Yes their oxygen was estimated to have run out by Thursday gone. The only way they may still be alive is if they remained inactive and slowed their body right down in order to conserve oxygen, and lessen carbon dioxide output. Only other way I could see a survivalist is if one successfully did away with the rest.
Thank you Creamcrackered for your comment, well appreciated :)
The news today reports that the debris seems to indicate an implosion, In that case, death would have been pretty much instantaneous. There was no chance after an implosion, the wreck of the Titanic and the sub are two miles down, not sustainable for humans without the protection of the intact vehicle.
Thank you, notyouraveragedummy for your comment :)
It could be a fake plan by 5 billionaires to escape their lives and assume a regular identity.
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It is a sad event. There are families weeping and wailing and grieving over the loss of their loved ones. It is not the "online joke" so many have tried to make it. These people bet their lives on a once in a lifetime opportunity and they lost due to mechanical failure. Not much different than falling from a high mountain or drowning while running the rapids on a swollen river. They were thrill seekers and their numbers came up. Some people will gamble it all for the reward because they know that today is as good a day to die as any other day. IMHO 6/23/23
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These wealthy folks seem to keep going for extreme tourism more and more: climbing Everest, diving to the ocean floor, rocketing off into space, etc. Those activities carry a risk. The bigger the risk, the bigger the adrenaline rush = the bigger the bragging rights. I think it's natural for us not to understand how to feel hearing news that several extremely wealthy people died doing an extremely dangerous activity. You feel sad, but at the same time, you kind off feel that these people ought to have known the risks.
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I couldn't give a toss about a bunch of rich people drowning . What sort of fool would go down there in the first place? Look at the discliamer agreement . Its like playing russian roulette play enough times and you will lose. This was allways going to happen. Lets get some more billionairs on a space X rocket for a trip to space?
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