Burp..... happy now?
You don't need to answer any of my questions, because every time you say something, that's really stupid. -
And you have done this kind of a thing earlier also -
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
Burp! -
And even more stupid than i thought you were. -
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
Don't think, you're straining your gray matter!....... burp!
For me I am not into guessing games. If I don't see what people look like I am not going to even try to guess.
Little and cute as a button.
Thank YOU !
Dark and mysterious.
Ha ha ha :) That seems funny : )
I'm sure you have an inner beauty that equals your outward appearance. That being said ... we only have our words and our choice of how we use them for people to determine our character. So don't let anger guide you, and choose your words wisely and carefully. Let your beauty shine through like a ray of sunshine.
That's really nice.... I get angry at small things.....even here on AB.... But now I would never repeat the nonsense I blurt out when I am angry .... There are some people who force us to use abusives, but afterall it's our choice.......
i have no idea
With your eyes! Ok, I'm guessing you are Indian as in from India, not Native American Indian. If you are Indian you probably have dark skin dark hair and dark eyes. I'm guessing you're less than 20, and relatively fit. Average to short. You like saying exactly, using emotions in 3's and are easily provoked. What did I get right?
Ok.....I loved your answer. And you are almost right except the facts that i have dark skin. I am fair, ask my friends, but because most Indians are dark, your guess was not bad. And my height is above-average as compared to the average Indian height (you almost got it right). You were right about the facts that i have dark hair (all brown, i am brunette), i am less than 20, i am fit (almost) , i like saying exactly, am easily provoked and i am working on it. Eyes - black .......... -
Thank you for answering ! -
Linda Joy
I'm guessing your skin is darker than mine, and I was thinking average height for a woman as 5'4" to 5'5" but I guess women in India (and several other places) are quite a bit shorter! But most are taller than me! I'm still working on not letting others provoke me as well. While I usually like knowing the right answer, I enjoyed guessing this time. -
Yes, i am certainly not as fair as you, but you know, I am considered fair, here (well, being fair or dark does not really matter to me, I think beauty comes from the facial features, and that`s why i am happy about my face). And the average height in India is much smaller than in western countries, I guess, so here in India, I am seen as above average.........but I think if I was born in your country, I would have been called short...... -
Linda Joy
Physical beauty fades. True beauty comes from within and is evidenced by the character and heart of the soul. -
Hey wait, i am talking about physical beauty right now. Not that internal one..... but what you said about real beauty is actually right..........i agree with it
Ahh ?
Like you won first prize.
Like a baby who's mom tied a pork chop around his neck and let the dog loose.
You look marvelous. How do you think you see?
I did not understand what do you mean by "how do you think you see?". Are you asking how do i think i look ? -
Look / see -- just a feeble, unsuccessful attempt to play with words. But -- sure, how do you think you look? Infinitely more important than how others think you do. -
Well, that`s right. Umm..... I think I look fine, but you know, that does not really matter. As it is said "True beauty comes from within". I just wanted to know how people`s imagination worked.........
Gorgeous with with long blonde hair and big blue eyes. Average height, little feet and a big heart.
I am not blonde
You are incorrect for saying none of us have seen each other's faces on this site. The avatar I use is of myself, using a face animation app. I can name a couple of users on this subject who use or have used a personal photo. Pearllederman is one of them, and so is Rick Myres, not to mention many other users I have seen using photos of themselves. In how you look, the name you use is "Abha." It is of Indian origin. I'm thinking you have dark hair, dark skin, perhaps average height, not skinny or fat.
Everyone with whom I speak over the internet is assumed to look like the real-life version of "Jenkins" from South Park.
Your picture makes you look very young. 9/5/23
Do you have an average build and medium height maybe? Iβm just guessing but you can prove me right or wrong by responding to me. That βburpβ person at the top answer is not worth it so donβt bother with them because they are being ridiculous.
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