• Animals are gifted in a way because they cannot talk. But they know other ways of showing affection and they're great listeners. Yes I believe they can lift people from a depression. Talking to an animal isn't crezy, they will listen to you. They can think also, and plus they'll cuddle you.
  • yes ecspecially a dog because u can teach it haw to play fetch and everything and play with it
  • I believe that they can, probably because they help you to focus on something other than your problems. Here's a link to the Pets as Therapy website.
  • Absolutely! My cat is my baby. She gives my life purpose and meaning, and I love her. She teaches me how to give and receive affection, something I didn't learn growing up. If you need to be cheered up, volunteering at an animal shelter or adopting an animal will do the trick! It's not a cure for depression but they bring such joy. You don't feel as lonely, and you don't spend as much time focused on your sadness.
  • major depression? no, but i do think an animal could help lift their spirits even though they may not "cure" the depression.
  • Without a doubt. YES !!
  • Studies have shown that they can. In fact they can do lots of thngs for our health. Petting the dog for a few minutes each morning can reset a persons blood pressure to a loweer starting point so they gain the benefit all day long. Just petting your cat while you watch tv for a bit can help your cholesterol.
  • oh yes, I absolutely do believe that!
  • Absolutely, not a substitute for people but they do a great job in the loneliness department, companionship, it is just good in general to have to think outside of yourself and an animal brings additional perspective to any owner.
  • Yes definately, most hospitals particularly those for long term and elderly patients have now realised this fact and have canine visitors. It is said to have a very uplifting beneficial effect on the patients to just be able to stroke or touch the dogs. These animals are much loved and spoiled by the patients who look forward to the visits. I think in a personal situation there is nothing better than to be able to cuddle your pet when you feel down.
  • Absolutely! My husband would have died without our dog making him get up to let her out. She stayed with him when no one else would. She alerted us that something was not quite right with him. Turns out he had walking pneumonia and was near death. Now he petting the cat or dog relaxes him when nothing else can.
  • Oh gosh yes. I remember crying my eyes out in the back yard one day. Suddenly I heard a little meow,and then a bat of the head. I opened my eyes to see my cat standing there looking so concerned for me. She snuggled up to me and tried to comfort me. It worked. How can you stay down when you have a little cat like that?
  • Sure they can. How can anyone be depressed when a kitty climbs on their lap and purrs and looks at them with eyes like this:
  • Yes, I do. Jay had Baby Kitty for years and I think that untill me and the boys came along she was the only thing keeping him sane. And i don't know what I'd have done with out my horses. They kept me going through high school and my divorce and now feeding Becca everyday is the push I need to get out of the house.
  • They have people bring their dogs to nursing homes and the patients attitudes changes..they smile more and love the affection they get when the dogs get right up in their lap. They look forward to it every day. I most definetly believe it helps.
  • Yes, most definitely. Animals are also sensitive to ones vibes; some of them get aggressive and run from you while others try comforting you by rubbing their body against you and following you around.
  • Just try to be depressed around my dog... I dare you. No seriously, I truly believe animals have a unique ability to sense our emotions, so yes.
  • Yes, yes, yes! I believe animals are one of the best anti-depressants on earth! Unconditional + nonjudgemental love=animals.
  • Definitely.
  • Yes catsare the best for that :)
  • it is a proven fact. they say people with pets cope with life better.
  • it's been scientifically proven that sroking the fur of an animal has a lowering effect on the blood pressure. It probably cannot life people from the depths of depression though. Put it this way, I had Post Natal Depression and stroking our 7 felines didn't lift me out of anything at all, let alone the depression!!
  • Yes, by all means. I had to have one of my cats put out of it's misery last week and the other three are being very nice to me. It has helped a lot.
  • Yes I do believe that animals can help with depression and its also proven that the simple act of petting an animal can drastically reduce blood pressure. They sense what you are feeling and are more than willing to turn on their charm..Nonjudgemental unconditional love you no matter what :)
  • Hell yes than can! If it werent for my Mickey Roonie Rourke, I'd b in a slump all day!
  • I had a nervous breakdown my second year in college I was extremely depressed, unhealthy, and felt no one cared for me. The only warmth and love I felt came from my cat named whiskers. When no one knew were I was at my house and I felt really sad my cat whiskers would find me and he would pur and rub his face all over me.
  • Yes. They provide companionship without exhausting someone by being too talkative, and give out unconditional love despite what people look like. Studies have shown that just stroking a pet can alleviate stress and give a focus on something other than their sadness, which takes their mind off it for a while.
