A family member on her or your side (man's perspective) who you least like.
Ronald McDonald. Especially if the baby was born with a painted on clown face, big red hair and wearing size 14 shoes.
Presumably I would be in labour (being the woman) and the worst concievable people there would be: a) my dad b) my mum c) Richard Simmons My dad is useless all things pregnancy, and should be left in the pub where he belongs. I cannot stand my mother at the best of times, and she'd moan constantly about the nationalities of the staff, the quality of my screaming etc. Richard Simmons is just not good, at any time
The mother in law, "No not like that", "Thats not how I did it" Eeek, nightmare.
Freddy Krueger
Paris Hilton. I dunno why.
Deffinately anyone from HIS side of the family.....could you not picture the perfect episode of Everyone Loves Raymond, with poor Debra trying to give birth and the whole Barone family is in the room! Especially Marie, I would have killed her in the first episode!!! lol
Any of my younger sisters - they'd be either freaked out or facinated. Either way, I don't see them being a help.
My boss.
John Motson & Mark Lawrenson commentating: "Well, that was a huge opening and I can't see him getting another chance like that, can you Mark?" "No, John, he should have just slid through."
I did have the worst possible person along with my husband in the delivery room. My mother in law. She wanted to take pictures. I was in to precarious of a position to want pictures taken of me.
The mailman...who is the real father!
My brothers.
Anyone but trained medical personnel
A sick person who's contageose.
Any media celebrity doing "color commentary" for a live or taped show.
my ex
The real dad of the baby j/k! =)
Dr. Kelso from Scrubs. And he was YOUR doctor..
Anyone who was not either catching the baby or giving me drugs. Anyone else is a clear target for my frustrations.
my mother-in-law
Gilbert Gottfried
Sexy's top 10 list are: 10. Jerry Springer. 9. The cast from High School Musical. 8. Bozo the Clown. 7. Homer Simpson. 6. Peter Griffin from Family Guy. 5. Adam Sandler. 4. Dale Gribble from King of the Hill. 3. The crew from Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. 2. The Verizon Wireless network people (like you see on the commercials). 1. Basically anybody that isn't either my husband, the doctor, or one of the nurses. Anybody else better stay out especially if they have a camera!
my sister in law !!! What a pain
I hate everyone when in labour so take your pic. I usually take it out on my hubby bless him lol
gilbert godfreid
The biological father.
This is funny. I would never have my mother-in-law in the room with me. She thinks that one should not have drugs while they are in labor. Screw that. Plus, she drives me crazy at times.
Rodney Dangerfeild.
MOTHER IN LAW hand down!!!
Pauly Shore. LMAO!
My sister in law because she knows everything and its always about her :)
Larry David. He would be complaining about everything: sterility, how ugly my vagina was, how ugly the BABY was.... On and ON and on.
Gilbert Godfrey.
my bf's mother can you say, "coo-coo" ?
Any member of my family, other than my husband. Particularly my mother. We are not friends.
Simon Cowell "You call that a push? Pathetic. You're breathing is far too erratic, did you show up to any of your Lamaze classes? You've taken enough drugs to make your child an addict upon birth, I don't know who knocked you up but he must have a high tolerance to stupid. Oh! Look at that thing's head! Please tell me you just went number two, because that is just horrible."
Hmmmm...a friend of mine (who asked to be in the delivery room and I declined!) who I really do love but she has anorexia and is quite critical of her body and everyone else's body. She critiques women's stretch marks, varicose veins, belly, etc. everywhere she goes. SO she would make me extremely self-conscious and she would be sure to tell people about my after-baby belly jelly. LOL My mom would be second because she is a very uptight person who panics quickly.
got to be the mother in law, thank god they were on holiday when i went into labour!!!
The Childcatcher out of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
My mother or his mother. Neither one of them will be near me when I give birth.
My dad.
My ex-wife.
One of the nurses we had. She was TERRIBLE!!!!
Anyone perky or cheerful :-)
the mother in law that hates you lol:)
noone being all alone with no one there would be the worst
Richard Simmons.
Simon Cowell
Richard Simmons!!!!
His ex wife. (Glad he doesn't have one!)
george w. bush. he has no exit strategy
that kerry katona off the iceland ads she does my head in! lol!
If it was my wife in labour then possibly the father.;-)
My ex-bestfriend. She'd be sat there saying well i could do a better job of that, You're completely pathetic jade, you're worthless, you may as well kill your baby you're too sketty to bring it up.
Hiraldo Rivera
Without a doubt, Hands down, Ask anyone who has made the mistake...... Of letting her mother in the room.
Skeletor. Fact. That guy's a jerk.
Billy Mays or Richard Simmons.
Parents from either side!!! Negative people. Like we say, misery loves company, so stay away from us!!!
Tom Cruise.
The answer of Rince is, sadly, correct and excellent. I was about to reply: "any in-law with whom either of the two prospective parents hasn't previously 'gotten along'". The dynamic is based upon pre-existing animosities which are awakened during emotionally intense situations. Decedents' estates generate equally unpleasant encounters.
Gilbert doubt.
Your hair dresser that might pose some difficulties
The Devil.
Fran drescher laughing hysterically.
in my opinion it would be the husband/boyfriend. because most guys freak out so bad and they faint. and honestly i would rather have the parent/parents of the womans in there because she would have more trust in her parents and she would get more support from them.
my dad i dont want him their he is so a hipercrit
emmmmmm my bro mark he very swermish and faint
Michael Jackson, if you're having a boy.
definitely an ex
Micheal Jackson...he would try to call dibs on the kid
My know it all sister-in-law!
Homer Simpson. Bart Simpson. A priest.
i think the worse person to have in the hospital room would be you or your spouses parents.....or your ex!!!
The wrong doctor..... What are you going here Dr Alexander? Youβre a genealogist not a gynaecologist you look up the family tree not the family bush.
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