yes, my avatar is not fake, I actually am David Hasselhoff, familiar with my work?
Not on TV...but on the front of a magazine..and i recently was used in a new Ad..dont know if they will use it though.
Yes. I've been in the background of local news. They came to shoot my next door neighbor's house who was a rapist. I was yelling "Hi MOM"
Yes, when I was about 6 years old, we lived in Odessa, Texas for a short while, and there was a kid's show called Admiral Foghorn. It was my birthday and I got to go to the show and because it was my birthday I got to ring the ships bell..... That was sooooo exciting!!!! The highlight of my life.
Yes. I have been on my local news cleaning up the beach and I used to be on the TV every saturday on Channel 4 at Channel 4 At The Races with my dad and his mate Bill. He would gamble our money away, and I would watch pretty horses. At least I didn't have to sit in the beer tent with the smokers, I'll give him that
Yes, when I was a little girl I was on a local kids show. I don't remember the name.
A documentary about the company I work for had a shot with the back of my head in it. My aunt recognized me.
A few times - maybe more than a few. Interviews mostly. Some singing. I did a week of spots once.
My butt was once
Yes, a few times. The most notable (because it wasn't a local news channel) was CNN. Long ago, in a galaxy far-far away, I won the gold medal in the state Academic Decathlon and went to the Nationals. CNN panned the room and you can briefly see me. :P Oh, wait...I forgot those damn beauty pageants I used to be in. I'd rather not get into it, though. That sucked.
Yes several times. A recent interview of the new chancellor of my university for the local news revealed my forehead. A similar interview was filmed last week, where I may get to see my face... But my crowning achievement - running right past a camera on the Great North Run just as the feed switched to that particular camera. My mum parked the car and turned and looked at a monitor just as my image was broadcast.
Yes, several times. I've also been on radio too often.
yes, I won my local hometown's teen beauty (that was a while back) pageant and for that year did commercials. Recently I was on a red cross commercial and also a documentary for HBO that will air sometime in 2007.
Yes, once as a kid on a local cartoon show. Twice as an adult, local TV news spots on me and the business I was doing then. And radio about 20-25 times on call in talk shows around my profession at the time.
I suppose that sitting right in front of someone who caught a foul ball at a MLB game counts as being on tv. Other than that, no I have not. I don't ever want to be.
A few times for me also. Did three for four news interviews with local stations when my husband was murdered. Before that I used to be a guest singer for a few bands that were televised locally along with radio spots for bands, and last July I was on a local psychic television program. Wow! I didn't realize that I was such a star!
on the local news
I got interviewed on the street one afternoon concerning my thoughts on the severity of tickets given out to young drivers. (by Channel 5 NEWS). Later that night I stepped up to the bar in the steakhouse we were eating at when suddenly there I was talking on the TV. It was pretty funny because a couple of the patrons gave me questioning glances, but I just played it off like it wasn't me.
Nope. But i wish i could...
yes, i was a contestant on supermarket sweep!
Yes. :) I actually did a part for an episode of the television series called Counterstrike with Simon McCorkindale and Christopher Plumber quite a few years ago. The specific episode I was on in Counterstrike was called "Mask".
Once for a split second on Local news being the first one to enter fair grounds on opening day. Not that great a story, eh.
Yeah I went to see the president at the time give a speech and I saw the back of my own head on the news later that night.
Oh my God, yeah! I was on a "truth" non-smoking commercial. They shot it at Warped Tour! That was so cool. I just thought I was going to get freebies, then I saw the camera and they said it'd be a commercial. Neato =)
Yes when I was in the cub scouts I went to a show we all loved called The Andy Devine Show...Andy and his big smile that I remember was a Hoot. We sat on some small bleachers in the studio with 2 cameras, one on each side of us. I could see our Pack and myself on the black & white TV set. And there was Froggie, that was always saying funny things...getting into trouble with Andy. And we all got to say..."Twang Your Magic Twanger Froggie". And who was the guy with the long hair & boxer dog selling shoes...Buster Brown Shoes I think. Life is Good Thanx for the memories...
Yup, some guy from OMNI 2 television was interviewing random people off the street about 'What makes you happy'. It was in early summer. I was able to get to the VCR fast enough to record it :). Still in the process of finding a card or tuner so i can save it only my laptop and put it on YouTube :P
Yes, when i was younger, representing Australia in junior tennis.
