• There are many in electronics and aviation in particular. This includes radar and hover craft and other such equipment. Many more I don't even know of.
    • Linda Joy
      I was just going to go answer some of your questions but you don't have any! What's up with that?! Will you please ask some questions so I can answer them?
    • Thinker
      LOL Sorry Linda but I ask very few questions because most of what I would ask others have already asked or my questions would be so far over most people's heads they would not know what I am asking. OK I will ask one here. Do you believe the Lord God approves of polygamy in both the OT and the NT?
    • Linda Joy
      I think God approves of polygamy when it's legal, and when those involved choose it for themselves.
    • Thinker
      Did the Lord God ever say it was illegal? Did he ever chastise any of those in the OT for having multiple wives? He could have clear back to Jacob when he married both Leah and Rebecca but He never said a word. Likewise He never said anything in the NT. Polygamy has always been legal in the Bible. It is man and his laws that has made it illegal.
    • Linda Joy
      We're also taught to obey the laws of the land. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.
      @Thinker: 1) Do you believe the Lord God approves of polygamy in both the OT and the NT? Answer: Not APPROVES, but clearly PERMITS polygyny (but not polyandry or other forms of polygamy). Note especially in the NT that someone with more than one wife is NOT permitted to be an officer of the church. Clearly monogamy is considered to be "the better state" in the NT. Paul goes further and teaches that celibacy is an even better state...for those who are able to live celibately. *** 2) Did the Lord God ever say it was illegal? Answer: not in the Bible, but see above regarding officers of the church. *** 3) Did he ever chastise any of those in the OT for having multiple wives? Answer: Yes, it seems so. The Bible is disapproving of more than one king for "desiring many wives", and said kings typically came to a bad end. *** 4) It is man and his laws that has made it illegal. Response: true. Clearly (to the unbiased reader) even the New Testament allows Christian men to be polygynous. If I recall correctly, monogamy as law in the West originated in the (pagan) Roman Empire. Roman culture spread far and wide in the West, and so did some of its cultural and legal conventions, such as legally-mandated monogamy. But note: in pagan Rome it was NOT considered adultery, at least for men, to engage in sex with someone unmarried, as was also the case in the Biblical Old Testament. The New Testament condemns fornication as well as adultery, thus (for the Christian) disallowing sex outside of (possibly polygynous) heterosexual marriage. At least the Old Testament drew the line at homosexuality and bestiality, which [as far as I know] were both legal in the Roman Empire at least until the forced Christianization that occurred under Theodosius. Likewise ritual prostitution in the temples, severely condemned in the Old Testament but legal and widely practiced in pagan Rome, and by no means limited to adult temple prostitutes. Temples to certain deities commonly used slaves - from young-ish child to adult - as ritual prostitutes.
    • Linda Joy
      Beaker! I missed you! Big hugs!! And Ice man is exactly the reason I asked this question
    • Linda Joy
      Did y'all ever play that game of Miniclip 8 Ball?
    • beaker95
    • Ice man
      Go brush your false teeth Beaker, you've got a bad case of verbal diarrhea, and it's running down your chin. You know you get weak knees when I take out my cue.
    • Linda Joy
  • Getting South Canada after it failed under Trump.
    • Linda Joy
      You really think Canada would want it? Lol
  • Justin Trudeau's very hot butt!!!!!! - sigh - ummmmmmmmmmmm
  • Great beer & beaver. : )
  • The Black Brant.
    • Linda Joy
      The goose or the rocket?
    • Lilo Avli
  • Copying the U.S.
  • Maple Syrup
  • Being a friendly refuge for Americans who think Trump is crazy.
  • They aren't Michigan.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Michigan isn't a refuge for liberal commies like me who want to escape Trump. BTW, how much jail time did your friends do for your part in Trump's plot to overthrow the government?

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