No thats just plain rude and nasty....i've seen them though.
Never. I think they are utterly pointless. If you don't care about a question, don't answer it. It's as simple as that.
I'd never do that and its more hurtful than anything. Its way less harmful to keep the thought to yourself than it is of voicing it.
I think that it is rude and pointless to do so, I've never given such an answer. I may have thought it, but then I just avoid answering that question altogether....
Yes a few times, only because I went on AB after a skin-full of beer at the pub.
I never gave a "Who cares" answer but I would expect that someone with a 50% or lower rating on their profile might do something like this.
well if that is how people are ganna be what is the point of clicking on the link???? so no
I have only a few times. When I was really aggravated with the post.
I'm new to Answerbag, but I have seen a few of those kinds of answers. It seems like people want to be heard even if they have nothing to say, lol.
If it's a matter of opinion, why should one person's opinion be worth more "points" than another's? I have not answered with a "who cares," but I will make an exception in this case; Who cares about points???
Thought about it a couple of times and then told myself to grow up.
When I see something that annoys me, I've been known to give a flippant answer. However, I counter that with answers that have signifigant depth quite often, so I think there's a balance. I have seen people who give some of the funniest "why are you asking this" answers I've ever seen in my life, and while it IS mean, I find such answers amusing.
Here is the only "Who cares" answer I have given on AB.
No, not very impressive on the manners front.
I might think who cares but I rarely type it. If you think that about an question then why answer it.
Nope never... guess giving such answers is not a good idea .
I have a few times I'm sure...
It's bad manners :o(
I have given my fair share, I think. There is this one that I'm particularly proud of:
I think it's honesty, shorn of PC or other BS. Maybe it's good to find out not everybody cares about who did who on 'Days of Our Lives', who is best MVP, or other trivial pursuits. It's called a reality check. "It's a good thing" says Martha Stewart!
If they don't have something real to say, they should not post anything.
I agree , are you the Murzy from Yahoo. ?
I've probably given them and gotten them. Its not nice. If you don't care then don't answer the question. Nobody is forcing you to answer.
No, I haven't. That doesn't mean some questions don't deserve it. Some of the questions sound like something straight out of the 3rd grade. Asking me about my favorite cookie or what I would do in the event of a zombie apocalypse strikes me as a little detached from reality. But it does help to explain how we found ourselves in this political mess.
No I have never given a who cares answer , there is no need for rudeness .
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