You did!! You often say uneducated things like that!
★StevoNo I didn't ,don't you know anything? Stupid people like you did nothing while Klaus Schwab stole the world. And continue to do nothing making excuses for what is still happening then you will die and we will be stuck with your choices.
notyouraveragedummyOK. Enlighten this ignorant old fool. Name the medical professional who diagnosed this condition and made the information public.
★Stevono medical professional has any balls to tell the trueth hence why you all took pfizer. Majourity of the vaxxed will be dead in 3 to 5 years. Do you really trust any medical professional? They are paid liars no different to any other democrat.
notyouraveragedummyYou do live in your own little world of gobbledygook, don't you? Just you saying what you say doesn't make it so! Without a legitimate answer to my 2 questions, your response is nonsense (to be kind).
★StevoYou've never watched a whole interveiw with it have you? When it speaks for less than 2 minuates why so many jump cuts? Im doing all right so far You Americans are living in sewage .
Well, you know, we hold these truths to be, umm, self-evident, and that all men and women are created by... umm, created by the umm, you know the... you know, the thing.
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