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  • I have hiked up my skirt and let someone I know fuck me in public...
  • No and never.
  • Not a stranger. *laughs*
  • Not a stranger but my b/f and I did do it on a very cold day in the stands of a soccer game with people sitting just inches from us... Many people were huddling to stay warm. I sat in front of him and he wrapped a blanket around us. As we sat there I felt his hands pulling my skirt up. I wasn't worried as the blanket was covering all and he destroyed my thong ripping it on the sides and letting it drop. I often wonder if some kids found it or something... hah... what a prize for some 8 year old boy snooping around under the bleechers. Anyway my guy pulled me back and I was pretty shocked when I felt his hard cock poke at my butt. I was like oh god... he kind of maneuvered me but we couldn't seem to get in cuz he was like pointing at my ass. so I pretended to drop my schedule and leaned forward to get it and as I did that reoriented me and I pushed back and he slid right up me. We basically just squirmed and I had a really good climax which was very hard to keep quite!
  • Not a stranger, but my Dom did that to me before.
  • He was a stranger to me but not to my partner. It was kind of a dare. I was dressed in very tall heels, put my butt really up there, stockings and no panties. I pulled up my skirt, bent down over a chair, spread my feet a bit and fucked him in front of all the people in the club who were watching. It was great, such a turn on, I would do it again in a minute.
  • Yes, not a stranger though. *giggles*
  • Not a stranger and but I done this.
  • thats one of my biggest some girl and take her out behind the store and lift her skirt and fuck her from behind while she leans up against the wall.....I love putting my cum in strange women.
  • True story: My wife and I grab quickies almost anywhere in public places. She was shopping late and agreed to meet me behind the stores. I was late picking her up. She went around back, it's very dark. She says softly, Are you there?" someone says, yeah. She lifts her skirt, bends over (no panties) and someone else fucks her. She realized it after he started (he's bigger) but stayed with it because it felt so good and she was so aroused and frightened at the same time.
  • Yes, Twice on dares both times. My husband dared me to do so and I did. Made both wear a condom! It was so exciting.
  • Not yet, but willing to try it!

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