My mum. It is crazy! She remembers every single aspect of everything! Conversations, what you were wearing, the time, the shadows on the bloody walls! I also have a memory sort of like this, and its very annoying
My friend Chico.-School was easy for him, he never had to study. He is a Lawyer now.
My brother, he is amazing. But scientists state now there is no such thing. Their theory is that some people have better recall and memories than others.
No, but It would be hard to photograph events in your own memory. Some people are gifted or have a lot of experience of having to photograph a memory in their mind.
I have one. But mine isn't as good as the people's you mention here. It's very useful for tests at school. I usually see a page before me and like read the words. Then I just put what I see on paper. I usually get the highest marks in class [brag].
I don't know anyone with a photgraphic memory, but my wife seems to remember every word I've ever said in every argument we've ever had.
Yes, I gal I worked with. She was a horrible employee and rude to everyone. Really bad, she left us for a competing company and because she had a photographic memory, she remembered all of the customer information and tried to steal all of the customers. (then had the nerve to call me to help her company with a computer problem...some people!)
Yes, I have known a person who had one, and I have almost a photographic memory if I have seen something that really interests me. It has gotten worse as I aged, espcially because I take a pill that has some odd affect on my memory. It's an interesting talent, but can be abit unpleasant if you also remember all the negative things that have happened in your life. That is what bothers (ed) me about it. It's a double edged sword.
Yeah,, My first mother-in-law!
I knew a guy in RI that had, in 3 months, memorized the entire Bible. word. for. word. Including all the "begats".
If I recall correctly, one Doogie Howser did have a photographic memory.
i probably have, and just dint know they had it:;)
Yes - or nearly photographic memory. It doesn't always insure the ability to organize and process that information.
I do tend to be able to remember script verbatum for examinations and briefs when required
Photographic Memory is an unbelievable thing. I used to work in a restaurant, there was this little boy that used to come in with his parents, he was only 5. He had a photographic memory of every map, air plane schedule, train schedule, bus schedule. He could tell you how to get to any where in the WORLD, which train/bus/plane to take the departure/arrival times, the layover time. I once asked him how to get to Italy. He told me every single aspect. The most amazing thing I've ever heard/seen!
Yeah, They ran outta film....ha ha ha?
The former sports director at our radio station. He kept track of football, basketball and baseball players throughout their entire grade school and high school sports "careers". He'd meet kids in the 5th grade playing pickup basketball and remember their names, who their parents were and their non-sports interests...even as those interests changed as the kids grew up. He's an amazing guy. He'll remember your name and whatever you tell him just as soon as he meets you. You may not see him for over a year or more and he'll ask how your family members and friends are name and circumstance. I've asked how he does it. He says he doesn't know, it just happens spontaneously for him. swabby
yes, i definitley have photographic memory. i noticed i also read books a lot faster than others, and i dont miss a word.. i just scan the page for a few seconds and i know whats going on. i like it. ive gotten into so many arguments with teachers about it when i was in school because they accuse me of 'lying' about it.. as if thats something to lie about haahah like i really enjoyed finishing tests an hour before others did and sitting there doing absolutely nothing.
My teaching assistant from my English Lit class says that my memory is partly photographic. Ever since first grade, i never had to 'learn' my spellings, I just looked at the sheet once, and I always got full marks, I guess that's why I'm so bad at studying now lol, no practise! Also, you know how some people get certain things confused with others? Like they see a film, and think the actor in it was in something they'd seen before, but they really just looked like them, I was always the one correcting them, because I never had that problem. Also cars too, when people say 'ooh my mom has that car' and it's really just a very similar one. Yeah, I was always correcting them then too lol. I never really knew what it was, because when you're so used to something, you don't know any different, so I just expected everyone else had it, and the people who made the above mistakes were just stupid lol. That's why I never used it for tests, because I never knew I could, I was taught to learn it like everyone else, so I just did it that way. But now I know, it comes in pretty handy. The only weird thing though is the part about reading a book really fast, I can't do that, I actually have to read it properly, I read fast anyway, but I don't read a page in a few seconds. I guess everyone is different!
I've known people who have claimed to have "eidetic" memories. Close to perfect but not "photographic" which doesn't exist naturally.
I don't remember.
I have a photographic memory! its quite a mad facility! Really comes in handy and i have got through exams purely because i can see the pages i have read when having to recall the info required!
A guy I used to work with. A very handy friend to have.
i have a photgraphic memory , flash memory,and life memory.
Do you also have bubble memory, or did you find it too slow to be of much use?
my son has a varyinig degree of a photographic memory, he is able to literally read a page of script, then almost word for word reverbalise it back. but he does not recall absolutely everything. It makes his learnign in school fairly easy.
I have phonographic memory and near photographic memory (doesn't really exist). With phonographic memory I can nearly always recount the exact phrases and words in a conversation. If I watch a movie twice I have about 98% of the dialog memorized. I have found that my photographic memory is usually limited to 2-Dimensional pictures. For example I can remember an actors face from a preview of a movie 8 years ago that I never actually saw and place them in a movie I am currently watching. My labels are also affected though in a strange way. I can remember the titles of movies and books and places that I have only heard of or read once, but can't put names to faces because of my 2-dimensional limitation.
Photographic memory doesn't really exist, at least not naturally. Most people are probably referring to Eidetic memory, which is remembering mental images with unusual vividness or detail. I have Eidetic memory, which makes memorizing things like scripts an easy task. It also makes exams easy, basically I have to read the page in the textbook once and I can remember 98% of it word for word.
My eleven year old autistic son has a photographic memory and can even tell you things and dates of events, where we lived etc about things since he was about 6 mos old He can watch someone play a song and copy it perfectly etc and can play by ear also. He is amazing! Both mostly hes a nice guy and I love him alot!
I did but I've lost it.
Yes. While in the military telecommunications, we were taught both speed reading and flash memory ... every time we went on duty, a guard would wave a page of codes, call signs, and radio frequencies at us for about a second, we would have to read and memorize it and then spend the day using only those codes, call signs, and frequencies.
Being a schizophrenic I used to have total auditory recall. I must be getting better because I can't remember every word I ever spoke or heard anymore.
Yes, almost like that people in Psych or Monk. One look and they could just recall all sorts of things. It was amazing.
I know two people with photographic memory. One is a mensa member. He is a complete failure at anything. He is too smart. The other person is a failure as well. He lives on the street and sleeps in a home built trailer. He can recite any page from any of the books he has read. He is too smart. He and the other person are misfits. One would think they would be smart enough to earn big salaries. Instead they are dependent instead of being independent. Its a curse, they say.
No, but I know several people with a pornographic memory;)
Yes my ex husband who seemed to remember every fault I had such as the odd fart or coming home late from slogging my guts out at work, yet he had permanent amnesia with regard to any of his horrible doings.
One of my best friends. He and I were in smarty classes together.
I have always been told that I have a very good memory and I picture lists in my head and can read them . It is my way of remembering things. If it is truly photographic or not I cannot say. It has suffered this last few years because I have found it more difficult to concentrate.
Yes, I have one. I will remember the smallest detail, but forget the name!
Yes, a former doctor. He also spoke English, German and French.
I used to memorize all the photographs in my Playboy magazines. Does that means I have a photographic memory?😋
Yes. But I don't, so can't remember who they are.
Yes. There was a fellow in my Law Class that had one and was able to quote all laws verbatim.
In my Law Class in college
Yes, my doctor, He also also spoke French and German. 😎
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