I think of pilgrims shooting American Indians, taking their land, and eating their food.
Douglas Wade
Sorry, but all that happened after the pilgrims. -
Army Veteran
A little sadistic, aren't we?
I think of an American holiday that I do not celebrate, as I live in Australia.
I think of a particular perpective angle of people seated around the big dusty dining room table in the house where I grew up (and my parents still live in). The faces don't matter / keep changing.
misunderstood holiday/celebrating the beginning what could have been a good friendship/and my mamas cooking
thanks for what
Army Veteran
I'm betting a lot of Lefties are asking the same question. Go live in Afghanistan for a couple of months and then come back to America (if you even can) - maybe you'll see things differently. If not, you might as well stay in Afghanistan since that would be more to your liking.
Family dinners....
To give due honor, glory and praise to God for His richest blessings.
My family... and the GIVE THANKS game we play every year!!!
A girl I met this summer while working as a camp counselor in Wisconsin. Her older brother's nickname was Christmas, so we started calling her Thanksgiving. After that, I think about the fact that I don't get to make the six hour drive home for Thanksgiving this year because my finals start the day after Thanksgiving, which would be the day I'd return. They don't give us a day off for traveling, which is completely ridiculous. My particular major requires physical effort to prep for finals since I work with horses at school and our finals are in the form of a horse show. Stupid school :(
Army Veteran
You might be thankful that it's the finals and that you're putting it all behind you. You could still make the trip, but a day early. You'll have the chance to spend time with family and eat dinner with them, even if it's not Turkey with all of the trimmings - or maybe they could schedule the get-together a day early just so you can be with them.
Family, great food, fall, and being thankful that I have a family to share the experience with.
Generousity, and roast turkey!
Nearly Christmas
the holiday
The national holiday that this country set aside to give thanks to Almighty God for His blessings.
giving thanks!
The November holiday in the US that celebrates food family and football.
Army Veteran
Yeah, that's setting your priorities...
Man-made traditions.
Army Veteran
No Bible in your house, huh?
I view thanksgiving as an uniquely North American holiday. Its celebrated in both the United States of America and Canada. Its a special day that is officially dedicated to being thankful. Plus most years being spent arguing with different political viewpoints and learning next year not to discuss politics.
That one day of the year that I just know I'm going to overeat.
Turkey and more turkey
Giving thanks with and for my friends and family!
The traditional U.S. holiday.
America. It's not something we do in the UK.
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