Anyone who is involved in an interracial relationship doesn't base their decisions on statistics, to put it plainly. Love is Colorblind and therefore, doesn't not see the color of one's skin, but the color of one's heart. People who involve themselves such are determined individuals that are very strong. After all, they are swimming against the forceful current of racialism.
I agree that love is extremely colorblind, and a lot of people do not understand that unless they have personally experienced it.
I find it pretty equal in interracial relationships. It should matter what race their are. Maybe if they have a lot of cultural differences but are interested in getting to know the culture, then it may succeed. At the same time, same race couples are more likely to less successful. This time of era, divorces are happening in a majority of marriages.
Interracial relationships are wrong IMO.
i read in Psychology Today, that they are more likely to succeed (along with couples who have huge age differences and other "mismatched" couples) because of all the judgement around them, they bond more closely. arg! i didn't really
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