Bob Ross.
1) Gauguin; 2) Dali.
I can't say he's my favourite painter, there are so many to choose from, but this is one of my favourite paintings. It was painted by William Holman Hunt in 1888
Monet, followed closely by Van Gough.
Poisson and Degas, I cannot choose between
Ugg...hard choice! Georgia O'Keefe probably number one followed by CΓ©zanne, Degas and Gauguin. oops...also Richard Diebenkorn for his Ocean Park Series.
Degas or Monet
Mine would have to be Fernando Botero (born April 19, 1932) is a neo-figurative Colombian artist, self-titled "the most Colombian of Colombian artists." He strives in all his work to capture an essential part of himself and his subjects through color and form. His work includes still-life and landscapes, but Botero tends to primarily focus on situational portraiture. His paintings and sculptures are, on first examination, noted for their exaggerated proportions and the corpulence of the human figures and animal figures. The "fat people" are often thought by critics to satirize the subjects and situations that Botero chooses to paint. Botero explains his use of obese figures and forms as such: "An artist is attracted to certain kinds of form without knowing why. You adopt a position intuitively; only later do you attempt to rationalize or even justify it." He is an abstract artist in the most fundamental sense of the word, choosing what colors, shapes, and proportions to use based on intuitive aesthetic thinking. This being said, his works are informed by a Colombian upbringing and social commentary is woven all throughout his work.
Rembrandt, for his brilliant use of light & shade (chiaroscuro) & Turner, for the vivid & intense atmosphere that characterizes most of his landscapes. Below are two of my favorite paintings by them, Rembrandt's "Aristotle contemplating a bust of Homer" & Turner's "Fishermen at sea".
Da Vinci, or Monet?
I don't know his name but he still has his own tv show, He's the guy who talks too much when he's painting. EXAMPLE: "Oh no! This side of the paper is getting jealous. Here! Have some paint!"
Monet & Raphael
Peter Max! I think he was way more influential in the world of art than his contemporaty, Andy Worhol.
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn is my favorite one also. I've seen many of his paintings at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and at the Hermitage in St-Petersburg and i was really touch by his masterfull control on light and shadows.
bruce logue he is an unknown. I have a handful of his paintings. he is pretty unique. he has had a different, difficult and troublesom life, he is still alive ( as far as I know) and some day his paintings will be worth more than he realizes.
my ex-boyfriend Yobleart everything that is not obviously stenciled (shapes) is free hand (not drawn then painted over or done on a projector screen) as most modern artists do.
Mine would have to be Julian Beever. He paints 3D pavement pictures that actually seem to be real objects. Take this picture for an example: For more of his pictures, visit this website to view the art gallery:
Edward Degas and Botero. Quite a stylistic difference in the two.
Chuck Close, I love how he uses patterns to make a portrait. There's always a great deal of sentiment in every face he paints. He's also a great photographer, there are some very interesting shots he took of Kate Moss. I also love Juan Gris, one of the greatest cubists of all times in my opinion. Wassily Kandinsky for his take on geometric shapes. Andy Warhol ("Pop Art") and Marcel DuChamp (Dadaist and so much more) for their controversy in their respective fields.
Mr. Bainter the painter from Kapt. Kangaroo
Joan Miro.
Bob Ross and his happy little trees.
Leonardo da one. Monet,istwo.and Van Gough
Me!! Only joking, I love Salvidor Dali or M.C Escher
David Hockney among the living. Jan Vermeer among the deceased.
At the moment it's a 17th Century Zen master called Hakuin:
I have none. I have favourite paintings and don't care much who made them.
A man called Alan he has transformed our house!
I've always loved Dali. He was one of the most interesting painters ever.
I would say ME, put to be honest i think it's Pablo Picasso
For me 1. Rembrandt 2. Picasso 3. Renoir 4. Lucien Freud
Grant Wood
(sorry, duplicate answer)
My grandfather, Lee Choong Keun (below). Otherwise, Gustav Klimt.
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