No, I do not.
No, I don't. But I do feel bad that they had to make that difficult decision and wonder if they have regrets.
Only if I am standing on a ladder. We are all human. We all do what we have to do. No-one is better than anyone else.
No I don't ... unless it's over and over again.
If it wasn't to save their life and the fetus wasn't viable, I think what they did was wrong. Look down? No. We all do things that are wrong and I don't think I'm 'better' than people who have abortions. I just think it is murder.
No, I consider an abortion a sometimes necessary tragedy. If their attitude about it is cavalier, I might feel offended if I'm in an uppity mood, but generally speaking, I'd consider it an unfortunate consequence of an unfortunate event, kind of like a coping mechanism.
Old American Indian Proverb: "Never judge a woman unless you have walked a mile with her uterus."
-'s their body and I have no right to judge them....
It would have no impact on my opinion of them :)
What right do I have to judge someone because they made a decision I might not agree with. I take a poor view of anyone who uses abortion as a form of contraception, however it isn't a decision taken lightly and certainly in the UK you have to convince two doctors that you have considered all the options before the go ahead is granted. The anxiety and guilt will stay with the woman for the rest of her life - she doesn't need me making her feel ashamed on top of her own emotions!
I try not to, but if I'm being honest, it's not easy for me. I just don't think about it unless I also know for a fact they are promiscuous and irresponsible. In which case, I will find their attitude towards human life tragic.
Never would I stoop so low.
No, not at all, but I might if they had abortions plural.
No, that is terrible. People that do it habitually, well that is a different story...
I might disapprove of their decision to do so, unless the reason is understandable but I do not look down on them.
no,they have there reasons.
No. I don't care whether she's had an abortion, I don't care if she's had twenty, I don't care if she took her uterus out and threw it over a fence. It's her money and her body, and the only thing I'm going to base my opinion of her on would be her personality.
No I don't unless it is used at the woman's main method of birth control. Frankly, any more than three abortions, a woman's tube should be tied because she has proven that she is too callus and self-centered to be a mother. If she has a child that lives, she would either be neglectful or abusive.
Yeah usually....if they're still laying on their back.
There is only person i look down on and i lost all respect for this person because in there life time they had 8 and that is just disgusting.
of course not! Ive done WAY too many stupid things to judge what someone else does!
No. I have no right to judge a woman's choice.
Morally I am against it, but it all rly depends on the siituation wether or not its a just cause.
Truth be told, I'm 70 years old...and I don't know of any woman who actually had an abortion. I'm not saying none did. I'm saying they never felt a need to tell me about it, nor did anyone else find that need to tell me so of another. Am I the only one to be so ignorant? If so, I say my ignorance IS my bliss. +5
It depends. If they treat it like a form of birth control, YES! In my eyes, if you do it once you should have learned your lesson. I wouldn't look down on a one time abortion. We all make mistakes. Doing it over and over though is simply wrong.
I dont look down on people even though i dont agree with them but every case is different but when they keep getting pregnant and think its no big deal to keep having abortions that i dont agree with.
no, it is that persons choice not mine
yes i do unless they did not want to have is on them because they had sex they made the choise and they should live with what happen
Nope I do not. My opinion on this again is nothing short of: it is not my business or my decision, its a choice one makes for themself.
Nope. I would probably be more inclined to look down on a young woman with multiple kids and no education or career.
No, of course not. I try not to look down on anyone, we have all made mistakes in our lives and I admire someone more for making the best of their life and moving on.
IF it was a mistake, no. If it is a habit, yes
Someone who has made as many mistakes as I have, has no right to be the arbiter of anothers body or morality.
No. You do not have the right to judge--you don't know the reasons behind said abortion-- There are any NUMBER of reasons why an intelligent, adult woman may have an abortion. 1. The pregnancy was a risk to her life 2. The fetus she was carrying had congenital abnormalities which would render it unviable 3. She was young and ill-prepared for motherhood 4. She was raped/sexually assualted There are even more possibilities beyond that. If you are pro-life, more power to you, but life is so much more complicated and not black and white at all. It is so easy to say "Oh if I got pregnant I would never..." or "Oh I would never do this..." etc. Wait until you are faced with that situation.
I look down on irresponsibility. If an abortion is due to irresponsible behavior then, yes.
Of course not. They would have their reasons for doing it.
I feel bad for them as I do not think they realize they have killed their own child and the ramifactions of that
i dont want to, but I always find myself responsible to give help to these people and i try to understand their reason.
no because its a very personal decision
No, I am sympathetic to their situation, I feel bad they had to make that decision in their life.
No. One of my best friends had one a few months ago. I never judged her through the whole thing and I think she was very strong about it.
I do not look down on someone who has an abortion. I DO LOOK DOWN on people who ABUSE the children the decided to have!
No. If it has nothing to do with me then i mind my own business and respect her privacy...
No. Why would I?
i dont look down on them, their choice is their choice, i dont believe its right, but who am i to judge?
