Kids β†’ Parenting β†’ Parental love
  • Probably about the same. While I tried not to make the same mistakes my parents did, I made other mistakes so all in all, about the same.
  • I think I have more advantages than they had. My parents were great, but they were disadvantaged by income and having three kids. Will my children turn out better? Probably. Does that make me a better parent? No.
  • I hope so. My mom was emotionally abusive and felt the whole world, even her young children, were out to do her wrong and hurt her as well as the world 'owes her' just because she exists. And my dad was physically abusive.
  • I think I am much better...not that I think that my Parents didn't do a great Job, But I am the cool mom as my family puts it.
  • Better is subjective. I was very different from my mother.
  • I'm better in the sense I don't beat my children. I don't even hit them. My mum used to beat us with a stick, or whatever she could get her hands on LoL I don't resent her at all for this. I've heard many people say "I got slapped when I was a kid, so my kids should get a slap" Well I don't slap them cos I DID get slapped (& battered LoL) as a kid.
  • Yes I am and I would take my own life if I wasn't.
  • I don't want to say better but I can say I raised them different by showing my love.
  • Absolutely. My mom wasnt the mommy type. her and my dad divorced when I was born. Do you think I was the reason? LOL.
  • I believe I have been.
  • I hope that I will be if/when I have a child.
  • It's all relevant...They did what they thought was best, I did what I thought was best, and now my children are raising their children in ways they think are best. My parents were very strict--I was a more "reasonable" parent--and I think my sons are, because they had more freedom, raising their children with a bit more strictness. The pendulum swings.
  • I hope I was, my son and I did more things together than my father did. I hope that was enough while he was alive. I hope my father would have been proud.
  • I discovered when I was a stepdaddy that I suck as a parent....pretty much about as much as my dad sucked with me. I tend to think it's at least partially genetic and therefore decided it's my moral responsibility to end my dad's gene pool right here, right now, and not have nor raise kids of my own or someone else's. My sis had 2 kids w/ genetic metabolic defects as well...tho she and her excellent hubby are equipped to handle stuff like that...I'm not. No kids for me, thank you.
  • My mother tried... that is more than I can say for my father. I would hope that I am a better father than mine was. Like my mom did... I'm trying!
  • My parents were really great and i learnt alot from them. I would say i am an equal parent to them. I try to not spoil them (my kids), but to make them happy at the same time. You know how it is.
  • i try but my parents were great
  • doing the best we can, that's a mighty high standard to meet
  • I like to think I am. Only due to the horrible childhood i had due to my mother drinking and her boyfriend abusing me and my sister. I aim to give the love and protect my children in all the ways my mother never did for me. Made me a better person in one way but wish my childhood was a happy one.Even now 24 years later i am still not free of the pain.
  • Hell yes. My kids are better dressed, go to better schools, I'm involved in their school lives, communicate with their teachers on a regular basis. I talk to them and listen to them. We go to museums, movies, the park, sporting events, etc. together. I don't go out drinking, stay gone all weekend, and get DUI's (as my parents did). I don't physically abuse my kids (as my dad did). There's no revolving door on my bedroom.
  • well, if you think about it, because of your mother/father not being a very good parent, actually makes them a good parent in the end because u learned from that experience, from every negative results a positive. be greatful. You survived it, and now you are stronger.
  • No, in fact I call my mom when I need parenting advice sometimes
  • dad was far from perfect but he was mature and very dependable.I dont think im as good as him but i try.
  • Yes I am. My father and mother fought all the time. They abused me and said things to me that I would never dream of saying to my children. I also tell my children everyday at least 3 or more times a day that I love them and I hug and kiss my children every morning when they get up and every night when they go to bed and when ever they go to grandmas and pappys. My children and I are closer then my parents and I ever where.
  • My dad left when I was 11. My mother sexually abused me when I was 12. I had 4 step -fathers before I was 18. but by God I survived!!!! I became a great father to four sons. we did everything together. Now I am a grandfather. I am so blessed. My grandson 12 will come to the couch and snuggle up real close and we will read together. My parents were horrible but it made me absolutely determined never to be like them. I forgave my mother and took care of her in her last days. God loves broken people. He was always there for me in my pain and suffering.
  • I don’t think so. We certainly have our respective (and very different) strengths and weaknesses, but my parents were ultimately pretty good parents and I’m trying really hard to follow in their footsteps (despite also learning from their mistakes). Great question, btw!
  • No. I'm better in some areas. They were better in others. I had great parents. I hope my children regard me the way I regard my parents. I owe them so much.
  • In so many ways, but mostly because they had 8 children to deal with and I only had 2. I often wonder how they made it through all of those children and were still sane!
  • I hope i will be better than them... Since i'm not planning to hit my daughter with rattan when she have a bad grade or drop some dumb plate...

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