GIRL FIGHT! Or ummm... That piece of string attached to the door knob across the room? or rough sex or a zipper Or just about any misplaced, careless, drunken, spring-break type of jerk or dance move or maneuver?
step one - grab step two - pull
well i have mine done. they can get riped out if you have something haging off of it and you pull it or if someone hates you and pulls it
Mine got ripped out this morning well sort of. I don't have a big belly button for the ball to go in so when I bend over it streches my skin out where the bar is at, over time it split in two.
It takes some pulling, but if you try hard enough....
ouch. someone yanking it out?..or it getting caught on something...yikers. i've had mine for 14 years..and i just keep it out of harms way.
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