• yes i diffinantly think sooo
  • Possibly, Childbirth is obviously painful (though these days drugs are used so much that pain is reduced to a small point). Really I'd say it's an individual thing, not a sex thing.
  • tell a man to pop out a baby and then you tell me what you think
  • Yeah. I'm definitely not having a baby.
  • Well, unless you can find a man who'll volunteer to pass a medium-sized bowling ball out of his rectum, I don't think there's any real way to test it.
  • Not in general. Check out the torture methods used in POW camps - I don't think there'd be too many women who could handle what men handle there.
  • To some types of pain, yes. There are different types of pain and different types of pain receptors (for example, think sharp pain vs a dull ache). Obviously women are capable of giving birth and dealing with that pain but I think with someothers men have a higher tolerance.
  • YEs i think so . women can suck it up better - whilst men just whinge about it.
  • Yes, I do.
  • Not me. I hate pain. Childbirth was a piece of cake for me but I'm afraid to get my ears pirced, lol
  • Yeah! Monthly period, pregnancy, giving birth, whoa!
  • Yes, in most cases ... a very tiny percentage of men have been trained in ways that allow them to tollerate extreme sensations of any kind, even intense prolonged pain from torture, but most men can not even handle a simple accupressure pain pinch ... and I do not know of any men that could give birth, gasp a bit, then smile.
  • Gender regardless, I think it depends on the individual.
  • I think it's a really individual thing. When I think of the torture men used to go through in the time of Braveheart, for example, I can't even imagine. In the labor rooms of yore when my children were born, some women screamed their lungs out and cursed their husbands, but some just moaned during labor, so I think it depends upon the person.
  • I can't say for sure but my husband sprained his ankle the exact same way I sprained mine and he seemed to be in much more pain than I was when I sprained mine. It could be just individual pain tolerances tho.
  • Surely you know the answer. A women can take care on the house, kids, laundry, cook, then do the dishes after a serious accident or injury. Most men cant move from their bed to the the couch without a women half his size practically carrying him.
  • I would say its the person not the sex of the person. I also think there are different kinds of pain and people handle them differently. I do think some people make a bigger deal out of pain to get more attention.
  • yes, working in the medical field ive seen it with my own eyes. men are terrified of shots while women are more calm.
  • Yes!! When I get hurt, or sick with something like a soar throat I keep on living normal. my boyfriend gets one he can't leave the house! It's ridiculous to me.
  • they put up with men , dont they? on the other have to put up with women. tough call
  • Generally,yes. But it cannot be true in all cases. There could men who can endure more pain.
  • Men have a higher endurance and threshold for pain then woman because woman focus on the emotional pain and men focus on the physical. This was studied and tested at University of Bath. If you need a link to article:
  • Actually men have a higher pain tolerance in general... Here's an article on that:
  • Men in general have a higher pain tolerance and threshold than women, I'm not trying to offend anyone but it's just scientific facts.
  • No. The only woman I know of who had as much tolerance to pain as myself was my mother.
  • I don't think it's completely gender-specific, but, in my experience, I know more women who have a higher pain tolerance. I'm one who'd rather be in pain than be nauseous any day. I've been through some painful oral surgeries and a hysterectomy, chronic menstrual pain, broken bones and severe tissue tears due to my clumsiness. I can handle pain much easier than being nauseous. I know men who've told me and other women that cramps are "all in our head" or "just a stomachache"....and then been reduced to whining children by a flu or cold...or, more recently, by a few guys I know who've had to pass several kidney stones (one of them a big, tough cop).
  • I don't think it goes either way. I think it is an individual thing, rather than genetic by sex. It MAY be genetic by family. I know my family all have high pain thresholds. I, for example, just had major abdominal surgery. 44 staples in my lower abdomen after they opened me up and removed a large cyst. I have not needed any pain meds to speak of (regular Tylenol works fine, on the occasions I need it) and went home the day after surgery. I am doing most things, with a wound that is dehisced (opened), about 6 inches long, an inch deep, and an inch and a half wide in the middle. Some people can handle it, others cannot.
  • I would say off hand that women probably can. I've nothing to compare child birth to but it can't be a pleasant thing. Not to mention the monthly cramps and other fun and games that they get to deal with.
  • it could possibly be a tie.. but i'm going to go with women.
  • absolutely WOMEN! that's why WE go thru the childbirth!
  • Women :)
  • "Men" ... because they have to listen to all that screaming while the woman is delivering the baby!:)
  • Aren't women supposed to have a higher pain threshold than men?
  • On the average I would say women.
  • Men, women are more sensitive =)
  • woman, and if you've ever given birth you'll know i'm right, lol!
  • women. Physical pain : see the labor pain an dthe monthly pains they undergo. Men Mental pain : Men, the way she undergo pain an dstress in life while balancing family and profession
  • I'd say that women can take the most pain. They look forward to it when it comes to having kids.
  • Women by a country mile.
  • Women, hands down. Child birth and all that it entailed (the aftermath) was the worst pain I've ever been in. I have a very high pain thresh hold too.
  • Answerbaggers confronted with questions stereotyping men and women. Ò˜º
  • Whichever sex has the least "sense"! Women will say men, men will say women. Lol.
  • women, duh. they go through childbirth.
  • Women, I so glad I'm a man!
  • It is reasonable to ask this question and I don't disagree that women can take the most pain in a 'sitting'. . How well women would resist torture over a long period I not only don't know but don't want to know.
  •'s called marriage.
  • Everyone is different but I have almost no pain receptors or so the doctors speculate. I was in a motorcycle crash a couple of years back, it was 70mph t shirt and shorts and ruff country road with the bike on top of me for the 50-60 feet we slid and I still got up and drove the bike home and then to the hospital and then did my own wound cleansing with a pocket knife and fingernails before she could get back in the room with the proper tolls. She freaked because there was blood everywhere as well as some skin pieces that I cut off that were hanging and a bunch of rocks I dug out of my arm and knee and leg.
  • Chuck Norris!
  • I've heard its women. I think it would depend on each individual though.
  • Well, the common concencus is women. HOWEVER from my grandad he quoted going through kidney stones was the male equivilant of child birth. So i say its a fair fight there even match.
  • i think child birth,you guys try pulling your top lip over your head,about as close to childbirth as we can
  • In tests it is men, despite the myth, though women can keep childbirth to themselves thanks.
  • Women- try having you child natural.
  • Men can. There's articles on it. Men have a higher tolerance and threshold for pain. But it's either that or it's an individual thing, haven't put my finger on it yet.
  • hmm well since I've never had to pass an infant through any part of my body, I'd have to guess us men haven't been put to the test to see...
  • Both and neither-depending person to person basis.*
  • No I think men do. Women just say that they do because of child birth. But pulling out a branch from you leg sounds a lot more painfull(i know how painfull it is due to experiance). Then getting infection because a doctor cant clean a wound. Then trying to walk with that leg is impossibly painfull. But of course not all men have experianced painfull time like i have. But its been proved by science that Men have a greater tolerance to pain the women.
  • Yes, I think.
  • some might, it depends on the person

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