olive oil.
Oil is oil. Any type of oil can substitute for another, but beware of strong tasting ones like sesame, because they can change the taste of what you are cooking. You can melt margarine or butter and use that too. It's just a matter of taste and calories/cholesterol.
Apple sauce can be used as a lowfat alternative to oil.
Excellent Jan.29
You could use another oil, including corn oil or safflower oil, even coconut oil but don't use olive oil as the flavor is too strong and dominant for a cake. You don't say what kind of cake it is, as that really matters as to what you can substitute, but you might try butter, either melted or room temperature. If room temp, then cream it with the sugar first. THen add eggs and other items.
use what cooks have used for over 100 years....LARD!!!seriously any type of oil will work but be extremely careful w/ olive oil it may be too strong
do you have any applesauce?
Forget all that you heard before this answer. Peanut oil is the best oil to use when cooking an item that requires oils. Olive oil would make that cake taste nasty; ptew, I'd spit that cake right out. It's healthy for you too compared to all those second rate oils previously mentioned. It's low, not (the)lowest in fat but is my selection by far.
get the butter
'Both canola oil and vegetable oil can be used in baking as a substitute for shortening, butter or margarine.' Source: --- So I guess that you can also use shortening, butter or margarine in baking as a substitute to canola oil or vegetable oil.
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