Do you think he is gonna ask me out?
So, about a month ago I left my number for this waiter when I was out to eat. He started texting me not too long after and we have been texting for back and forth. He has been pretty consistent and I felt like he was becoming more and more interested. Last week, he finally mentioned something about going out, but didn't make any plans with me. He said that he has been wanting to plan a time for us to hang out, but that his car broke down. He said he just wanted to tell me that so I know, but it will happen soon. It has been a week and a half since he said that and still nothing. To make things worse, he has been texting me significantly less since the time that he mentioned going out. I don't think I sounded too eager or too unavailable. All I said was that I will be looking forward to seeing him. He texted me the next days saying good morning and then didn't text me for 3 days. I gave him space and didn't initiate because I didn't want to seem pushy or needy. He texted me on the third day and seemed pretty enthusiastic and was asking me questions. I did send quite a long response when he asked me what kind of music I was into so part of me feels like that scared him off because he never replied and then didn't text me again for a few days. He usually randomly stops texting me half way through the day, but I know he has to go to work so I never worried about it. Also, he mentioned having an interview the next day so I thought that he might not text me because he needs to focu...
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