• Shop around, don't be fooled by multipacks. Yesterday I bought kitchen towel, the multipack turned out more expensive than the single because there were more sheets on the single, for less money. Same with content, a bigger bottle may seem a better deal, until you see that two smaller bottles contain more , and works out cheaper. I eat alot of vegetables, so I will buy them separate from other foods if shop is cheaper.
  • - buy cheaper groceries - make your own meals - set a limit as to dollars per oz or dollars per pound of food; anything that costs more than that limit is off-limits. Compare - for example - chips, which now typically cost about $8 or more per pound, to things like chicken breast ($3 per pound in the family pack), ground chuck ($4 per pound in the large size pack), and even chuck roast ($5 per pound on sale). Potatoes, rice and popcorn are the "three low-cost staples". (Note: make sure to buy Thai of Indian rice only, because of the high arsenic content in American, Chinese and Japanese rice.)

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