No, I look them in the eye ask them, "What hell were you thinking?!". Thats murder. GOD! Why can't they just give the child up for adoption or do they just don't want to face that child when they get older. There are plenty of couples out there who can not have children and would kill to have just one child, and here people are killing them.
Not really. I had a friend in highschool who had 3 abortions because she didn't want to practice safe sex. That friendship didn't end well and I will always think less of her. But generally, I will not pass any sort of judgment because I know the decision is not one taken lightly by most women.
Iv had 6 abortions cause i cldnt face up to the resposibility of contraception, and its not murder, if its the right choice at the time, you go with ur choice. I look back and im glad i had my abortions if i didnt i would have 8 kids, it was the right thing to do at the time.
No I don't but I do have issues with people who have had abortions themselves saying abortion should be illegal. I hate hypocrites.
i dont look down on them but i think they are selfish
No, it's none of my business. Let he who has no sin cast the first stone.
I do!
no, what people do with their body is their business and none of my concern! thats the problem with society today everyone gets involved in stuff that dont concern them!!!!! its all very well not thinking it is a good thing to do, but what others do is no one elses problem!!!! would these people that think its bad look after the unwanted babies then?
Only if they're lying on the floor in front of me.
I got no reason to look down on a person for that.
No way. If they decided to have an abortion it was probably the most difficult decision of their life.
NO, I don't. That is her and or his decision.It is none of my business.
No, I would not.
My mother had an abortion when I was 3. Sure, it would have been nice to have a sibling but I don't look down on her for it. There were financial problems & relationships problems...not the best world to bring a child into anyway. As for anyone else who has had an abortion, I don't look down on them either. People have to make choices about what is best for them & it's not my decision to choose what is & isn't.
I have nothing against people that have a abortions. But it is not to be used as birth control! I know several that had them because they didn't have birth control.
It's not about looking down...I just feel sad it had to happen.
I have to add something else here....why is it acceptable to kill a baby before it's born but it is illegal afterward? It's hypocrisy. Abortion should only be used in special cases such as rape.
I can't say I do while before I myself in a serious situation . It all depends of health or if rape things of that nature.
I don't look down on anyone.
I don't look down on anyone that has to make a choice like that. It' a hard choice.
no sure it their choice , i jst personaly wouldnt do it myself
Most of the people that I personally have known to have had an abortion are so remorseful and regretful and sad that I haven't been able to feel anything but pity for them.
No, I'm pro choice, but I look down on irresponsible sexual behavior.
i dont look down on them my sister had plans of getting an abortion but didnt get to because she lost her baby when she was 4 or 5 months pregnant....
No I feel sad for them.
No. More power to them.
I don't look down on anybody, no matter what they've done.
How could I? That is such a difficult decision. I was not in their shoes, and I did not make it. You don't know what it is like if you aren't in that situation.
Only as an unprosecuted murderer.
Only 1. I had a friend in highschool who used abortion as her favorite form of birth control. After I found that out I couldn't even look at her anymore without getting pissed. She had had 5 abortions at the time our friendship ended, and who knows how many she's had since?
It depends on the situion. If she could of have a safe delver then no I don't respect her. If she has two other children and no chance of living after the birth than yes I support her. If she comes from a loving, open-minded home than no I don't respect her. If her parants are abuseive ultra-relgous and use vilounce to in force their relgion (Like my freind's parents who beat her and kicked her out for becoming pregnet, she had the baby at her boyfreinds parents) than yes I respect her. If she can finacally handle the child till birth and give the child up for adoption than no I don't. If she is too poor to pay for doctor's bills and has other mouths to feed. I respect her.
No, absolutely not. If someone has an abortion, then it's their decision. If they're not ready, then it's not time.
Only those who view it like a form of contraception.
I wouldnt say look down, but I do utterly dissapointed and rather angry. Only cuz its a person who either has a problem and doesnt wanna fix it. They dont wanna handle the situation, or they just wanna quick "make it all go away" We all need to face our fears head on, and deal with it...its not just "some thing" its a baby. Whether people believe it or not, just cuz theres no "proof" ...everyone needs proof. But theres a time for everyone to grow up, and become responsible, strong adults...who take care of any situation that comes there way.
No. everyone has done something in their lives that another could choose to look down on. Abortion is a legal operation that this person chose for themselves. It is highly personal and not my place to look down on them for it.
Only when the talk about it constantly. I understand people need to do what they gotta do, but I'm not here to make them feel better about it. That is NOT something I'm going to do and it's not something I feel right about doing either.
Only if the mother's life was not in danger.
I don't look down on them, but I do feel sorry for them!
