They do? Unless their cyclists or swimmers can`t see a reason.
they do?
They do????????? YUK!!!!!!!!
They would do it if they were self-conscious about over-grown body hair, gross, i do it but i dont bare shave my legs i just shave off all the extra scruff so that im not looking like freakin bigfoot. i take the hair from ---- to - or --, not to the skin. Imagine the time it takes to do that tho, but my partner doesn't mind ;)
To "Walk on the Wild Side?"
i never knew that they do???? do they actually do that??
better aerodynamics when swimming
-to show off muscle tone -because they swim or bike competively
they dont like hairy legs?
Correction. *Some* men do. I think its weird, and there's no way I would do it.
To add to our beards.
My skirts look better that way.
I'm a guy and I shave my legs because it feels good to have soft silky smooth legs and I look better that way too!
to not get caught in the stockings *lol* The only men I know who do that are the cyclists & swimmers mentioned before or people who compete in body building contests.
Not to give anyone the wrong impression, but it is a far smaller percentage of men who do than who do not do this... Shaving ones legs is not considered to be a "masculine activity" by most people...
ItΒ΄s something most athletes do. It looks better and shows off their muscle tone. Imagine a runner in tights and thick black leg hair curling over their shorts...:D Everyone mentions cyclists and swimmers, but I know many judokas that shave legs and torso. Having someone grab your kimono and at the same time a fistfull of hair isn't fun...ouch! It's just a matter of personal taste, and personally I think it looks sexier without the gorilla look.
i shave my beard so that it grows back more, but other than that not much, i did when i was like 13 and that fucked my hair growing back times so i have like short and long ones on my legs lol, its not bad though...
I don't shave mine just trim them up a little bit.
Maybe they think they are too hairy, I do not know too many men that shave their legs.
So they can wear pantyhose
i wax my legs because my girl loves it, and because im an athlete (thai-boxing). most boxers i know shave and if you got the muscles it looks good.
It's part of the ritual for cyclists. It looks and feels good and should you crash, hair free gravel rash is easier to treat and heals quicker than hair covered skin.
Cyclists look fit and professional with shaven legs, besides if you fall off in competition gravel rash is far easier to treat without hair and your injury heals much quicker.
i did not know men did this, awwwwwwwwwwww my virgin eyes again :P oh crap
I dont. But it may have something to do with the known fact that women hate hair on men.
I used to shave my legs so I could swim faster.
Cause it looks sexy thats why. Why do girls shave their legs?
For me, its a reminder of my girlfriend when we're apart
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