Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, maybe even Pearls Before Swine??
Batman, Superman, the Joker, Catwoman, Wonder Woman and Friday the 13th. They're all interesting to read, even now in adulthood.
I used to read a book based on the Knight Rider series when I was a child. Iβm not a person for reading comics.
The Beano because of Biffo the Bear, followed by The Dandy because of Desperate Dan.
I guess you mean "comic book series". I was a fan of the 60's Avengers, X-men, Thor, Fantastic Four and Submariner. Later: Daredevil, the "reset" X-men and the Black Panther (which was only great while Kirby was working on it). Overall I think my favorite was the Fantastic Four, with Thor a close second.
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