They're probably doing the kid a favor. If they're willing to off their own kid, they'd make horrible parents anyway. Hopefully, they avoid any further reproducing.
depends on the situation i guess, women with addicting drug problems shouldnt be having babies, and if they were raped i wouldnt look down on them,,,, is women and men like me and my husband who have fertility issues that would love to have the baby you just aborted!! i dont believe in abortion unless it is absolutley necessary. i think that women that use an abortion as a type of birth control are ignorant and selfish! living in the US is a privilage, there are so many countries with way bigger baby problems. Alot of these countries babies are born with aids and all kinds of problems, they arnt given the options and help as we are, so be grateful for what you have and/or could have in your life
I ain't judgemental.
Only if they're shorter than I am. (heh, get it?)
no. i think its a sad thing to have to go thru but if its a situation where they knew they would be unfit parents and couldn't support having a baby, its better than hearing about another dumpster baby on the news.
No. Only if it is their way of anti-conception and they have abortions over and over again.
no def not sometimes it's the best thing for that person and not to mention not every one can just hand there baby over for adoption i know i wouldn't be able to do that
No I respect their choice.
depends what height they are
of course not, i feel sorrow for them the women i know who've had abortions feel tremendous guilt/regret even many years later
When MTP has to be done due to some mitigating circumstances then it is alright but otherwise when people knowingly do it for reasons which are not right then I will be cross with them.
I am extreme anti abortion ... but I don't blame others for making a mistake as I did, for not understanding the consequence of my actions or decisions back then ... Yet I will do my very best now to convince others to think twice before they too feel the pain of regret later ... from this decision ... I do not suffer now from guilt as many may assume ... Although I am certainly guilty of my crime, I do acknowledge my life changing error to be mine and mine to endure ... It is more the positive gained from my huge negative decision which drives me to help others to see and possibly understand what actually follows a selfish decision to agree to abort/terminate anothers life. _____________________________________________________________ If one has a human heart, then it is a pure act of selfishness later becoming regret, which one later carries through their own special life forever ... as pain ... Although I am a male, when I was much younger I once shared 50% of the responsibility for the decision to proceed with an abortion of another beautiful life ... This decision was reached, because my partner and I were young, and at that time we only considered our own selfish lives and lifestyle needs ... I was with this girl for many years and later we did have a child ... It wasn't until I had this little girl whom I adore with all my love, that it came to light of what a terrible crime against another I had partly committed ... Its when I watched her growing, laughing, and within her eyes looking back at me with the strongest love of all, that I realised what I had stolen from another by my selfish actions to suit me back then ... In retrospect, I now realise that I would have managed to raise this child and would have lived a happier life without this remorse and with that child by my side, that little baby would be 20 years of age now so I would have another family member with whom to share my special moments ... Its easy to stand tall and vote or consider the death of anotherβs mind body and soul when you yourself have been given the wonder and splender of receiving yours ... If the clock was wound back and your parents decided to kill you at your lifeβs begining because they were careless and or selfish as was I ... imagine now > what wonders of love and earth you would have been robbed ... I believe its mainly those who are pro abortion >>> Are pro >>> Perhaps they themselves are guilty and have already committed this same crime against anotherβs life and its innocent soul ... perhaps its that small speck of guilt within or by their past actions that may drive their stance to be pro abortion for fear of depression from complete remorse and or admission to feel shame? ... Or >>> Pro abortionists are those who do not already have children to fully understand what a childβs love of their own actually feels like in order to really comprehend and understand the extremity of that decision or action to kill a baby, which later becomes that child, which later becomes the adult, > 'you' < ... Either way, sooner or later, these negative decisions do catch up with all of us ... We sometimes don't talk or admit it to others of our doing so, but deep within our heart and conscious mind > we are living with them ... It did me. I am so sorry now for that bad decision, I will regret it now for the rest of my own special life ... (the other 50% of that wrong decision, she bares the same pain and guilt as I, perhaps more) By a single aborted baby, we need to think of the numbers which we are really destroying! ... How many generations would that baby grow to later mother or farther itself? Think of the most important people through history which have brought only great and wonderful things or ideas to humanity, Albert Einstein, Michael Angelo, Madame Curie, Leonardo Da Vinci etc ... What if one of those babies whom are terminated were to grow and achieve what these people did? ... What could we possibly have misdirected by a single selfish action? ... Perhaps the one person who would or could have grown to make or invent that single move, action or idea, to create a closer or complete world of peace? Always think hard and long, what you are killing ... but more so, who you are killing. Goodluck and peace. _____________________________________________________________ >>> WARNING <<< The images of aborted babies contained within the following link may offened or upset you ... Please only proceed if you are prepared to see death. _____________________________________________________________ Thankyou for allowing me to share and see what life and love is ... Thankyou for allowing me my life ... Thankyou for having me ... Mine is a love not to miss.
I'm like most people. I look down on anyone who behaves as if the life of other humans have less value than their own. The difference is that I face the fact that the unborn are humans, by scientific definition. Abortion supporters are either ignorant to that fact or intentionally ignore it.
no i dont, unless used as a form of birth control
Unless it was to truly save the life of the mother, which hardly ever happens.
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