Of course! Local channel 19 - my school district's channel. See me wave in the background while some smarter people explain the diffusion process.
yeah i've been on a couple of times.....probably the most embarassing was when i was in fourth grade and my class was on singing this rap song we wrote about fire safety.
I co-hosted a program on Gay TV back in the early 80's, on a local cable access channel. A good friend was directing the shoot that week and asked me to do it for him. I helped introduce segments about AIDS, which was just beginning to come to light as something more serious than just another kind of cancer. I was nervous and it was cold in the studio, so I had plenty of do-overs. Whenever I've watched the tape, I feel the same anxiety as that night, though it was fun to do. If I ever had the chance to do something like that again, I'd like to think I'd be much better at it! Now here's a good one - I always tell people my cat, "Baby Boo" is "on television" . . . And it is true, cause that's where she likes to be whenever I run the vacuum cleaner! Hey! With the way television is going these days, one day she just might be a big TV star!
Yes, on a snowy christmas day, we were playing in the snow, sliding down a hill, and they filmed us. We also built an igloo one year, and the news came and did a feature on it.
Well, at school , this one time, someone did came up to me with a camera on and sorta interviewed me but they didn't tell a shit abt when to show live on tv ,so I dunno if that one counts..xd
no i haven't been,
yes i was in the crowd in the rugby world cup.
Yes, the local TV station came by and recorded us playing guitar at the Museum Of Natural History(dont ask) and at several concerts we gave when I was in Guitar school.
Yep,C & R Clothier commercials.Guees jeans,levi's,Paul mitchell,Swatch clothing,ETC
I was in a Bar in Dallas, a sports commentator and TV crew came in, lights, sound the lot and decided to interview me about the Baseball strike (as in refusing to play)having previously had a few Beers with some new found Texan friends, I was full of bravado(also known as Beer) and told a quick story on similar happenings with Rugby League in Australia,as I know very little about U.S Baseball they loved it, so did I,it turned in to a good night alround. Convincing my Aussie Pals that I had been on American TV took some doing
no no, just pretending their little video screen was tv and I had my um-15 minutes - of fame
yes.Once i was on Rally Norway, and tv chanels where there filming, and me ant my friends sang this kinda cheer, and saw it on a chanel a cupple of times the next day. i don't know if any other send it though. (= and there have been a cupple of other acutions..
Yes. I portrayed various car salesmen in television commercials and have done announcing and lead ins for PBS auctions and fundraising telethons.
Yes, local tv in Canada. Several times, never paid!
Yes.i was on channel 8 news one time in oregon.
I was about 10, 11-ish around the time my dad got a couple of free Hawks tickets (thats how bad they suck- people, just give their tickets away, lol) and the whole family went. During half-time, me and my sister were the main focus on that huge tv that they keep in the center of the arena. I was having one of my "wicked laugh" moments, probably at something ridiculous that my sister said, and everybody saw it and cracked up. Of course, everyone around me was happy because I'd made our section famous :)
YES on more than one occassion
In a documentary... in France. For french kids..... >_< It was some computer camp thing I was in long ago, and they had these people come in and film us... but it only aired in FRANCE............ So I coulden't see it.
Yes, my husband, son and I were on TV during a USF Bulls football game. ur seats are in the endzone!!
I was in a HE-MAN commercial at my local mall when I was 7.
Twice. Once in an interview as a photographer on tour with a group of international photographers, and once my band was featured live on a music program. Any other time, I'm likely to be one of those idiots you see jumping around and making peace signs behind the guy talking.
yeah i did a couple of commercials when i was a little fella. haha still get paid out about it
yup on nickelodeon when i was young
Yes in Norway H&M commercials. and on the news with my family and in a talkshow with my family .. but thats like 11 years ago now !
Yes. More than once.
I was on a cheesy "Dancing On Air" tv show when I was 13 and then I was on the news when my daughter participated in a "Diaper Derby" crawling contest. (Many years later I might add!)
I was interviewed on national news in Canada about a landslide that blocked a main highway blocked for 2 days in the Rocky mountains.The news crew was flown in by hellicoper because it was far from a city.The road was blocked and water was coming across the road.There was a big bag in the mountain above and all of a sudden trees, water,mud and rocks came down accross the highway barely missing the police car.The trees were massive.
Yup! Embarrassingly enough I was on nickelodeon when i was little. I sat with the presenter and my friend (who'd been invited to come). At the time I thought it was so amazing...
I am always on TV.
Yes, I was on Multicoloured Swap Shop and Diverse Reports.
