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  • I don't know about their fingers but I know that it is way TIGHTER...
  • Not all of us do. You should avoid the other men. Don't encourage them. "If you think sex is a pain in the arse then you're doing it the wrong way."
  • I think in general guys like to stick things in girls... I mean when I was 14 and necking guys wanted to stick fingers in places and the first place a guy tried on me was my butt.. I was so embarrassed but didn't want to push him away so I let him and later learned to enjoy it. Girls have two places for fingers and penis... our vaginas and our butts... Guys like variation and our butt is so taboo that it like beckons to them I think.
  • Because it feels awesome!
  • To me, it would be awesome. If it was up to her, I wouldn't mind putting my nose or tongue between her ass crack either.
  • Its a domination thing.

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