• Is metal or cloth material? if its a metal expansion type, it will have to be replaced with the correct size. buy a new one. if its cloth, find an ice pick and make a hole for the correct adjustment. you may have to trim the end that goes into the buckle.
  • Metal expansion bands can be shortened by removing links as needed. To do this, take a small penknife and gently pry the ends of two adjoining links until they are sticking straight out. You will find a small u-shaped pin connecting the two links. Remove this pin and repeat on other side of same links. Now you must determine how many links to remove. It may take some trial and error, once you have removed the correct number of links, re-insert the u-pins into link end and bend end back over to secure pins. This is delicate work, but I have done this on every band I have ever owned.

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