we dont eat our offspring
Absolutely nothing at all. Humans are animals!
We are animals, the only difference between ourselves and the lower animals is the ability to conduct and chronicle research.
Apart from God (or at least some sort of divine eternal standard external and superior to the world) the very categories of "better" and "worse" don't even exist. There are merely what is, what works, what wins, what survives, what adapts, and what dies out. In that sense one could say we are "better" to animals in that we are superior competitors and adaptors: we could wipe any and all of them out at will, and have already commandeered over 50% of the world's soil, fresh water, and vegetatable resources for our exclusive use. Don't try crying that "that's not fair" and "that's not right": you've precluded the very basis of those arguments by precluding God.
The complex ways we're capable of understanding and communicating with each other.
Humans ARE animals!! That's like saying "Why are chickens better than birds?" or "Why are pants better than clothes?"
+5 You know God placed us over the animals. Here is the good news. You do not believe in God but God believes in you
I don't think we are particularly better than the other animals. However, just as it is reasonable for you to put your family ahead of strangers, I think it reasonable for humans to put other humans ahead of other animals. So humans are better only in the strictly relative sense of being more like me.
Philosophy? I'd say humans are animals as well, but I highly doubt any other animal would ask questions like "What makes animals better than humans?" I could be wrong, though.
Animals don't shit in the water they drink from.
well its up to you if you believe in any God or not.human are more intelegent than animals.
Humans possess a conscious thinking mind. Those who do not have it are called animals.
Nothing except our own opinion of ourselves makes us better than other animals. I am very sure that my horses sometimes know they have it over me and I am the chump who cleans up after them and feeds them and cares for them for essentially very little of their time. So who does the hard work and who lazez around all day? My dogs and horses and cats have very good opinions of themselves, I hope they have a good opinion of me. Doesn't make them better than me, or me better than them. Just makes us - us.
to tell the truth i dont realy think that god and bible are true bc thay nothing about how black ppl were made wow the world floded then a white adame and eva had bang bang time and hade kids (white)kids and bc it talks about but not onlly white ppl it have not said anything about black and ppl close together now i think of it well to answer ur q i realy think animals and humens are = like guys and girl are = we come from so called humens but in reality thery we come from animals or the so called monkys
You are telling me what I should believe and therefore how to respond. That is not fair. Next time start your question with "Atheists only please". That way people who want to bring God into the mix will avoid your question and not bother you. Happy Monday! :)
What makes you think we are better than animals :D
The Flying Spaghetti Monster SAYS SO!
Why are humans any better than animals? We are just animals after all... I don't think we can say we are. Intelligence (as we define it) does not make us better. Each and every animal has a place in this world and we should make sure that we leave some space for non-humans.
I think we are better because you don't see no human collar on us being walked by dogs....
Over 50 points he "earns" for this question. Envy. Humans have abilities to think, remember and plan that most animals lack. Even smart ones like dogs and cats don't seem to have any long-term goals. In terms of how they treat one another, I'm not sure humans are better than animals.
We aren't any better. Our higher level of intelligence just gives us the opportunity to do many unethical things to animals.
Which would you rather be? Our brain is what separates us. It is vastly superior to all other creatures. Many creatures see further, hear better, smell keener, run faster, fly, swim better, and are much stronger. But, we have the best brains.
We aren't any better. In my opinion, we are WORSE. We are fully aware of the damage we cause our environment, yet we continue our lives as though we don't. People use 'pest control' and what right do they have? these 'pests' are only bothering us - why people think they have the right to destroy life because something is a nuisance to them, I cannot comprehend. It is beyond me! We should all cherish life, no matter how small.
Humans are animals, and if you polled the animal kingdom, I'm willing to bet humans are the only species who'd think we're better than everything else.
Well, put it this way, humans are the only ones with a brain big enough to consider the existence of a God or the lack thereof. Animals lack the frontal lobes to consider higher order thinking. They are not able to have a debate about whether something is moral or ethical because they lack the necessary brain structures for that debate. As far as all the people who have posted that animals are superior to humans and treat each other better, I'm wondering what rock they crawled out from under. They must have been watching Bambi over and over and mistaking that for truth. Have they never seen a cat play with a dying mouse before they eat it? Have they never seen a dog go through an entire flock of chickens just for sport? Have they never seen a stallion kill a weak foal that couldn't keep up with the herd or one that wasn't his? Have they never seen two males animals of nearly any species batter each other nearly to death for the privilege of mating with a female one time? I love animals, and I have lived and worked closely with them all my life. But I'm realistic about what they are. A horse has a brain the size of a walnut. It is almost impossible to put a horse down with a gun because it is so hard to hit that tiny organ inside that large head. That is the difference between animals and humans. And by the way, if there is no God, why do we need such big brains? Most of our brain is taken up with higher order thinking about society and morality that other animals don't need to survive. Why did we need it?
we where created in God's image...hehe Sorry, I had to. It's because we are cleverer than they are. Plain and simple.
higher THINK, ACT and REASON...emotionally ,intellectually ,physically....