Few times, I just happened to be there while the news was being shot. I was also an extra in Michael Hutchence's very last movie titled Limp.
Yes, six times.
Yes... I was on the Ramblin' Rod show when I was 5 years old...
Yes, quite a few times! When I was 2yo I ran onto the stage of a stand up comedy event my parents were at, the guy picked me up and asked "whose kid is this anyway?" in a very "whose line is this anyways?" Kind of way! When I was 10yo my school won a "lovely garden" competion and I was seen on the News at 10(pm) in the background. When I was 20 I was in a garage buying something and while I was in there there was an armed raid and I made it onto crimestoppers! I was only in the background. I have also been on a few other times, but their the 3 I remember the most.
Yes, sure have!!!!!!
I was on Dick Clarks bandstand once wayyyyyy back
Yes on a UK political news show. I got to ask questions to senior politicians - it was good to be able to make them squirm
Yes i have twice
When I was kindergarten, I got filmed playing on the equipment with other kids. It got put on the local news.
to my knowledge no
Local News. But that's all behind me now.
A few times!! It was fun!!!!
Yes, I saw myself briefly a few times on TV when I was a cast extra for 2 shows that were on during the early 1990's. Silk Stalkings and Renegade.
Yes when I was a child my whole family went to the taping of a childrens show in Sioux Falls and we got on the air. Wish I could get a copy of that. Over 40 years ago.
Only on security cameras TV's
Yes, a local TV news station was covering a festival and I waved to the camera lol
I saw myself on TV. I was at a baseball park surrounded by empty seats. It was a report about the hard times the Puerto Rico Winter Professional Baseball League was experiencing. That situation never improved and for the first time in over 70 years there will be no Professional Winter Baseball in Puerto Rico. The owners can't afford to run a team with 200 fans per game....
yes...cross over with john edwards.
I was on Dateline: To Catch a Predator. ... what?! :D
Yes.. the local station was interviewing a restaurant owner.. I happened to walk behind the camera on my way out of the restaurant... no clue until I got a call that night because somebody saw me on TV..
Yes, three times as a teenager; twice in the background for local news shows. Once, a group of us were rehearsing a science-fiction play spoof (on Battlestar Galactica) which we later presented at a local Star Trek convention. The second time, I was with a group working at a haunted house, and was in the background in front of the setup. A third time I was part of a group working the phones for the local PBS station during their pledge drive (Sunday morning when they aired Doctor Who), and sometimes I was shown and once my name said by the woman doing the pledge drive talk.
Yes I have, a several times.
No..And I'm wishing to be there..^_^
Yes when I was a child
Nope, never :(
I once appeared on TV when I scored a high mark for my end of year exams. Gee, I still remember that happy time.
I was at a cubs baseball game and my family said they seen me in the stands when they seen the game on TV.
I used to appear on a daily talk show as part of the band. There have been other TV appearances, too.
I was interviewed two different times while attending minor league baseball games. One time it was opening day at the AA Yankees team which was in Norwich, CT at the time. The second time was when the Minnesota Twins played their AA team in New Britain, CT in 2001. The local NBC station interviewed me.
Twice that I know of: once as the subject of a 'human interest' (read VERY SLOW NEWS DAY) local news piece on the first child born on Father's Day, and once as an extra on a medical drama of some sort (I was five at the time, so forgive me if I can't remember the name of the show). Neither appearance was at all impressive.
The lawyer referenced in this article is me.
I was on a kids' show called "Romper Room" when I was 4 or 5. I barely remember it. I thought I was something...a movie star. But then...and this I don't remember...I started crying on air because they wouldn't give me any more chocolate chip cookies. They had to drag me off in front of thousands of home viewers. Ugh...what a way to start in show business.
Yes, when I was a little kid. Doesn't really count I guess, but I was on the local Public Access station a couple of times for school plays and pageants, that kind of thing. I believe my highschool and college graduation ceremonies were also televised on Public Access stations. So, technically, yes.
Back in the era of Hee Haw. This show originated in Nashville, Tn., back in the 1970s. I formed a police band. we practiced at the same television studio that Hee Haw was taped. One night, i was accidently filmed behind Junior Samples in a comedy scene. the part was never deleted and it was shown nationwide. No big deal.
You remember that show?! Kewel! Notice how I have selective memory about the
ive stood on my tv console to change a light bulb once... and then there was that other incident too
Shhhh...I am trying to keep that from my parents...
I have!!!!!!!!!!!!
Part of a chorus singing Holiday Songs.
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