• The govt. exercises a LOT of control over the bodies of the citizens. All of the drug laws criminalizing usage are control. We can "donate" an organ but it's illegal to sell one. It is a crime to try to sell a child in the womb. The govt says certain sex acts are criminal, even if the participants both consent. The abortion issue is not the only govt control over the body. 10/19/24
  • Well...mostly: your body, your choice. There's things that the government doesn't allow you to do to your body (e.g. inject heroine), and generally that's good that the government doesn't allow such things. *** But also: your baby's body, not your choice. And there's the tricky part. Where do you draw the line, between mother and baby? At what point SHOULD a baby be considered a person with its own right to life and not merely a..."growth" that is part of the mother's body? * I have my own, firm opinion about that. And many have opinions differing from mine. There is NO EASY answer. * Maybe one day we'll have the medical technology to - say - safely bring a 3-month fetus to term outside of the mother's womb. And if we ever do, then the issue can be resolved without this conundrum of whose rights are foremost - the right of the mother to make choices concerning her body vs. the right of the baby to live.
  • Each individual has a body of their own they should respect. If they mistreat their body by harming themselves, they should be seeing a therapist or psychiatrist. The government has nothing to do with your body. That is between yourself and someone who can offer some sort of help.
  • It's a decision between a person and their doctor.

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