• Douglas Adams, Hitch Hikers guide to the Galaxy
  • i like the chicken soup for the soul books
  • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a very interesting book. The (1962) film is also a must have.
  • Rabbi Jason Sobel...The Mystery of the Messiah and Signs and Secrets of the Messiah. Andrew Wommack...most all his books.
  • For many years it has been Stephen King. I have followed him since we were both young. I remember when he was writing stories for magazines before he got his first best seller. However, I think I'm done with him now. The last few books he has written have been been full of politics, and cultural animosity that have just ruined the stories for me. I just spent 20+ bucks on "Holly", a continuation of the Mr. Mercedes series and it is full of TDS nonsense that does NOTHING for the story, IMHO. 10/13/23
  • My present favorite book is Kristen Hannah's "The Nightengale"

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