Better at what? We humans are animals. We have a very complex brain, we can create and build stuff. A flee on the other hand is a better jumper. Most animals are better runners. And my cat is a much better tree climber then I will ever be. I will always be better at repairing the sink then he is though. Then again, he doesn't need the sink. Neither do I actually, in a natural environment. But in an all natural environment I am better in making fire :)
well, we're better able to adapt and survive coz of the opposable thumbs and the bigger brains :)
In the words of Seinfeld: "People never turn down money. It is what separates us from the animals"
Well, they say that we are the only sentient beings. I don't know if that's true, I have always been able to communicate with the animals in some form and they can definitely communicate with one another but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are aware that they will die. We are definitely able to communicate on a higher level than they are. (They meaning the animals other than the human animal.)
Because we were made in God's image... lol, just jokin. Well, for one we are animals which I'm sure you already found out considering most other answers stated this. But I would say that we are more dominate than most other animals because, well not for our physical abilities, but our mental abilities. Our minds evolved to a greater extent than all other life. Although, the Neanderthals would be right behind us, if not with us, if they didn't disapear 40,000 years ago.
I don't really consider one better than the other. I would image people would say because humans are more intelligence. But can you really base the intelligence of animal against a human? I mean the intelligence of humans varies. But so does the intelligence of animals. I guess I kind of just look a each species as a species, and not compare them against each other. I have met some real idiots, and I could defiantly say my dog is smarter than them. But how is that a consistent statement. Dogs communicate differently that humans. They have their own language. Bodies, brains, cells. So I don't really think you can say a human is necessarily smart than a dog. But obviously most people probably wont agree
Humans are also animals, and no animal is "better" than another. We all have our "areas of expertise," if you like.
We're not, it's just that other animals don't exact have a forum to defends themselves. I am pretty sure my two kittens think they rule my apartment though. They have me trained pretty well. I work & clean while they play & sleep all day.
Humans are not "better" but simply a higher form of existance as far as our ability to discern. We have a higher conscience that comes from our mirror image of our soul to that entity that you fail to see.
better at what? the question is ill formed. but if you want to know what separates us from the animals the answer is 'reason'.
Humans may not be better than animals (in my humble opinion). Wild animals can forage for food, build their own den, procreate and take care of their young. They live quite well among their own species and only depend on good old Earth to provide for them.
Its human like you who ask this type of question and human like me who tend to answer this type of question makes us better than animals.
Animals are generally more important to their own species than other types are.
enhanced brain...
Technically, humans are animals. But with a few exceptions, being human is preferable. Why? Well, the food is better, we have awesomely opposable thumbs, and humans are one of I think two (but don't quote me on the number) mammals to feel pleasure during sex.
When is the last time an animal thought about making sure you had something to eat? Or brought you in from the cold? Would you let a person of less intelligence...(let alone an animal) tell you what to do? Animals don't put us on the endangered list. In fact as far as I know they don't make lists.LOL. Shouldn't species of more intelligence have dominion over species that have less intelligence? Get serious! Oh, and since you said you don't believe in any god (lowercase g) you wouldn't mind sending me some money would you? I could use some. I mean if money doesn't mean so much to you and you live a simple life. And abhor anything that could possibly thought of as a "god".
Humans are set apart from Animals. For one we are far more complex when it comes to society and our ability to create things. 1. Society A.Humans have the ability to communicate far more advanced than animals, that is what allows us to advance so rapidly. We gather into communities, and so do animals, but our societies are more complex, to a level that sets us apart. 2. Emotions B. sure a dog can seem affectionate to their master, but animals are built on instincts they deal with what will affect them and how they can survive. Humans can be compassionate, how does giving your money to poor Africans help you survive? A dog will not give up its food to another animal if it means survival. Humans can have compassion and even sacrafice for others. Humans have a different type of love which means taking care of those whom they love before themselves. Of course some humans are selfish, but they have a choice to do right. 3. Designs c. Humans are much smarter than Animals. We can create things at a whole different level, that is why there is manmade and naturally made.
