• I think I paid someone maybe twice in my life? I even remember cutting my yard with a sling blade at one point because I didn't have a mower. But I don't have to worry about that anymore. I live in an apartment.
  • inn in an apt so they do it
  • Our HOA takes care of that. We pay into it, so essentially we pay. lol
  • I used to hire a lawn company who charged $75.00 dollars for the front and backyard. Now I have this guy who barely speaks English who charges $25.00 dollars for the whole nine 9 yards. That includes: front and backyard, edging, using the leaf blower to move debris such as leaves and grass cuttings from my driveway, porch and patio. If I could rate him, I would give him a 5-star rating for his great price and fast service.
    • Cinders717
      Wow, You are so lucky!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Cheap labor comes in handy.

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