• I'm not sure what the rules/regulations are in your local piercing/tattoo shops but in my area, the child has to be 16 with proof of age AND with a parent to get any piercings (excluding ears)/tattoos on their body. If you really wanted your child to get her belly-button pierced, you can get a home piercing kit that costs around $12.00 - I don't know if you have a Sally's Beauty Supply Store in your area but that's where I got mine.
  • It depends on where you go. You need to check into the tattoo places near your house. Look at the cleansliness of the store, find out if they use new needles or autoclave them. You want new needles. Don't always go with the cheapest. Use titanium, it has less chance of an allergy. Don't go to a place that uses clamps. It causes more tissue damage than, using a needle and hub. You can buy the H2Ocean that they sell, but using salt water solution at home is just as good.

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