• No. God does not talk to his people on earth as he did in the past to Moses and such. We are told that we are heard in prayer only by going through our mediator which is the resurrected Jesus Christ.
  • no,a nd i dont get the part where you said the way that born agin christians do?.and im one of jehovahs witness.
  • It is strange and funny; in every religion people claim God talks to them: Ahmadi Nedjat (president of Iran) claims the same as evangelical Christians : he has a relationship with God. If God speaks with Muslims, Catholics, evangelicals, Buddhists… why he leads them in different ways, why they disunite with each other?
  • If you listen, you will hear Him.
  • God talks to you through his written word through other men and women of God and through the holy Spirit and in prayer to Jehovah God in the name of Jesus and Jehovah's witnesses encourage you to pray frequently to Jehovah. The problem that I have with any religion saying that they are talking and communicating with God is that if you say you're talking and communicating with God but you're not out obeying the Great commission I seriously have to question who you're actually talking to. Jesus said go and make disciples of people of all the nations and baptize them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy Spirit and teach them to obey what I have said to do. Well if you claim to be saved as a Christian and that you're talking to God and the holy Spirit you need to bear in mind that it was the holy Spirit that made Christians eager to go out and obey the Great commission. So if you're talking to what you believe is God and you're not busy door knocking or standing on the street corner or over at Walmart handing out Bibles who are you really talking to?
  • God talks to you through his written word through other men and women of God and through the holy Spirit and in prayer to Jehovah God in the name of Jesus and Jehovah's witnesses encourage you to pray frequently to Jehovah. The problem that I have with any religion saying that they are talking and communicating with God is that if you say you're talking and communicating with God but you're not out obeying the Great commission I seriously have to question who you're actually talking to. Jesus said go and make disciples of people of all the nations and baptize them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy Spirit and teach them to obey what I have said to do. Well if you claim to be saved as a Christian and that you're talking to God and the holy Spirit you need to bear in mind that it was the holy Spirit that made Christians eager to go out and obey the Great commission. So if you're talking to what you believe is God and you're not busy door knocking or standing on the street corner or over at Walmart handing out Bibles who are you really talking to?
  • If you read Hebrews chapter 1 you will see exactly what Jehovah's witnesses believe as far as God speaking to them! Jehovah's witnesses believe in the written word of God as his voice and in the voice of Jesus Christ which is given through the holy Spirit individually to people by almighty God and Jesus Christ to help them in their everyday Christian Life.

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