have noticed that lately, people are stating Scot, Welsh, Irish, etc. The term British seems to be going out of favour with some. With regard to your question, I am increasingly amazed that 'Americanisms' are not used more frequently than they are. I would have thought that with so many popular American made programmes, to view via Sky, the young would naturally pick up the language just as French, Italien, etc. words have crept into common use. Best wishes,
I am American, so I generally don't add the "u" or put the e after the r. I have a friend in Canada and when I write him an email, I usually put the u in whatever word it would be in, but in a capital letter. He gets a kick out of it.
Favourite. Theatre. Centre. Colour. Yeah. I think I just might be :)
Favourite, theatre, centre, colour ... No, not British, I am Canadian from Montreal.
I am not British, but work with a lot of British people. I find myself using both spellings of those words and spell realize with an s.
Apologize, realize, favorite, color, center. . .I'm from the U.S.
favourite, theatre(or theater), center(or centre), colour....I am Canadian...but we have maintained a lot of the British spellings.
I am British and we spell correctly as according to the Oxford English dictionary.
ketchup or catsup?
faveroute, theatre centre colour we also use nappies and we go to the toilet (not a rest room) yes i am british-english
favourite theatre centre colour haha.. my computer is obviously american - i have a red line under every word i just wrote! nope, not british,im australian. :)
Favourite, Theatre, Centre, Colour. No, I'm Australian.
Favourite, Theatre (although theater is better), Center/Centre (depends on what), Colour. No. I am not British. I am Canadian.
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