  • Yes! My dog means everything to me and she has been with me through many rough patches in my life...sometimes when it seemed like no one else on earth understood, my dog stuck by me and helped me get through.
  • it is possible for the presents of an animal to delay the symptoms or even defer them after they have started making you feel happy for a moment, but you will soon fall into depresion again. The best way to get over depresion is to just get over it. Have a good life, your problems will still be there if you are happy.
  • Absolutely!!!!!!!! My dog is sooo funny, no matter how down and depressed i am - no one can make me laugh as much as he does!!!! And I can tell him anything, and he always agrees!
  • Supposedly studies say they do but I don't think they do. I have 2 cats and they have never helped me with my depression in the past.
  • I absolutely feel better when I look at my dog and when my cats come over and sit on my lap. Obviously, I have a very special bond with all my pets and they symbolize home (I'm away at college most of the year) so when i think of them and think of home, i feel better immeadiately. I also know they need me and that's a great feeling. They know who i am and i know that if i suddenly werent there anymore, they'd notice. My mom has found all three of our animals scratching at my bedroom door when i'm away and meowing or walking away forlornly when they aren't let in. They miss me and i miss them - it's like having extra friends and friends are supposed to cheer you up and make you feel worthwhile, too.
  • a friend of mine asked a question like this once. i say yes. it is proven through science that animals do help relieve depression. cats. cats are a major relief around depression.animals have the ability to know when something is wrong. with this ability they always seem to appear out of know where at the right time. just petting them or spending time with them relieves depression.
  • Definitely. I dunno what I would do without my babies.
  • Oh yes! My dog is always there to listen, he always agrees, is always happy to see me...and he is the bestmoodlifter in the world!
  • Sometimes I think they can. People just need to be loved and listened to during these times of depression, and animals are definetly good for this.
  • I've seen it happen. An elderly lady had gone into a geriatric depression, would not leave her bed or eat, and wouldn't have lasted. A visit from a very cute puppy got her up and going. Probably saved her life.
  • When I was suffering from severe depression for almost two years my cat was the only one I could relate too. Just his presence brightened up my day a little bit and even once he made me refrain from suicide. The physical touch of my cat also calmed my nerves and helped with my mental state. My cat, sad to say is dead now. I have a photo of him on my bookcase with a photo. I don't suffer from that severe depression anymore. I think my cat helped a lot with that. Thank you Toolose!
  • Yes I totally believe that , my kitty and puppy have lifted my spirits many , many times
  • Yes, for sure!!! An animals love is unconditional...that is a wonderful fealing. If you feel you have nothing to live for and have a sure do have something to live for..their love..they need you!!!!
  • yess animals are soo cute how could you not love a cute little puppy xP
  • Yes, and I'm speaking from experience. My chiuauhuas keep me smiling even when I'm at my lowest point.
  • yes i heard they help people with depression because instead on focusing on yourself all the time your mind is occupied somewhere else, your pet for instance has to be fed and cleaned etc so you would think more about the pet instead of ur problems
  • Definitely. My cat helped me tremendously when I was going through a pretty tough time this past winter. She obviously sensed there was something wrong with me, that I was lethargic, mopey, and feeling awful almost all the time. She would make sure to always sit near me wherever I was in the apartment, and usually she would roll around on her back and look at me with her cute cat-eyes to cheer me up. It worked.
  • I absolutely believe. My pet dog makes me feel energetic. He is a happy dog. Ü
  • there's lots of research that psychologists and others have conducted on this question. after hundreds of studies with thousands of people suffering from depression (and sometimes other things, too), the conclusion is, yes. unlike the country song, my wife left me, but instead of taking the animals, she left them all with me. i'm glad that she did! they've been a tremendous help to me and they've helped me feel more confident and loved.
  • My cat tells me its all in my head and to lighten up & walk it off... He also suggests yoga, but he is just so much damn better at it than I am.
  • Yes. everytime im feeling low my animals are the only ones who listen, comfort me and never complain. if the world was full of animals it would be a much better place!
  • Well sure, but i's not the animal that lifts you out of the deppression, its your reaction to the animal that lifts you out of deppression. Suddenly you have a reason to smile and be playful and happy. But humans can do that without animals, so yes animals can, and YOU can on your own aswell by coming up with reasons and doing things that make you feel and live happily.
