If I were another person, and there were 2 of me, I'd be my only friend.
yeah, i know i would. I am kind i don't make judgement. I would take my shirt off my own back if anyone needed it. I am a good person. Not conceded at all.
I would find myself fascinating and would love to be my own friend. Who else can be such a scintillating conversationalist, contribute such a broad spectrum of knowledge, and is willing to try most things on a whim?
Sure why not everybody needs friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damn Jay, you're bringing out the bad I see in me. I'm not sure if I would or not
Yep, I think so!
That is a good question to ask ... this question makes you evaluate yourself and i like that... I would be my friend... i believe i listen well, i really care about others, I am up for anything and i think that i am pretty easy to get along with... a drawback would be that i am a little bit shy so to be my friend someone would really have to spend the time to get to know me.
i dotn think it would work i like to be naked when im with myself
Great question+ I think I would, but at some point I would drive myself insane, but then I'd forgive myself and be friends again.
Only if I ever wanted to meet the coolest person ever on the face of this green Earth (stamps own ego Triptic) -Back is sore from over congratulation of self -
I would be friends with myself because I think I am easy to get along with.
Huh, intresting question... I am not sure, at first glance at myself, I would think I was a little stand offish, but maybe when I got to know myself, I might like me better lol.
well.....I would like to think so anyway.
My favorite word, bar none, is "friend". Therefore, since it is something I hold dear, I would have to say "yes", because I treasure my friends beyond all measure..they are priceless to me. :)
Yes I would be.
Definately, we have loads in common!
Yes - I would find my odd sense of humor refreshing.
Yes, they don't get any more loyal.
Yes,I would be friends with me.Im smart n helpful,n great fun!
Yes i think so i think im quite nice and easy going, i may get on my nerves occasiongly though lol
Yes, that would be so cool. Clone me please!
i guess...maybe. I mean i am kinda boring and i'm always hanging out with my boyfriend so i dont know when we'd have time to hang out...
i'd laugh at all my jokes.
I sure would!
I would worship me for my mind then develop a ritual for giving me the most sexual pleasure possible. Plus I wouldn't mind hanging around, being in business with, or walking into a bad bar or a good private club with me doing the lifting. To quote Xaploix Beedlebrox(sp) (President of the Universe) in Douglas Adams' "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe"-"If there's something out there more important than my ego, I want it hunted down and shot immediately."
probably not im grumpy sometimes, altho i have a lot of friends, so i guess i'm ok.
yes...without batting an eyelash! :)
yeah, it would be the only one i completely trust
I'm not sure.
Dude, what a question!!! I think I would, because we would both have the same sense of humour
If I was a patriotic, honest conservative, yes. :-)
that is a good question...never really thought about that...
Absolutely! I am one of the most faithful friends I know.
I think so...
yes i would.
Maybe. If you had asked me "if you were a duplicate of yourself", I'd have to say no. I'd rather have a friend who could drive. But you said "if you were another person", I guess I'll say yes. I'm not like other people around here. And there's something wrong with the so-called "normal" people who inhabit this place.
Yes, I try to be a friend that a friend would like to have.
Absolutely. I'm awesome. But I wouldn't put up with my bitchiness;)
I hope that I would be able to see that I was genuine, honest, caring, helpful, able to keep a secret and a promise, a shoulder to cry on when needed, full of advice if asked...on that basis I would want me as a friend. it is just sad that having moved to the US 7 years ago it is so hard to make seems no-ne needs a true friend over here.....
Most definatley, if everybody was like me the world would be a better place. (thats my opinion mind)
yes..of course. I would be entertained for hours and I know that I'd be able to trust me.
Of course, I like who I am. I did not used to say that. But my mom just pointed out to me that God made me perky, creative, and a little ditzy, but I would like to add insightful. So what I can be a lot of fun, but when needed I can give good advice. So, what's hard to get a long with? Well... I guess the ditziness can be a problem....
Oh Yes. I'd even want to marry me. ;]
Humble Yes. LOL I am warm funny person, and a good friend. I think of my friends more than I think of myself.
sure, I think I would. I am a nice, honest, caring person, and a great friend.
Yes Good friends bring happiness to your heart
Of course, we'd talk for hours, then do same hobbies, cue evergoing cycle.
Yes...I am OODLES of fun!
A bit difficult!
not only would i be friends i'd knock boots!!!
id prolly kill him... or me... no, both...
Yes definitely, my inner soul not changes.
Nope I wouldn't be friends with myself because I'm mean and i don't care about many people but me and my love Nikki
id liek to think so haha
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