Probably never because pretty soon, people will start claiming to have seen him some place, like they do Elvis.
Never intill another BIG star dies
Never, just like we have never, and will never, stop hearing about Elvis Presley. +5
Not for a very long time if ever.
Not for awhile..
When we die.
Not for a very long time.
Like yesterday!!!
Never, Michael Jackson will live thru all of his die hard fanatics that supported him =)
We will never heard the end of this. His soul touched us deeply.
Sunday. Neverland.
LOL...not in this lifetime!
he is a legend.thats for sure +3
Never. His personal life was a mess and hundreds of rumors are being circulated. And after his estate is settled, there will be the Elvis like sightings and his Neverland Ranch will be a tourist attraction.
Apparently not today. :)
After the funeral. Be patient.
I didn't like him when he was alive so why would I pretend to like him now that he's dead?
i dont think the talk of him will ever cease because of the impact that he made in the WORLD. But not only the positive you know the media is always trying to put out the negativity about him and he isnt even here to defend himself which i dont like
A long way to go. His albums are selling like hot-cakes now. +4
The man who never had kids that means his family is his only aire since it has been stated none of the kids were his, this lends to the child molestor idealogy a lot better his kids were a cover of his crimes. Sadly Neverland is doomed to be the sister city to Memphis and the King of Rock & Roll who died taking a dump full of drugs, wait that sounds awfully famialiar does it not.
Its Elvis all over again. LOL
Just like Elvis, you'll never stop hearing about him! MJ is a legend so i don't blame ppl for talking about him so much.
never! he was so amazing and touched so many lives.true michael jackson fans will never forget me!
Tomorrow? <=D One can dream.
When the death of Billy Mays finally sinks in.
being serious, i think it will slow down from being on the news in like 3 weeks or more. just saying, michael jackson didnt ever deserve to get made fun of because of his looks, and i wish i thought about that before he died.i was so cruel...
I AGREE . HE is Not god
When planet Earth is drawn into the sun by gravity.
When we stop hearing about Elvis.
We will hear about him until they have no more information to give us.
About the same time people forget about Elvis, John Lennon, Beethoven, Mozart and all the other great musicians of human kind.
once people stop feeding into the machine of it all. The more you talk about him, the less of a chance the topic will go away. Even right now I'm feeding into the machine. The question is "When will we stop talking about him?" The answer tp that is when we find something more interesting or just get tire of it. In other words, never.
Let's see....we still hear about Elvis...and Marilyn...and it's been, what? 30+ years? So, I reckon we will still be remembering him for least until the generation who are preteen currently are old and gray.
First of all, we need to stop talking about him.
We won't. Yeah, it'll die down a bit. But it's not stopping. Michael Jackson, come on now.
We will never stop hearing about him - he made a significant impact not only on music but on our culture. And that is fine with me. But he will be displaced from the headlines as time goes on and other newsworthy stories take precedence. And that is fine with me too.
Soon, I hope.
I just heard about the passing of Karl Malden and I stopped thinking about MJ for about 3 seconds...........
Is yesterday too soon?
My guess is next February it will all finally be done with.
When you stop coming to Micheal Jackson's section LOL
It won't happen. He's as big as Elvis.
End of the world.
SOON I HOPE!!! im angrey im talking about him right now. this has gone on long enough! the children are safe now wahoo now its over.
I don't know hard to say
Michael who?
Never, since he is an idol to many people.
Michael Jackson will continue to be talked about because he was a legend. Some people who do not like him and donβt want to hear about him are ignorant. He was a very caring and generous man which he will be remembered for and for his brilliant songs.
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