• stop it.
  • If you're home alone, here's a good way to get rid of stress, in my opinion: 1. Go to the kitchen. 2. Make something messy and delicious. Use lots of pots and pans and whatnot. Try not to use too many sharp things like knives, though. 3. Wash the dishes by hand, slowly. Let the warm water run freely over your hands, and feel yourself relaxing, gently urging the food remains off of the dishes and down into the sink's abyss. Don't forget your girlfriend. Don't be angry at her, at yourself, at anyone. It's over now and there's warm water everywhere and you're relaxed. If that doesn't make you feel better, at least you will have made yourself a good meal.
  • explain what has happened and warren them that , thats the reason why u migth treat them like shit
  • Why would you do that? They are your friends. Go buy a punching bag and a pair of boxing gloves and take your anger out on that.
  • 3-13-2017 Work on learning better manners. Acting classes at the community college will make a big change in your life. Here is a wonderful book that has some really nice stories and a lot of advice bout how to act like a normal human bean.
  • Don't dump yourself and your good friends just because of your damn ex. Prove her wrong and don't make yourself dumb! :D You're awesome you know.

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