Better is qualitative description. It requires a standard or it is meaningless. Better in what way?
we have opposable thumbs. nuff said.
I don't think we're any better than the rest of the animals. Ever seen an animal kill for money? for such a stupid thing? Perhaps an animal that uses electroshocks with other animals just to "test" them? Seriously. We may have a superior intellect and eprhaps body, which let us do stuff any other animals can't. That just makes us different, not better.
Don't be so sure we are better.
Have animals ever sent someone to the moon?
1) Generally speaking, humans are not better than other animals, they are just different. Human could be better at specific tasks, but are we always qualified to appreciate this from an unbiased point of view? 2) "Do people realize we are all animals or is there a documented belief that humans are not animals?" "On this level, your question is of the same type as this one: 'Is a square a rectangle?' Some people define categories exclusively, so that a rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles that is not a square. This is appropriate for everyday use of the words, as people typically use the less specific word only when the more specific word will not do. But in mathematics, it is important to define categories inclusively, so that a square is a rectangle. Inclusive categories make statements of theorems shorter, by eliminating the need for tedious listing of cases." Source and further information: 3) There is no moral gap: "βWe believe that there isnβt a moral gap between humans and other animals, and that saying things like βthe behavior patterns that wolves or chimpanzees display are merely building blocks for human moralityβ doesnβt really get us anywhere. At some point, differences in degree arenβt meaningful differences at all and each species is capable of βthe real thing.β Good biology leads to this conclusion. Morality is an evolved trait and βtheyβ (other animals) have it just like we have it.β" Source and further information: "Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals - by Marc Bekoff and Jessica Pierce" 4) Is a human life more worth than an animal life? Here a traditional humanist position: "While humans are filed in kingdom Animalia, there is obviously a large difference between us and other βanimalsβ because we built the classification system. A human life involves a capable physical body and an even more powerful brain. A human life can think, build and grow in a much more profound way than an βanimalβ. On the other hand, some animals perform some actions equally well and even better than humans. Many animals are faster and stronger than humans although I donβt believe there are any that can even come near the intellectual capacity of humans. Returning to the question of charity, I believe that saving a human life is more important than an animal because that human life saved is capable of much more. It could, in theory, lead to a chain of charitable actions that an animal would not be capable of creating. I have nothing against organizations that help endangered animals or animals themselves, but I feel that a human life is simply worth more." Source and further information: 5) "Many believe that humans are more than just a cut above animals; in fact they believe humans are so special that they are indeed divine. Who makes these claims; Humans of course and it makes sense. But if your dog could talk he would say you are nothing more than a two-legged dog and really you are not worth much more than dog crap as far as he is concerned. When was the last time you took him to the park to play Frisbee?[...] In the end humans are merely animals, no better no worse, except maybe if you are the environment, then of course from your perspective humans suck and big time. Should we let humans do a study to determine if humans are better than animals and deserving of their own category? If so who should we let do the study; certainly not humans after all you cannot trust them like you can trust your dogβs honest opinion of the situation." Source and further information: 6) Further information: - "What experiments have been carried out where animals perform better than us at particular cognitive tasks?": - "what makes humans different [from] other animals?": - " If you sometimes (or even most of the time) like animals better than people, why? ": - "10 Things Animals Can Do Better Than Humans": - "Are humans more important than animals?": - "Our Neurons Communicate Better Than Animal Neurons This explains human cognitive performances":
It doesn't make us better it makes us responsible.
some of us can spell better than animals ...
the answer to that is simpe ... were not
Hmmm... Fish are better at living underwater than humans are. Birds are better at flying. Cheetahs at running fast. Bees at making honey. Etc... and... Humans RE animals. Care to rephrase your question?
I dont think we are better. humans are horrored
humans are better than animals because we have minds and we have the ability to think and reason. i cannot not say that god made us in his image because we have the ability to be higher than animals because god did make us and that's the only explanation how we are of a higher breed so to say. if you didn't believe in god, who on earth made you??:)
Humans are animals.
Nothing. If you are asking what makes us ACT as if we are better, I'd have to say arrogance.
Then maybe YOU aren't better than an animal. They can't read, pray and/or meditate to find out if God is real either.... Just kidding...No, I'm not...Yes I am....Nevermind
Well because of your being narrowminded and stuck in your beliefs you are stuck with an answer that may not be correct either. Ever think of that? Humans are not better than animals. We are animals. We are advanced mentally in some processes of the brain. Period. God made everything. God is everything including the maggot on your trash can lid.
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