By the ankles.
Lilo Avli
Are you a policeman ? -
Ice man
No, but I'm familiar with the use/wearing of handcuffs. -
Lilo Avli
Yes, Mircat did mention something about that on her local radio show. Are you still in therapy ? -
Ice man
No, I just got out of the hospital, thanks for asking. -
Lilo Avli
Sorry I didn't come to visit. My toe nails won't clipper themselves ! -
Ice man
I hate it when that happens ! -
Lilo Avli
Because they don't pick-up afterwards ? Nail-clippering is the only exercise my stomach gets. Well, apart from digesting burgers, beer and Britney Spears. -
Ice man
Are we to understand that you bite your toenails off ? -
Lilo Avli
If I was THAT flexible, I'd be in the Circus and have a lot of sticky throats ! -
Ice man
Didn't you listen to your mother when she told you to chew things up before swallowing. -
Lilo Avli
Thankfully, no, or else I'd be in the hospital, lookin' at photos of Caitlyn Jenner and planning what size breasts to get. -
Ice man
Is he/she your hero ? -
Lilo Avli
Yes, my Mother was my hero. God Bless Her beautiful, loving, generous, caring soul. I miss her. -
Ice man
No, I meant the other he/she -Jenner.... -
Lilo Avli
I think you're confusing the word "hero" with the word "facepalm. " My crown jewels are the only valuable items I have left in this mad, sad, world and NO_ONE is taking them away from me !! -
Ice man
Jenny Rizzo might ... want them for bookends.
You can put one through their belt loop. Or use a belly chain. Be creative.
probably by the ankles like sonneone said
Is he naked ?
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