• Yes. Everyone should respect each other no matter how dumb their beliefs are.
  • Yes there should be mutual respect. That doesn't mean you can't have conversations about it, just means to be respectful it you do. When I was atheist I felt religious folk were brainwashed, I felt I'd be freeing them up in discussions from the guilt trip, and manipulation of religion. Others took more of a "your an idiot stance," that attitude creates no productive outcome. But then I'd also debate other atheists, my school of thought was a person who knew there was no God, didn't have to stand on belief, quite simply "there was no God." Atheist seemed a nonsensical stand point, I knew there was no such thing as unicorns, I didn't have to come from a stand point of belief. I looked at this world saw starvation, paedophiller, rape, murder, and thought if God can move mountains, where was he when that child was abducted, molested and killed?
  • In general (I'd say: there are special exceptions): everyone should respect everyone else. Now: that's not the same as saying that everyone should respect ALL of everyone else's BELIEFS. For example: if you (like some people) believe that male homosexual pedophilia should be legalized, I'm not going to respect that belief, and I hope others will join me in not respecting that belief. * But when it comes to beliefs that are both harmless to others and dispute-able (i.e. the matter cannot be proved with absolute certainty), I think we should in general show at least tolerance and not be critical (or maybe: not be overly critical) of such beliefs.

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