  • hello, definatly,animals can also lower blood pressure,they calm a persons nerves by petting and talking to them.i have high blood pressure,and own two parakeets and a guinea pig,they have a calming effect on me!
  • yes my puppy has helped so much he's such a good listner and he never judge's me
  • Yes. Animals are consistant Puppies are so full of energy and do some pretty funny stuff.
  • Yes for the short term snuggle session. But remember someone has to walk the dog and pick up the solid waste, and ditto the kitty box. Someone has to feed the animal too. Responsibility is often difficult to impossible for someone dealing with depression. The stress of caring for an animal could lead to abuse of an animal so if you do not have a stable home environment, please do not get a pet. Do, instead, volunteer at a shelter, or get a friend with a pet.
  • They can surely help and often do.
  • Omg thats so true, because recently on the news(BBC) there was this lady who was clinically depressed and tablets didnt help much and she wanted to commit suicide. But her sister couldn't look after her dog anymore and gave it to her to look after it. The lady was cured after a month and said she really has to thank her sister for giving her the dog and the dog also, otherwise she would have ended her life. The lady's name was Clare and she was talking on the news show about how relaxing it was to stroke the dog and tell it all her problems, indeed dogs are good listeners!!! But its not just dogs its cats aswell, anything fury and warm, which is the closest to the human form is good for your mental health. Also there is evidence of living a longer life, reducing stress and high blood pressure!!! A really good topic to look at for people with mental disorders or in need of feeling loved when alone.
  • You would be surprised how helpful animals can be at lifting up your spirits by making you forget about the problem for a little while at least. For some people feel better with dogs, others with cats, others with bunnies, for others hamsters and smaller animals. You could try and find the animal that makes you feel best. Even a fish can make you feel relaxed and positive. Don't give up, having a pet is extremely rewarding. Or baby sitting one is too if you don't want the commitment.
  • 100% yes. When I was at my lowest point & contemplating suicide I didn't think I had anything to live for. Then when one of my cats walked into my bedroom & layed down on my bed next to me I stroked her, she rubbed up against my hand & I realised that I did have something to live for - animals. Many times after that, animals have been there to save me whether they knew it or not. That's why animals are taken to hospitals & nursing homes. People can easily get depressed in those places & animals just have such a care free attitude that makes you think..."there is good in the world".
  • My chihuahuas help as much as they can, without them my depression would be so much worse. Yet somedays nothing seems to help...
  • Yes. My friend is depressed, and the unconditional love she gets from her dog helps her out a lot. However, on the flip side, whenever I'm depressed, my dogs do nothing but piss me off.
  • I think animals can certainly play a significant part in lifting a person out of depression as they bring comfort and joy to an otherwise bleak situation. Many people who are depressed talk to their pets and share their innermost thoughts and feelings with their most faithful friend and this is a very specific point in coping with depression - talking and offloading. Having said all that I would caution against using animals/pets as the only coping strategy, as there is much more to do in dealing with depression, but animals definitely do help.
  • yes, unconditional love!
  • I wouldnt be the same person without my female pit surgar ree, she my best friend and loves me when I screw up royal and every one else bolts.
  • OH Yes I do! I have suffered from depression as well as Physical problems for many years and found that having my 2 cats and a new puppy has helped keep me balanced in reality as well a cherful they can be so funny and lets not forget they LOVE us UNCONDITIONALLY! JUST keep in mind they too NEED love, attention and care. If you don't have the time to spend with them or energy it is not fair to bring them home and ignore or neglect thier needs . Pets have feelings to, they get lonely too. They are also sensitve to our feelings and sometimes think they are the cause of our anger or sadness
  • ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im bipolar, borderline, and i have major depressive and anxiety disorder! trust me, my meds and my dogs have kept me above water. theres nothing like unconditional love.
  • yes. cats are supposed to be called the calming animals because they can keep people calm and stuff. my kitty helps me alot.
  • they can help temporarily yes. i know I have a kitten who is so sweet and cuddly you can't help but feel happy to have it purring and loving you.
  • Definitely. My cat made me so happy. He just knew when I was down, or when I needed someone to be with. My mother got rid of him and it certainly didn't help.
  • Yes, if I hung a pork chop around my neck, maybe the dogs would want to be around me. +5
  • if you want them to yea. you could but a dog but its value is what u put in it. if you want it to help then make it help. animals are pure because they live the cycle they are meant to live. maybe if you see beautiful aspects of animals it could help if not only you can help yourself out of depression. because depression is a mind game u just have to learn to beat it.

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