I don't think there would be a 'best' because that depends on point of view. Inventions can make a huge difference in how history plays out, but not a single one is truely alone in being the best. Then again, 'best' in regards to what subject?
One cure all pill or injection for all the major diseases. Diabetes and cancer would be a thing of the past-literally! There would still be the common cold or flu, childhood diseases like chicken pox-but those of us hindered with many pills, shots or treatments wouldn't have to go through the daily pain and agony.
O.K. Bear with me on this, it's pretty wild and off the top of my head..... Things that are powered by excrement (do-do) like cars for instance. Fill up your car. Need to do some farming, go out in the pasture to shovel up some cow. Mow the yard, stop & collect the doggie pills. There is always a supply. I just haven't figured out how to recognize high octane yet??
Linda Joy
Methane gas. Already been done- its expensive to capture and contain, I think.
i think a machine where u would just sit down right? ok sounds simple anough. but then like it would work your muscles for you just like move u up and down or make ur legs move so you dont have to do the work. and BOOM your in shape! wow that'd be awesomeee
A great invetion would ba a instantaneous particle degenerator or a teleporter which moves you by moving your atoms.
A pill that would make your taller if you wanted to be taller or thin if you needed to loose weight.
A machine which could actualise thoughts and concepts in the material world, automagically filling in gaps you couldn't resolve. So you could make anything... as long as you had the idea.
I'm not impressed until someone invent a device that solves all my problems, but that feels very hitchhikers guide to the galaxy style technology.
a floaty know it would be awsome
If i answered this question, here, someone could steal my idea and become a trillionaire, because of it. I need a patent number, first.
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