only when i zombie out
Yep. Scrambled with eggs, and in tacos. Tacos de sesos! mmmm-mmmm-good! Beef though. Never the pork.
Nope. I won't even touch head cheese.
that rates a "YUCK"!
yes i do everyday... I eat my mom's brain everyday;-P n she's so fed up of me.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Many times. If you mean it in practical sense, then I have eaten the brains of animals that I hunted.
mmmm brains...brains...brains...LOL, no. But it does remind me of a joke. What do vegetarian zombies eat? Grains...grains...grains...LOL
I watched "Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zinnerman". He always eats brain in almost every show. When I was young I ate pigs brain in soup. Very tasty.
Yes, cow brains with scrambeled eggs and corn tortillas!!
people if you have eaten a hotdog you have eaten brains...+5.
Yes. My mother used to buy a pig's head and make brawn. In retrospect, I sometimes wish she hadn't.
I forgive you for asking this inane question, because I ate part of your brain last week.
ewww no...have you?!?! are they good should i try some?
Yes many years ago. My mother made them 2-3 times a year as she really liked them and did a great job of cooking them
No, but I'd give it a try. Around here (St. Louis), it used to be a thing to eat brain (cow brain) sandwiches. My former landlady (who is now 82) told me how she used to eat them, and they weren't that bad. I know there are still a few places around that still serve it, I've just never tried it.
I've eaten calves' brains a few times when I was a kid
Visions of Hannibal Lecter...
Yes, the old folks used to cook them with scrambled eggs pretty often. That's the only way I ever remember eating them.
Yes, when my parents butchered a cow or pig one. Mom scrambled them with eggs.
my mother would make then but never eat them
No but zombies in movies usually go for the brain. Maybe they eat brains to gain knowledge.
No. My maternal grandmother did, but my mother wouldn't touch it.
I'm not a zombie just yet
Not intentionally, but I believe McDonald's fries used to be cooked in liquefied fat that contained cow brains in it until around the first BSE scare. So, if you ate McDonalds fries prior to the 1990's chances are that you have ingested a little bit of brain.
I tried to eat 1465's brains. I couldn't find them.
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