I can only calm myself. If I could calm others I would have achieved World Peace by now. Are you looking for anger management strategies in general? Is there a specific issue you'd like to discuss?
Linda JoyWow, more answers disappearing before my very eyes!
AnonameOne of our regular ABers has been on a rant against God posts. He seemed very upset.
Linda JoyWe'll just have to pray for him.
Where have all my answers gone?
Linda Joy
Answers have been disappearing all day. I have a question that's been queued for spidering for over a day now I don't know what that's all about either. -
Linda Joy
At least yours are not all missing like beakers -
Mr PantsFellDown
aaaaaw! Where is beaker??? -
Linda Joy
I miss him too but he'll probably be back tomorrow I was only kept off of here for one day -
It is nice to be wanted. And not just by the law enforcement agencies.
Every time I see this question, I have an urge to say "NO BEAR IS SPELLED B -E-A-R!! (and if yours is angry, suggest stay out of his way!)
At least I got the right letters - the order seemed unimportant.
by throwing a party in The Penalty Box! Come join us!
Mr PantsFellDown
I like your spirit! woo!! PARTEE!! *falling a little down already* -
Linda Joy
Party! Party! Party! -
That post has been removed.
Feed em dinner. hahaha Just discovered today if I don't eat I feel sick and am in a really mood. Really bad. Who it's been so long since I experienced real hunger. I had no idea.
My nobody have to go hungry.
A nice tummy rub and a little mermaid juice box.
I'm against killing Mermaids for their juice.
An angry AB'er can always leave this site to cool down.
It depends who the angry ABer is and why (s)he is angry.
I find a quiet place and do some deep breathing.
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